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Aug. 7th, 2015


Network post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

As best I can tell, my name is Pryce. It is what is on the leather volume I have tucked in my jacket. I seem to wear glasses at least some of the time. It is possible I am British, and thankfully I keep a well stocked liquor cart. And I am living with the most beautiful of women

Should anyone wish to join me in making it less well-stocked, the invitation is open.

Jul. 20th, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Lilah Morgan]
How do you feel about Jamaica?

Jun. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to friends of Lilah and Wes]
Formal invitations will come another time, but we've set a date: December 12, 2015. We're planning a destination wedding, so more details will be coming later, but keep that date and the week before it free if possible.

Jun. 20th, 2015


12/12/15. Save the date.

I'll be the one in the white dress.

And I'll possibly be wearing these as well.

Jun. 18th, 2015


The Tesseract saw fit to take a majority of my students from me in the last three months so I am now left with quite a number of vacancies. If you are interested in taking free magic lessons, or find yourself in need of guidance with newfound abilities, enrollment at Madame Mills School of Magic is currently open.

Filter: Friends
Dinner next week? My treat.

Filter: The Locksley-Mills
Father's Day is this Sunday but I see no reason why we can't celebrate it for the whole weekend. Within minutes I can have us all transported upstate and enjoying the elements. How do you feel about that?

Jun. 11th, 2015


Garden Party

This weekend the Potts Tower Youth Centre will be hosting a trip out to the Jazz Age Lawn Party even out on Governor's Island. The organizers of the even are offering discounted tickets through the PTYC, so anyone who wants to go just needs to sign up! Our budget will be covering the costs.

There'll be lots of great food, music, drinks -- and an excuse to wear suspenders and do the Charleston. I can't think of any better reasons to go than that!

[Johnny Storm]
Interested in coming with? You can bring a date.

Oh -- Have you built one of those wheels with girl's names on it yet, or has that been ruled too tacky?

Jun. 4th, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Just a reminder that the Potts Tower Book Club will be reading All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. Our first meeting for this month is Tuesday the 9th, in the Stark Room of Sam's Bar & Grill. The Book Club is a good way to introduce yourself to the culture of this world, and a good way to get to meet some of your neighbours. This book is historical fiction set in France and Germany during World War II, the story of a young French girl, Marie Laure, blinded at the age of 6, and a German boy, Werner and the places their lives cross paths. This book was the Pulitzer Prize winner for fiction this year.

[Filter: RSTF]
Looking through the papers it seems as if there have been some incidents up in the Village. Perhaps we ought to increase our patrols up there for the next few weeks, just make certain the incidents are not of a supernatural nature?

[Filter: Lilah]
So. A date. I've been asked for one. And I suppose that is the next step in this oddly mature journey we've decided to embark on.

Or we could elope.

But generally speaking, I think those are the two options.

May. 23rd, 2015


[Felix Blake]
I'd like to buy you a drink sometime.

May. 21st, 2015


Thank god this little event skipped me this time around.

[Felix Blake]
I saw your name on the guest list as well.
I'm going to be on NPR in two days.

May. 12th, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

Book club tonight, Stark Room, Sam's Bar & Grill. I'm ordering pizza so if anyone who plans on coming has a request... now is the time.

[Filter: Lilah]
I should have probably asked before now, but would you like the opportunity to show your ring off against a lovely dress? If so, would you like to accompany me to the prom this weekend?

[Filter: RSTF]
We have some new members to our group this week.

Thankfully we are no longer dealing with an immediate werewolf threat. Phoebe and Piper have been working with our current, native werewolf population, but we should be aware in the next month's full moon that we may see some additional ones we were previously unaware of - so let's keep our eyes open.

For those of you who have just joined us, I'm going to be at Widdershin's tomorrow afternoon and if you have time and opportunity to come by I can review those beings that we know we have in this reality, and begin a review of some that there is a chance we might see - the full list, of course, is anything in a book. But thankfully, the more popular a book title is, the more likely we are to see it, so that helps us narrow it a bit.

May. 10th, 2015


There ain't a decent man left in this town, and all the saints turn sinners, you put a bottle in their hand. There's just nowheres left to turn when the cops in this town are as crazy as two waltzing mice, and every fella is nothing but a cool snake in the grass.

When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world. Doesn't matter what people think, doesn't matter what they say. In a city gone bad, who can be blamed for doing the same?

[OOC: Tony is the femme fatale trope in a Film Noir dream. If you talk to him, I'll email you and we can discuss the "role" your character is, in the Film Noir dream world.]


To everyone who knew him, Ianto is gone.

[Whoverse/The Hub/Torchwood]
The tesseract took him back to die

Rose, Donna, look after The Hub, will you? I... need some time.


May. 2nd, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

This month's book club book is Offshore by Penelope Fitzgerald, we'll be meeting on the 1th to discuss it.

[RSTF + Harry Potter crew]
Severus, thank you for what you were able to do in assisting to pull Greyback out.

Thank you to everyone who has put in additional time for patrols through this whole ordeal, and has been willing to work with those who have been injured in the meantime. We can hope that we will have no more 'wild dog' or 'wolf' sightings this coming full moon now that Greyback is in SWORD custody.

For those of you who have been helping us, but are not on our team as a regular basis, if you are interested in continuing to assist with threats of this sort, we would welcome you - particularly we are in need of those who are willing to patrol throughout the week for signs of trouble.

Zoe has been returned, but we still have two natives to this world who are turning. Phoebe and Piper are you two willing to continue to work with them throughout the full-moon? We have one upcoming. If anyone else is willing to work with them, let me know and we'll arrange for you to do so.

Good work all.

The big bad wolf is behind bars, I'm not patrolling tonight, how do you feel about dinner, and a very long, luxurious night in following dinner?

[Danvers, Tonks, & Brand]
Thank you for your assistance with getting Greyback off the streets. May the tesseract remove him from your care soon.

Apr. 30th, 2015


Good news, everyone: I found my lucky tie.

A world without heroes is a scary place, isn't it? But the wrongfully-accused of this fair city can once again rest secure, knowing their champion is restored to his full potential. Your long night is over.

Or at least it will be, once the NYSBA approves my extraordinary motion for admission without examination. Schedule your consultations now!

Apr. 21st, 2015


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: RSTF + HP]
I want to thank all of you that responded to Sam's call earlier. Unfortunately, we still have a werewolf on the loose and we're counting down with less than two weeks to the next full moon.

We have a location and it matches what we've seen thus far. We need to pull him out. I believe we'd had some ideas of Severus using his connections to try to make a call out - Severus if you're willing to do that still, let's make it happen this week.

I'd like to get this bastard in a cage for good.

[Filter: Lilah]
How goes the slaughter?

Apr. 19th, 2015


Having watch SHIELD's efforts to surveil and identify superpowered individual with an exponentially larger budget, I rather doubt Senator Reilly's committee is anything more than big words and longer shadows.

[Filtered to Anne Weaver]
How do we feel about leaving Manhattan for an outer borough?

Apr. 16th, 2015


RP Log; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce & Lilah Morgan

Who: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce & Lilah Morgan
When: Tuesday evening, April 14
Where: Potts Tower, their apartment
What: Diamonds are a girls best friend.
Rating: A for Awwww

Here, in New York, it had progressed far beyond that, and Lilah had begun to actually think in terms of the future...one with Wes. )


Well it appears that discrimination against those infected affected by the White Event is indeed alive and well.

I was "let go" this morning as a result of the recent press regarding those affected, simply because my name is on a list. Drink first, lawsuit after

Apr. 15th, 2015


How could I possibly tell him no?

Apr. 12th, 2015


Network post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

It seems Faith has been returned home.

You've got your clocks, so you know it's not just Faith either. It removed three people from our patrol rotation with the addition of having removed Buffy from alternate - and we know she went out most nights - which means we're now low, per night. If there is anyone who isn't patrolling and would feel comfortable doing so, let me know.

In the meantime, we need to find Greyback.

This is a problem, and I don't want us to go through another full moon with him on the loose if we can keep from it. For those of you who are comfortable let me know - I'd like us to do some daylight patrols within the radius we've narrowed down from the location of the bites.

hopefully we get a break here.

I'm going to have to go out on patrol more frequently, but before I go out tonight - are you busy? And if you aren't busy - why aren't you in bed?

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