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Jun. 25th, 2013


Going to the movies has gotten infinitely better than watching tv as an escape.


Gotta admit, it was pretty nice getting to sit around and watch some terrorist broadcast on television without having to jump up and answer the call of an obnoxious red phone with a clueless mayor on the other side pleading me to help him for free. Nuh uh, not doing that again. City of New York, you are very lucky you have a ton of superheroes because this girl is done giving it away for free. I poured myself a bottle of wine, did my nails and listened to the kook. Still not as weird as a giant monkey, if you ask me.

Jun. 23rd, 2013




Jun. 20th, 2013


If I could go a day without being electrocuted, teleported, time jumped, attacked by Hell Lords/demons/evil dupes/anti-mutant leagues or brotherhood mutants, I'd damn sure appreciate it.


Jun. 3rd, 2013


Who is Aramis?

[ooc: Not feeling so hot, I'll get to comments this evening :-)]

May. 25th, 2013


I suppose I should be grateful that while this is the future, it is not the one where everything has been destroyed.

I don't suppose there are any rich egomaniacs who want to throw all of their money into fixing the past and the future, are there?

Either that or anyone who wants to fund a city in the clouds. I suppose I can do that again.

May. 4th, 2013


Are the vampires gone?

I'd really like to go to this I think:


Would anyone like to join me? It would be very interesting to see the finds of this world as opposed to my own, I think [...] I wonder if

May. 3rd, 2013


Burger Week is the BEST week, no matter which New York you're in. Five stars, would recommend again, A+++++


Alright, I'll try this again. My name is Methos. While I'm a little over five thousand years old, I remember little of my life. I remember flashes here and there of course, such as working on the pyramids, learning the trade of a stone cutter in Petra. My life only really becomes clear when I arrived in Greece. Plato was a good friend. Sun Tzu, one hell of a teacher. I may or may not have inspired the tale of Frankenstein. Anyone, most of it seems to be online. Disturbing.

I'll admit that I wasn't always on the straight and narrow, but that was a few thousand years ago.

And I'm from the Highlander universe. The whole 'there can be only one' catchphrase? That's the one. Okay.

May. 1st, 2013


Vampires I'd never expected them to I have seen, and heard of, all sorts of strange creatures throughout my life but I must say that these vampires are amongst the strangest.

I'd become so preoccupied, rightfully I believe, with the news surrounding them that I'd forgotten all about Beltaine. Or May Day, I recall hearing someone say. It is strange not to be participating in the festivals as I would while traveling in Albion. Nevertheless, it is good to hear that some of the traditions carried over even through so many years.

Apr. 28th, 2013


This...this is EXTRAORDINARY! Wizarding folk! I have just learned of magic that muggles have discovered!


I have eaten 3 bowls of this wonder food, though I think I might have gotten myself a bit sick...

Molly, Lucy...have you experienced this miracle?

Apr. 22nd, 2013


I am learning more about the world at present with each passing day; however, I am still unable to discern a proper or even patterned courtship ritual among people in this city. Does such a tradition even exist? Also, if one does, does it require (as I have heard mention) a suit and tie?


Wow, Tesseract. It would be nice if you at least gave people a chance to say goodbye.


I've been here for a little under a week now, but I think I've managed to get the hang of things.

1. Some doors are electronic and open up when you walk up close enough to them. That one really freaked me out the first time. I had to stop and walk through it a couple more times before I trusted it entirely.

2. Some computers are "touchscreens" like the one where you buy your subway pass. You have to actually touch them to get them to work. Someone in line behind me finally started pushing the buttons for me because they were really impatient, but at least now I know how to work it.

3. I was too afraid wary of the Empire State Building's elevator system so I took the stairs. I had go slow because I was behind an elderly lady trying to make the same trek, but the view was the most beautiful I've ever seen in my life. I wish I could see it at night.

4. I'm not sure what pastrami is, but it's my new favorite thing. I've never eaten so much meat in my entire life. Don't even get me started on the ice cream and frozen goods. We never had anything like that back home.

Apr. 20th, 2013


[filtered from comics Selina]

That's not me.

Apr. 18th, 2013


There were plenty of human firsts that I didn't mind or didn't bother me that much, but I would take stepping on Legos on repeat over getting this sick.

Anyone have suggestions for a television marathon? Since I was told to get back into bed and stay there. And Animal Planet is starting to lose its appeal.


That computer knows more about me than I do. That's a little disconcerting. I can't have been the only one. Anyone else?

How much is a beer in 2013 anyway?

Apr. 17th, 2013


I spent the last five minutes just flicking the light switch in my room on and off and just smiling.

Wow. I never thought I would see electricity again. It's been so long I hardly remember it at all, but here's this computer sitting in front of me and it's not just a piece of junk that doesn't work. The last time I saw electricity I was five years old. I'm nearly 21 now. It took me a good half hour just to figure out how it works, but I think I have the hang of it now. I used to watch my Mom on the computer writing e-mails. And now I'm never going to see her again. She left again

So, 2013? I guess this means it's a different timeline all together. That's what they said when I came through that blue ball of light anyway. Where I come from the entire world loses electricity in 2012. I think I've got a lot to learn.

Apr. 3rd, 2013


I'd heard a number of various things involving Renaissance Faires since I first arrived in New York; however, this is the first I've seen of Medieval Times. It was mentioned to me recently and I was told that it was an enjoyable time. It doesn't certainly appears to be interesting. I find myself particularly curious of the jousting competition. If any of my students were interested, I could look further into the location and its pricing; we could possibly organize to see a show at a later date. It would be beneficial to view a joust in person. Any one else interested is more than welcome to come along. Or if you would prefer to go alone, I shall place the link at the end of the post.



I just realized something - Merlin used magic on me when we first met. I don't know why it didn't occur to me when we were watching the show last night.

How many other times have you used magic on me, Merlin?

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