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Dec. 7th, 2014


Private to Dr. Alana Bloom

[Private to Dr. Alana Bloom]

Hey, could I talk to you sometime soon?

Dec. 2nd, 2014



Now, the hard part is to try to get Batman to NOT knock over any of the ornaments.

Nov. 27th, 2014


[Filtered to Kate Kane, Mass Effect people, Ashley Williams]

So Ash and I are doing dinner, and it shouldn't be anything to fancy, but if you guys wanted come, I thought I'd extend the offer.

Nov. 9th, 2014


How many other musicians are there among us? I'm a drummer. I'd say I'm a better singer than you might imagine, but knowing who I am here, it might not actually be surprising.


I am uncertain as to what the difference between brunch and breakfast is.

However I find both to be very tasty, Edible Complex.

Nov. 2nd, 2014



Looks like the politicians are actually useful for something.

I've been going over the bases here with the locals that we'll have in charge. Skeleton crews all around, but at least they're somewhat safer than they were last week.


Guess who can legally come back into the country.

Oct. 24th, 2014


So I hope most of you should know me by now, but my name's Det. Renee Montoya, NYPD by way of Gotham. This past year the Tesseract's given us one of Gotham's own, a man as Jonathan Crane, aka the Scarecrow. Crane's a psychopath who has been linked to several high profile bioterrorist attacks including one on our tower last year. At one incident last weekend at Hank's Pumpkintown, for all appearances, the Tesseract took him back.

What I'm asking, and what the NYPD wants to make sure, is that it has. And that any sort of of remaining cells are swept up. I know a lot of you are boots to the pavement sorts. So what I'm asking is if you hear any rumblings that sound like scarecrow, pass it along my way. [Number] is the NYPD's tipline. [Number] is my cell phone number. Or I can be filtered on here. Tips can be anonymous.

[Filtered to Kate Kane]
You remember Quinn?

Crane never had a lieutenant like that, right?
[Filtered to Ashley Williams]
So I got my own task force. That doesn't feel like something to be celebrating.
[Filtered to People at Avengers Mansion yesterday]
Same goes for you guys, you remember anything you want to add, I will make note of it.

Oct. 19th, 2014


[SHIELD Science]

Meet me at [address] when able.

I've some samples that we need to analyze. As well as copies of our previous antidote that proved unsuccessful against this updated gas. However it could contain building blocks for a new antidote.


Anyone who can provide assistance to science today, it would be appreciated.

If you can't, you are certainly welcome to bring us take out.

Oct. 10th, 2014


[Text to Kate Kane]
-- Hey.
-- Are you in the City for that UN thing too?

Oct. 9th, 2014


I miss being in the country this time of year.

How is Kira handling Felix's disappearance?
I hope that you are doing well wherever it is that you are. I hadn't spoken to you in some time, and while I knew you were out of the country, disappearances here have not been as noted as they were before.

Is there something I could help you with over the network?
It's been some time. I take it things are going well.

Oct. 8th, 2014



All right everyone. Try to put on your best "not a terrorist" face for the crowd. Stick to the talking points we've got. Hopefully we'll have some good news by the end of all this.

If it all blows up in our faces, well, it'll be an honor going dark with you all. Again.


Wish me luck. Because I'd sure as hell like to come home sooner rather than later.

Oct. 3rd, 2014


Filter to New SHIELD, Coventry
Some of you may already know this, but we'll be in front of the U.N. at promply 0930 local time on Wednesday, October 8. We've been vetted by France and Greece prior to this, and today Parliament in the UK has also chosen to do the same. We're having a videoconference at 1300 UTC via normal channels for such things. Please plan on attending if you're able.

This has come up previously, and so I'm going to state it here for those who are uncertain: we will dress as the officials and professionals that we are. That means business suits for all, with a skirt optional for those who wish to go that route.

Ladies and gentlemen, never in recent memory has teamwork been so important to us. We must present a unified front of an organization determined to protect the peoples of this world from the scourge that is HYDRA.


Network Post: Kate Kane

It's that time... (at least in my current time zone.) So basically, please NOBODY POST ABOUT FOOD. OR ELSE.

Oct. 1st, 2014


I told you they were innocent! And now you all seem to be starting to wise up. SHIELD now, SHIELD forever!

Oh man oh man I even have the new line ups trading cards! With sleeper HYDRA special cards. I need agent autographs.

Sep. 30th, 2014


Filter to Coventry
There's potentially some exciting news coming down the line. A few of you lot may want to join me in sprucing up your wardrobes.

Sep. 25th, 2014


Network Post: Kate Kane

שָׁנָה טוֹבָה וּמְתוּקָה, especially to everyone else observing it.

Nice timing on taking the Citadel. That was huge.

After all these moves we've made lately, I want some time to observe the High Holy Days. If some kind of emergency comes up, obviously that's a reason to call me up for duty, but otherwise, I'd like to have that time. Any objections?

[OOC: backdated to last night because I was working whoops]

Sep. 16th, 2014



Suit up team. We've got a lead. Intercepted some chatter that looks like HYDRA might be moving on a supply drop.

We've limited time to move on this, chatter has them out of France and then out of our reach in the next few hours.

We need to take some alive. This could be a golden opportunity as far as information.

Nick, pick a team in case this has trap laid out all over it. The rest of you France side are with me on the ground.

Sep. 15th, 2014


[Filtered to Coventry + New SHIELD]

So what do ya wear to impress a Frenchman?

I've only ever had luck with the women.

Sep. 7th, 2014


Text Messages: Kate to Renee


» Hey.
» Happy birthday.
» Do you actually age if you don't have a face?

Sep. 5th, 2014


[Text Message to Kate Kane]
-- Hey
-- We're down in Garage 2.
-- Come help us unload
[ETA: Text to Val de Fontaine]
-- Do I look any older to you?

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