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May. 16th, 2015


Uuugh, you know what's worse than boys who suck? Boys who suck but you thought they were perfect because they led you to believe that and then when the truth comes out, they BLAME YOU for being misleaded!

I have a really bad headache. Does anyone have half a bottle of Tylenol to spare?

Apr. 17th, 2015


Uuuugh why must college require so much WRITING? Why is it always like.. describe this-and-that about yourself essays? Why can't I just submit a fic and be like "look I'm this talented, just take me"???

Apr. 9th, 2015


Network Post; Fox Mulder

How early is to early to start your kid on Star Trek? Original series mind you. I can only take so many lens flares before I want to hit something.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
Do me a favor - give me one lie and two truths.


Okay, I propose going to Six Flags on Sunday in Jackson, NJ. Because that's the best way to end a spring break in which all I did was catch up on all the things I can do that did not include anything on college, which is something I could have done at home anyway but SIX FLAGS. My parents would be super duper wary of all the rides, so I'd never get the chance to go during a spring break back home.

But how do I survive without knowing how the Kingda Ka experience is like?!

Mar. 29th, 2015


Oh, snap, move over, Hawkeyes.

Mar. 17th, 2015


To all of those who helped out in whatever capacities you could in the past few days, I would like to thank you.

You've all provided a selfless service to your fellow man. There's a lot we still don't know about what the Celestials wanted or how this happened, but I do know that this world is going to continue to need our help to recover.

[Abigail Brand]

So think they'll give us a month or two before the next world ending crisis?

[Luke Skywalker]

Your niece mentioned that you were among those most affected by the Celestial's illness.

I gather that you've recovered?

Mar. 16th, 2015


Why not just make the decision to let us live forever? Like, that would be great. I'm pretty sure if it's not your plague, it'll probably be, like.. global warming and anti-vaxxer's diseases getting us anyway.

Mar. 7th, 2015


network post: azari

Filtered: House of Life / Next Avengers
Sadie, Dr. Strange, just... how big and powerful a person could you put into a pocket dimension? Like a really large powerful jail cell. Locked, could be unlocked - but not by anyone - and communicated with. This Judge may not want to give Earth our day in court, but then... I doubt most planets he judges have much say so in getting one. And if nothing else, even if he would not listen, it would buy us time.

Mar. 5th, 2015


Network Post; Anakin Solo

So there were the green glittery Master Yoda jelly beans, and then there was the Master Yoda toy car, and now we have Master Yoda - kaleidoscope?

Cut for image not filtered )

I swear I don't go looking for these things they just are there and impossible to ignore.

[Filter: Anakin2]
So. I didn't actually know you had an apprentice of your own. Which is kind of cool. She seems nice.

[ETA after this around 3am: Skywalker & Solo Men, & Jon]

Mar. 2nd, 2015


network post: azari

Filtered: Sadie Kane
Have you considered trying to graduate early? You know more than enough to be going to college or somewhere else.
Filtered: Sadie Kane, James Rogers, Kamala Khan, Illyana Rasputina
Everyone's been trying to reach out to White Event people. SHIELD, SWORD, X-Men, Avengers, anyone who knows anything to help them. We only hear about some of it, but I thought we could look for teenagers, people who wouldn't want to talk with cops or adults who think they know better. We're more like their peers, and if we find them, they may be willing to talk.
I don't know whether I believe the NYPD is retraining 22,000 cops based on the lesson Patrick Swayze's character Dalton from the movie Road House, but it's not bad advice: be nice, don't take things personally. And it's enough reason to watch the movie. If anyone wants in, it is Patrick Swayze.

Feb. 9th, 2015


Filter: Mark Sim
Hey! So Saturday.. is just a Saturday The only day I have that's free sjsdhgjdf I rather be fighting a giant

So remember the time we went over to Jersey and find those places that serve one of the best Indian food on this side of the country?? I was wondering if you'd like to do that again sometime this week!

Feb. 8th, 2015


Someone better explain how I can return home right now. I'm needed there.

Jan. 24th, 2015


That moment when you walk out of Starbucks with a cup labelled GRANT because, even though it's such a 19th century name, it's still easier to spell than Bartholomew.

Jan. 23rd, 2015


You know what I never thought I would have to consider while on an extended vacation from home and from the rest of my family? College.

So instead of considering, I'm going to stay away from that scary thought with a request for fanfic ideas because I got a Valentine's Day fanfic contest to enter! I'm currently having a massive writer's block. :(

Jan. 21st, 2015


Dude who put the gross graffiti on the side of the tower.

It's creepy as hell. This whole "If they glow, you know" is in a couple places around the city I've seen today.

[Added] Any of you glowing people, if one of these assholes starts messing with you let me know. You need out, I'll get you an out.

Jan. 19th, 2015



I would like to thank each and every one of you for the hard work and dedication that you have put in since my accident.

While I will not be able to resume my post until I have recovered, I would also like to thank each of you that has visited me. You are the best team on this planet and if anyone is going to figure out what's going on with these events, it's you.


I have the vaguest feeling that it's sort of my fault you're stuck running this operation on your own. Is that a right feeling?

[Dr. Crusher, Dr. Strange, and Rachel]

Thank you. Without the three of you, well, I'm not sure if I'd have any chance of getting anything back. And I don't think a half kree with emotional instability and memory lapses is something this world really needs right now.

[Friends([OOC]Anyone who would consider themselves friendly with Carol. She's a little confused still on who that might be)]

I'm sorry I've dropped off the map. I've been sick. Still won't be home for a bit yet.

Jan. 12th, 2015


Network Post; Anakin Solo

For once I haven't seen some ridiculous item with someone's face from my reality on it. I do have a cup with a crab on it though, thanks for that Dad.

[Filter: Jaina & Jacen]
I'm signing you both up for a class with me.

[Filter: Rikki]
Guess what?

[Filter: Jon]
Are you patrolling tonight?


Okay, so teleporting to a new dimension is pretty crazy, but have you guys seen all the new menu items at Taco Bell? What the hell's a crunchwrap slider? I don't know but it looked good. And everything is improved, too. People are holding phones that you can touch with just your finger, no stylus needed! People thought I was crazy when I stared in awe at some of the features technology can do now. I feel so out of touch, it's embarrassing.

Anyways, hi, I'm Peter. I suppose I'm one of you guys now?

Jan. 8th, 2015


Filter to Algebra I and II, English Composition, Women's Studies students, and Delta Advising Group
Hello! I'm sorry that I'm posting this so late in the week, but as you're probably aware, it has been quite a busy week for everyone as we settle back into the halls of learning and begin the process of truly readying ourselves for the Regents Exams at the end of the school year. As a reminder, my classes meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and my office hours on those days will be 8-10 a.m. and 4-6 p.m. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, I will try to make myself as available to you as possible, but please remember that I am also a co-director of the PTYC, and so may not be in my office all the time on those days. If you have any questions or need an adult to talk to, please, please, please do not hesitate to come to me! My cell number is [number], and I live in room 2501. Any and all of you are invited to text, call, or visit me at any time!

To my advising group: I would like to set aside a time to meet with each of you individually within the next week or two, to go over what you've done so far, and you still need in order to advance to the next level of your education, or to graduate. Please get in contact with me, or you will find me bugging you.

Filter to Steve
Is it too early to begin planning a vacation away from New York for this summer?

Jan. 6th, 2015


Can we go back to winter break? I wasn't done with that yet.

Ugh maths.

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