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Apr. 2nd, 2013


I thought second opinions were supposed to work with me, not against me.

Mar. 28th, 2013


Diet Soda Justice has been giving me an evil look all day. Which I think is Renee's fault, since I had to pick him up from the vet today. Or it could be that I've been making jokes about his cone since I picked him up as I'm pretty sure he knows what I'm saying. Still, can't have him running around trying to have little soda babies. No dead beat doggie dads on our watch.

Mar. 25th, 2013


Maybe I've judged the existence of our video games too harshly. The fact that these even exist...

OOC cut for gifs. )

Well. There's obviously something magical happening there. Saving these for the next time you jerks mock my dancing.

Especially yours, Kaidan.

Mar. 24th, 2013


Note to self: Getting ready for a job interview while nerfs are flying around is challenging. It's like a flashback to when we were all told to wear "sensible footwear."

Mar. 18th, 2013


I'm never drinking with you again, Ash. And I thought my implant headaches were bad.

Mar. 16th, 2013


» Hey Shield Agent Alenko
» There's green beer. GREEN.
» I'm kidnapping you.
» We should be drinking it.

Mar. 12th, 2013


There's been a lot of negativity around the tower lately. I know this situation is far from ideal for many of you, and stressful for most. There's a lot of trite crap I could say about making the best of things, but I'm not going to bore you with any of that.

I just want to say that I'm damn grateful for the people I've gotten to meet here and even more glad that everyone in this universe isn't being systematically exterminated by a race of giant, synthetic aliens. Oh, and that I'm not dead. That's a pretty big plus.

Anyway, there's a place in Brooklyn called Park Slope Chip Shop that will deep fry just about anything you want. So the next time you're feeling pissed off, I recommend taking a breath, remembering that your life could be a hell of a lot worse, and taking a trip out for the deep fried mac & cheese.

Just, don't make a habit of it. I'm pretty sure that shit can kill you.

[OOC Note: Potential rape trigger warning for discussion in comments]

Mar. 8th, 2013


Kelly sell aye

oh you bosh'tet oh-there.

it's soooo much easier to dance and drink when you're not being weighed down by thermal dampeners

but i miss the normandy

hahahahaha dampeners damp is a gross word but you know what word i do like? wuhshuwuhshuwuhshuuum.

wait is that a ono

oh no



[OOC: Drunk dancing is happening with space peeps + friends! Pretend this is around midnight from the club!]


Mr. Pike got me feeling nostalgic, and it's Friday. We're going out tonight, so put on your dancing shoes.

Shepard, it's up to you if you want me to invite Carol. I need a few drinks before I'm up for you glaring at me.


Most embarrassing thing you've ever done? While under the influence of a substance or otherwise?

I drunk texted McCoy thinking it was you last night. If you don't hear from me in a few days, come looking. I think the good Doctor is displeased with me again. Granted, he has good reason to be.

Sorry. And thank you.

I had a lovely time again last night. Though I should probably cut back on the drinking. If the weather's nice this weekend, would you like to go do something?

Mar. 3rd, 2013


Fruit! Think of all the fruit!

Garrus would probably love the support, Normandy Crew, since I'm dragging him along.

Feb. 26th, 2013


Text to Kaidan Alenko )

Text to Sister Witches Piper & Paige )

Feb. 22nd, 2013


Texts to Ashley Williams )

Texts to Phoebe Halliwell )

Feb. 14th, 2013


Who: Kaidan Alenko & Phoebe Halliwell
When: Friday night @ 7
Where: Starting at Phoebes #2307 & to a restaurant.
What: A Date
Rating: TBD

A first date )

Feb. 12th, 2013


I wish I didn't know.

Feb. 11th, 2013


Normally prefer to send electronic mail to Normandy Crew to assist with romantic advice. Would be willing to provide service to anyone in Potts Tower if need arises. Have studied work of Abigail Van Buren extensively. Can co-opt idea and generate 'Dear Mordin' column.

If in need of advice, submit email to mordin.solus@pottstower.com. Cleverly named signatures appreciated. Will select and respond to interesting quandaries on Thursday. Anonymity will be respected.


So Thursday is Valentine's day!

I'm so excited because I've never had a boyfriend on Valentine's day before and this is so exciting! I mean, it doesn't matter how pretty you are if you're alone, right? I mean, Valentine's Day still sucks if you're all alone.

And my boyfriend is definitely the best of all the boyfriends out there, so I'm sure we're going to have a great time.

What is everyone else doing for Valentine's day? And what are all you poor single people doing?

Feb. 9th, 2013


We had our share of hard winters back home - and let's be serious, compared to the fucking miracle of central heating and high-pressure running hot water, every winter was a solid-frozen hell - but snow there was a patch, a cover, a nice, neat drop cloth over the misery that's always been February. A man could look out his window, if he was lucky enough to have one, and delude himself for a few minutes that he lived in a place that wasn't swimming in filth (even if it was a familiar, endearing sort of filth). For men who enjoy deluding themselves - like me - it was a nice rite of winter, a little reprieve, a day or two when people kept themselves and all their mess inside for once and left the streets to nature, which everyone seems to think can do a better job than centuries of human -

Anyhow, it often took a full half a week for the white to get churned up and brown and impossibly mixed with ash. Here it hasn't lasted twelve hours. I stepped out this morning (damned early, too, because even up on the twenty-fifth floor the sound of old, pitted metal scraping on asphalt is pretty hard to miss) and it was every last bit of it piled, grey, efficiently set aside in favor of the newspapers and tire tracks we laid down two days ago. The only decent slice of oblivion a storm can give you around here is the blackout while the stuff's coming out of the sky, the obstruction of the lights and the skylike by the sheer physical solidity of the precipitation. And then, it can't hide even the Brooklyn Bridge as cleanly as it blacks out the stars.

I was looking forward to pretending this city had never happened, but it got up earlier than I did. Go figure.

Feb. 5th, 2013


Are they doing tours of the Tower now?

Feb. 4th, 2013


I'm just gonna leave this here while I research places to print things out poster size.

Now I just need to get that stupid song out of my head. )

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