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Feb. 20th, 2013


If anyone needs hot water, I've got plenty and I won't be around much today to use it anyway. Just seeing a lot of complaints and trying to help out if I can.

In other news, Die Hard this weekend. Who's in?

Feb. 15th, 2013


RP Log: Kara and Joseph!

Who: Joseph Curry/AJ/Joe/Aquaman and Karen Starr/Kara Zor-L/Peej/Power Girl
When: Tuesday, February 12th - Mid-Afternoon
Where: Kara's Shop
What: Chit-Chat, A Sneeze, and a Question
Rating: PG, dear god is it PG.

'Did the fish need schooling? Was a whale blue?' )

Feb. 11th, 2013


Huh. I guess I never even asked if the Pope could resign.

[Filtered to DCU (extended)]
So Harvey
Look what I found. For those of us who apparently still exist in the comics.

Feb. 9th, 2013


I've made six prototype versions of my snow removal device, if anyone wants to sign up to test it for me. I have an electronic form to fill out for questions and requirements on how often it needs to be used. It's perfect for people who walk around the city a lot or are going to be outside a fair amount, and I'd love some feedback and testing!

Garrus and I are going to Disney World on Tuesday! As um, a belated honeymoon? Vacation? Escape from snow? Anyway, we'll be back on Sunday, so expect us to be quiet for a week or so. (You're welcome, Shepard)

We don't have any pets or anything to take care of while we're gone so this is just a "if we're missing, that's why" information-type post.

Requests for souvenirs now or forever hold your peace!

[OOC: Anyone can be on the filter if Tali's talked to the character/knows them/they're from space/future, that's fine with me!]

Feb. 8th, 2013


Who wants to buy me a drink?


[Filtered to DCU]
Hey, any of you know someone kind of handy with inventions? I was just talking to someone about how I have to spend a few hours every day out in the ocean and I got to thinking, Arthur (the first Aquaman) had a suit that made it to where he could stay on land indefinitely. I guess I'm wondering if that's possible for me, too.

Anyway, if you know anyone or have any ideas, I'm all ears (not gills, I can already sense Dick's coming up with a joke).
[End Filter]

Feb. 7th, 2013


Here's a story about my morning. I'm out getting coffee down the street and three young women come running over to me screaming with excitement. I've seen some of you talking about tourists and I figured that's what all this was about.

So they come up and finally get their screams under control, then ask for autographs and tell me how much they love me. Which is kind of flattering. I try to be friendly and appreciative, signing whatever they ask me to.

Which is when the excitement seems to stop. "You're not Sawyer? From Lost?" Apparently saying No, I'm Joe, though you probably know me as Aquaman is probably the worst possible answer. I got an "Oh," then they trudged back to the bus they had jumped out of.

Moral of the Story: I think I'm going to start telling people I'm Sawyer from Lost.

And I'm starting to think mistaken identity is becoming a theme for some of us in the Tower.


Why didn't anyone warn me it was Girl Scout cookie season? My bank account isn't pleased with me at the moment.

Anyway, with the blizzard not long after a pretty bad hurricane, there's lots of volunteer work and charity things going on coming up, if people are interested in helping out or need something productive to do with their weekend:
  • FLoS is looking for a few nerd-brain types to help with a science fair they have coming up, including tutoring and helping teach the kids some new experiments. They're looking for volunteers up through March, too. [Number]

  • Kids' Mobile Library needs volunteers for reading to homeless children this weekend. It's something they've been doing for a while, but ramped things up after the attack last summer left a lot of people without homes.

  • Meal Service this weekend and next for a soup kitchen in the Bronx. [Address]

  • The Red Cross are always looking for blood & platelet donations, if you can give.

  • And this weekend there's an ice-skating fundraiser in Harlem to help kids in the area raise money for their figure skating lessons and training. It's $15, and you get a raffle ticket, hot cocoa and skate rental.
  • Feb. 6th, 2013


    Are plastic fumes poisonous? Google was of no help.


    [Filtered to Susan Pevensie Hastings]
    Mrs. Hastings,

    Due to Mr. Saltzman's sudden departure, you will now be inheriting his History class. If you can find time to visit my office today, I shall give you the pertinent information and you may begin first thing tomorrow.

    Susan Sto Helit

    [Filtered to Moya, Clove, Tris Prior, Bonnie Bennett, Kate Bishop, Elena Gilbert, Usagi Tsukino, Henry Mills, Maria DeLuca, Frank Zhang, Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, James Potter, Claire Bennett]

    As I know many of you are already aware, Mr. Saltzman has been taken back through the Tesseract. Your history class will be continuing under the direction of Mrs. Hastings as of tomorrow. For those of you for whom Mr. Saltzman served as academic advisor, you will have a new one as soon as a suitable candidate can be found.

    For those of you who were personally close with Mr. Saltzman, I am sorry he was obliged to leave without proper farewells. He is a fine teacher and a good man, and he will be missed.

    [Filtered to Anne Shirley and Lily Evans]
    Miss Shirley and Miss Evans -

    Due to Lieutenant Paris's sudden departure, I'm afraid we are without a teacher for your 19th and 20th century history class. I am working to find a replacement as soon as possible, and will advise you of such when I have succeeded.

    Have we any history enthusiasts with particular interest in the 19th and 20th centuries who would possibly be interested in picking up 3-5 hrs/wk of volunteer teaching time?

    Feb. 5th, 2013


    Who the hell is Superman.

    Feb. 4th, 2013


    It appears we're in need of a new housing assistant now that Tara is gone. She and Willow were looking after floors 20 and 21. We're looking for someone over the age of 18. You must be from a time period within the last 10-20 years and a world similar to this one, as you'd be expected to help new arrivals get acclimated if they're from a different time or a different world. You'll need to understand how to help them find a job, how to help them navigate the public transportation system, modern currency, and so on. We'd like for you to have been here for two months or longer, but we may be flexible on that depending on the circumstances (for example, if you're native to a modern New York in your own world). This is a volunteer position, and it does come with a single room.

    If you're interested, please contact me privately here and we'll let you know shortly. Thank you.

    Jan. 25th, 2013


    [Filtered to Peej]
    Any big plans this weekend?
    [End Filter]

    For those curious, the NY Aquarium is still closed til further notice due to the storm damage, and we're buckling down for this incoming weather, but I wanted to at least put it out there that we're to the point where private tours can at least come through - as long as you excuse the "Pardon our Dust" type of signs.

    That being said, I want to put out a belated thanks to everyone that's spent time helping rebuild everything from housing to playgrounds to even just handing out food the last month or so. You've really made a different to a lot of people.

    Jan. 14th, 2013


    [ Filtered to Joseph Curry ]

    I'm getting Wonder Woman as a roommate.

    Did my room just get more awesome, or what? :)

    [ /Filter ]

    [ Filtered to Emma Frost ]

    Hi! I know we talked a little about the potential that you might do some modeling for SuperSuds! I just wanted to let you know that January's scents are just about done, if you'd like to negotiate. If you're too busy now that you're teaching again, I totally understand though!

    [ /Filter ]

    Jan. 9th, 2013


    Things that have occurred to me in the last week include:
    • Gainful employment. Sorry protestors.
    • Learning never to leave without shark repellant
    • A craving for the insanely hot chili.

    This is no mere foot stuff. Galactic protectors turn red and gasp for water by the bucket load with this stuff, so if I make it right, it should be pretty funny. If people want to give it a try, they're welcome to.


    [Filtered to Kara Zor-El / Power Girl]
    You know, I'm rocking this Rupert Giles scent. There's worse things that going around smelling of caramel. I just want to keep picking up a book and approaching young girls to tell them they're the next Slayer.

    Which I won't.

    Because I might get arrested.
    [End Filter]

    All right. First week of the new year is over - how many resolutions have you already broken?

    Jan. 8th, 2013


    My handsome roommate ala Instagram, about 30 seconds after waking me up and scaring the shit out of me this afternoon. He's lucky I don't have superhuman reflexes.

    [ooc: I know this is Jurassic Park, but let's pretend it's not, okay? OKAY. It just looks similar. THANKS.]

    Jan. 7th, 2013


    For the record? J. Jonah Jameson exists in this world too. I went to the Daily Bugle today to see about some freelance work to keep me occupied during SHIELD training and he put me on the blog. Told me all about his "News Blog" and the "high quality stories" people write for him and then followed it up with telling me to fill in the gap that he's missing and write a column that has to do with "things women care about".

    He doesn't even know how close he came to being punched out of a window.

    Jan. 4th, 2013


    There is absolutely nothing in the world more frustrating than feeling powerless. And I'm not talking about being brought through from wherever to this New York -- those are circumstances, those you buck up and deal with. I'm talking powerless. Like not being able to reach the top fucking shelf in the kitchen without wanted to keel over in pain. Useless. Decommissioned. Up shit creek without a paddle. Fucked.


    I have a favour to ask you. Might be a bit of a big one.

    Jan. 3rd, 2013


    Despite how I feel this morning, I'm not dying, but I could use hangover food recommendations.

    It's, uh, been a while.

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