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May. 21st, 2014


I set Regina on fire.
I am so so sorry.

May. 18th, 2014


For dinner tonight, I am having Sandwiches de concombre sans pain, assaisonné avec de la sauce Tabasco, le sel et le poivre. Avec un côté de l'oeuf à la coque, pour les protéines. I don't know about the life choices of the rest of you, but mine are exemplary.

[Caroline Forbes]
I have a few questions regarding the patronage of your establishment, if you don't mind.


Network Post: Regina Mills / Evil Queen

Filter: Mary Margaret
How would you feel about having dinner one night this week?

Filter: Emma
Consider this an olive branc While it may not be entirely necessary here I've thought about this more than once. How do you feel about learning to control your magic?

Filter: OUAT
You can choose to answer or not. The choice is ultimately yours to make. But seeing as there are quite a number of us here now...as far as your memories go what is the last thing you remember from our world?

May. 11th, 2014


Who: Victor & Jefferson
When: 5/11
Where: Back in Potts Tower, their apartment
What: Jefferson broods. Victor is mildly less inclined to. And then they talk.
Rating: Probably low.

This was hour six in a marathon, now. )


Well, it appears we've exhausted our options and our funds on our trip to Maine, and have returned to this -- Potts Tower. Charming place. Really. Nicely...decorated.

And am I to understand that SHIELD can help clearing up the matter of qualifications? Because there's a job at the OCME that's caught my eye.

May. 9th, 2014


I give u Who the hell is Bucky?

May. 6th, 2014


When you're finished whatever it is you're doing, you should know I've checked us in to Kennebunkport's Captain Lord, because it sounded promising. And because it promised a "luxurious yet comfortable" experience, and I don't know how you like your luxury, but I hate mine when it's uncomfortable.

You know I googled Storybrooke. I didn't care much for what I found.

May. 2nd, 2014


Who: Dr. Whale & Jefferson
When: After their SHIELD processing.
Where: Potts Tower (Room 1108)
What: Discussing what in the hell is going on.
Rating: PG-13

Portal Jumping is your area of expertise, you twit. )

Sep. 27th, 2013


No matter what they tell you, kids, always have your vehicle checked out by a reputable mechanic before you take it on what turns out to be a cross-country jaunt. Sitting in Biloxi, waiting for the tow truck.

Sep. 23rd, 2013


One hour surrounded by a bunch of handsy demons and I didn't even get cheesecake.

Gwen, I'm okay. I'm just late getting back to the SHIELD building now.

Sep. 16th, 2013


Who: Jaina Solo & Jefferson
When: Backdated to September 10, 2013
Where: A random park near the tower
What: Virtual strangers drink booze out of paper bag-covered bottles and ramble at each other for a bit before deciding there are better ways to spend the night.
Rating: PG-13, pretty tame.

'Wallow not. Young, you are. Life, you still have far ahead of you.' )

Sep. 15th, 2013


Filter: OuaT-verse and other friends
I swear I haven't disappeared. I've just been too preoccupied to really check the network for anything. Or I'm just one of those old fogeys whose all 'face-to-face interactions are more important', etc. etc.

Sep. 13th, 2013


Taking a little vacation this weekend. Maybe when I get back, it'll be with a clearer head and less anger. Anyone wants the five bottles of whiskey I've got in my apartment, let me know. Everything must go.

Sep. 12th, 2013



No strings attached, barely know each other's names, Jedi-on-the-rebound sex? Four stars, would recommend. Not to you, though. Obviously. Do you even know what a Jedi is? Nevermind, not important. How is our favorite narcoleptic princess?

Sep. 10th, 2013


» Sooo we've had a total of like, three conversations. Ever.
» But you were the creepy one that offered me a drink.
» I'm not normally That's a lie
» Any chance you'd be in the bar tonight? I'm looking to make a few more bad life decisions and having a few drinks is top of the list.

Sep. 6th, 2013


wy does

everything in this blood city

look the sam

walk ot one door and end up god knows whre

i'm a bloody pirate i know my way around a map and a compass and yet i'm bloody lost
attach a lesh next time jefferson


For anyone who knew Amber, the optimist's outlook is that she's been returned to her world.

Sep. 2nd, 2013


While those nightmares were unpleasant, I can honestly say I've had worse. I hope everyone who was injured has a speedy recovery. I'm sure it's only a matter of time before something else happens.

I know you cared for Hen How would you feel about getting out of here for a bit?


Henry's gone.


It's one thing reading about your future, it's another to have years of it downloaded to your brain overnight. On top of everything else, this week is just stang great.

I have answers, but I'd like to give them in person. And maybe once I've had a few drinks

We should talk. First, before everyone bombards me, if you're available.

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