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Oct. 30th, 2014


Teachers dressing up in costume for halloween: lame, inappropriate, or great?

[Beverly & Jean-Luc]
I feel like it's been ages since I've seen you both. Any chance I can persuade you both to join me for dinner sometime in the future?

Oct. 29th, 2014


Jones, Summers, Shepard, Luke, Harkness, and Picard
Following Director Brand's network post, perhaps we should all get together to discuss what exactly we know?


Oct. 27th, 2014


Filter to Ascension Crew
Hello, I'm Beverly Crusher, medical officer for this mission. It will be my job to see to your physical well-being while we are off-planet. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask them. Myself and my colleague, Hank McCoy, will be happy to answer them to the best of our ability.

First things first. Beginning on Thursday, I will begin administering complete physical examinations to all crewmembers, and Dr. McCoy will be drawing blood for bloodwork. I know -- this is the last thing anyone wants to do. But believe me when I say that having this information will be necessary should anything happen to any one of you while we are away. Additionally, we are going to ask that you keep in mind your diet in the days and weeks leading up to the launch of our ship. Keep yourself as healthy as you possibly can be.

I have set a meeting for this Wednesday, October 29, at noon in the conference room B, next to the medical facilities on base. This meeting is mandatory for all crew members. In it we will discuss the physicals, and the CPR/First Aid classes that will be required for everyone to take prior to this mission, as well as any other questions you may have concerning your health while we are in space.

Filter to Jean-Luc
Are you ready for this? :]

Oct. 19th, 2014


Filter to Tony Stark (MCU)
I've returned from out of town, and I am eager to look at any other information you have on this disease.

Filter to Jean-Luc
You know, I felt like a doctor for the first time in weeks. I'm home, by the way. I'll be over in half an hour, after I've had a shower.

Is there anyone who was present at the attacks yesterday who needs to see a doctor, and hasn't? And if you haven't, then why? I can't even ask Sitwell about this.

Oct. 16th, 2014


Filter to Abigail Brand
I've been tapped by a few of my previous employers to undertake a small mission for them. I'm working on getting an estimated time of return for you.

ETA: And I should be back by late Sunday evening.

Filter to Jean-Luc
I've been asked to help with a mission outside of SWORD. I don't know when I'll be home.

Is it terrible of me to have asked Tony Stark for more information on the disease that his group is working on?

Oct. 9th, 2014


Forget about pumpkin spice lattes, I'm waiting for the peppermint mochas.

How about we call off work tomorrow, make some hot cocoa, and fire up Netflix?

Oct. 4th, 2014


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

Autumn has often been one of my favourite seasons. I intend to take at least a few days, if I can find them, to visit north into New England to view the leaves and the full splendour of the season.

[Filter: Abigail Brand & Carol Danvers (EMH)]
Just monitored a report from a hospital in West Virginia. Name matches one of our missing persons from the carnival. Hospital report indicates spiny appendages growing out of their arms.

[ETA Filter: Ianto Jones, Kaidan Alenko, & Beverly Crusher]
We're needed in West Virginia. We've got a missing person from the carnival, with spiny appendages. Transport leaves in ten, I'll have briefing packets sent to all of your emails.

Sep. 28th, 2014


As a physician fortunate enough to have been born, raised, and lived the majority of my life in the future, I am in a unique position to watch as the past incrementally catches up with the future. It's both fascinating and frustrating, because I know that the cure to so many diseases exist -- just not yet. But they will. And while there will be many diseases that will develop, overall there will come a day when mankind will enjoy more health than ever.

It's exciting to be living now, watching as these new discoveries are made and the chance to save even more lives becomes even more real.

Sep. 26th, 2014


Network Post: Helena G. Wells

Due to a lack of interest, the Archaeology course has been dropped, therefore I've been dropped as its teacher.

However, there was a need for someone to teach Latin. I have taken that on instead. Would the existing Latin students please come a little early or stay a little late after the next class so we can discuss your current progress?

Sep. 23rd, 2014


I find myself enjoying these early mornings at the daycare, before the parents start to bring in their children. There is something so soothing about knowing that one has everything in readiness for whatever the day may bring. It is almost as enjoyable as the silence at the end of the day while putting everything away again.

[Filtered to Anne and Mary Margaret]

Would you ladies like to join me for drinks one evening after work?

Sep. 14th, 2014


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I'm glad to see that HYDRA is still being tracked down, in places where they may have yet been undiscovered. It makes you wonder how many escaped during the chaos and confusion of SHIELD falling apart - and I suspect we would not like the answer.

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
Tonight, dinner, dancing, are you available?

Sep. 9th, 2014


[Filtered to Anne Weaver + Sharon Carter (MCU) + Skye]
I didn't have too much luck in DC on most of the names. I can't exactly blame them for being paranoid about now, but it's going to make things difficult.

I was able to get a meeting with Stern and from that confirm at least some of the financials the data suggested. Also Olivia Cartwright over at NSA. She offered me a job, I can't, but I was thinking of tapping Claire for it to dig a little deeper. But short of making a US Senator and a regional director of the NSA disappear in the back of a van, which would probably void our deposit, it's going to take more to bust open this ring.

Agent Skye, did you have any success with your computer files?
[Filtered to SWORD]
You know, I ran into Herbert Arthur, operations director of NASA's IRTF* over drinks in DC over the weekend and we got to talking about his and that, the White Event naturally came up.

It's a terrible flight, I know, but if anyone wanted to go to Mauna Kea for a few days, they were recording last Sunday and Herb's agreeable with letting someone in.
[Filtered to Claire Wise]
How's the job search going?

Sep. 2nd, 2014


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
I'm going to be out of town for a few days. How have your first days at SWORD been?


I'm already on my way to DC.

I'm fine. This needs to be done.

[SWORD Medical]
You can tell me what the tests bring up when I get back. But for now I'm fine and I can do my job. And I would prefer there be no discussion of my condition with anyone who isn't me.

[SWORD DC Team: Blake, Picard, Organa]
The three of you are with me to DC to discuss this 'White Event'. We will be meeting with members of Congress as well as foreign officials who have convened to figure out just what is going on. This didn't just happen in New York, it was half the globe and no one seems to have a clear picture.

[Carol (616)]
Thanks for catching me.

How many people know?

I don't

Sep. 1st, 2014


Filter to Alison Hendrix
Hello, Alison. I wanted make sure that you're one of the first people to know that as of September 15, I will be working at SWORD full time. I can't thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to spend the past month at the Potts Tower Clinic; I've truly enjoyed working with you. I will, of course, assist you in any way I can in finding a replacement and in helping to get them settled in, in the two weeks that I will be continuing my part-time duties here.

-- Beverly Crusher.

Filter to Jean-Luc
Well, I have officially joined a space organization again. Maybe I'll see you there. ;]

I doubt that it needs to be said, but if anyone is suffering any ill effects from the event this afternoon, please do not hesitate to dial 911 or to get in contact with me.

Aug. 20th, 2014



Jones you take McCoy, I need you for retrieval. Apartment 1202 of Potts Tower has an item of interest in its possession. Resident is aware of your arrival. A statement needs to be taken and this is an item that is possibly biohazardous. McCoy you are to bring the item directly to lab B1.

Skywalker and Picard, you are being paired up with Alenko and Kaidanovsky. Organa and Blake you're with Mikealson and Harkness. Both teams are to deploy to the carnival that has popped up. The item was found in the House of Horrors. Briefings are being sent to each of you. I need statements from employees as well as finding out who is behind all this. This place also had the incident with the fur growths yesterday. I want to know exactly what's going on with this operation and if we need to shut it down we do.

Keep an eye out for hostiles, it's possible whatever hit Hamilton a few days ago is at this carnival.

Summers, report to lab B1.

Aug. 15th, 2014


Wait. There are Star Wars people here and no one told me??



We've an incident in one of our labs.

There is a possible hostile on premises. Unknown origin. One confirmed casualty.

Blake, you're on interviewing with Skywalker and Picard. Jones, lead on investigation and surveillance with the rest on the comms team. I want to know what the hell just happened in my lab. Native agents from Scitech will be assisting in the investigation on the chance that this is some sort of incident related to the tesseract.

Kaidanovsky, Harkness and Mikaelson are with you. Smith you're up with Alenko and Gaido. Both teams you're on patrol. More information will be relayed to you from Jones, Brand, or myself as we have it.

McCoy. You and Ibbott will be assisting in medical.

Aug. 11th, 2014


Just a friendly reminder that the ESD will be resuming courses on September 4. For all refugees under 18 this is a mandatory requirement following the laws of the State of New York and the guidelines set forth by the New York Board of Regents. However, it is somewhat more casual and flexible than attendance at a New York City Public School. You have been assigned an Advisor who should be contacting you briefly and will be able to help with registering for classes and planning for the future.

ESD classes are also available for audit to adult students, in modern culture, education, and technology for those from radically different times, and we offer preparation for the GED as well as a high school diploma.

If anyone is interested in teaching with the ESD, we offer full-time paid and part time volunteer positions. Classes are small, often 3-10 students, and meet 2-3 times per week in a seminar style. We are flexible about lesson plans and are eager to accept new courses based on unique areas of expertise.

At this time, we are particularly for classes whose professors have been returned through the Tesseract:
Aircraft and Flight Procedures, Algebra I and II, Anthropology, Archeology, Astrophysics, Calculus, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, French, Geometry, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Human Mythology, Linguistics, Magical Defense, Modern Dance, Music Appreciation, Spanish, Trigonometry

[Filtered to Jan van Dyne]
Thank the Tesseract, but I may be a bit late to tonight's training.
[Filtered to ESD advisors (Rachel, Ororo, Mary Margaret, Pietro, Pike, & Logan)]
Kitty was taken back, with classes starting up again in less than a month, we don't have a lot of time to regroup. If we could meet this afternoon-- perhaps 2:30 at Edible Complex. Hopefully today's will be short, but we'll need to have more later this week and I'm hoping today's can focus us all on the action points necessary from which to move forward.

Also, Logan will be stepping in to cover Kitty's advising group, and Mary Margaret will be joining us, providing a solid bridge between the PTYC and ESD.

Please communicate with your advisees regarding signing up for classes in the fall.
[Filtered to ESD professors (previous)]
If everyone would be so kind can you please confirm that you are able to teach the classes you offered last term or are interested in offering anything new.

Aug. 8th, 2014


[Text message: Beverly Crusher]
-- I spoke yesterday with S.W.O.R.D.
-- And filled out paperwork.
-- I've decided to give it a go

-- And I've got an excellent bottle of wine that has our name on it if you aren't busy.

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