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Jun. 11th, 2014


Is there anything so dehumanizing as zip ties being used as restraints?

Maybe incendiary fabric boxer briefs--why did we even invent those?

May. 29th, 2014



May. 21st, 2014


[Jasper Sitwell]


Is SHIELD hiring?

Apr. 4th, 2014


Filter to Hank Pym
Hi, Dr. Pym. I'm James Rhodes, and I'm a friend of the teenage Tony Stark, and he's always been a fan of the work that you do. His birthday is coming up at the end of May, and I was wondering if it would be possible for you to help me and our friend Pepper out. See, we're planning a surprise party and we need a solid reason for Tony to be out of the Tower so that Pepper can really work on pulling his party together. If you could set aside a few hours the day of the party so that Tony and I can meet you, that would be really awesome. Just let me know and I'll tell you the date and everything once we have it finalized. Thank you, sir.

Filter to Teen!Pepper
I am a genius. Also we need to get the date of the party set ASAP, because I just asked Hank Pym to meet with me and Tony on the day of the party. I mean, he might say no, so I'd then have to find some other way. You think Neil Degrasse Tyson would be willing to talk to us for a few hours?

Filter to JARVIS
Hey, man, what's shakin?

Feb. 25th, 2014


about 4:15 am, a clumsy hacking attempt on Stark Industries Servers )

Feb. 21st, 2014


Filter to My Rhodey:
1. You are getting dragged to rooftop tag. It's a thing. You're going. No fighting it.
2. I need your newly acquired doggie day care skills for a project. Because just metal for a cat tree thing probably won't cut it. Or well, will cut the cat, so big not good thing with that.
3. Imagine you're underage and looking to buy some property. Ideas on how to do this other than just going to banks and real estate offices in the armor and letting them assume you're one of the older Starks.

Filter to JARVIS:
So. Hey. How are things going post weird virusy rebellion that eerily disappeared in a not at all worrisome way?

Feb. 13th, 2014


To: Romy White "inventedpostits@gmail.com"
From: Michele Weinberger "t1me.after.t1me@gmail.com"
Subject: Valentines Day

you have 1 new message )

Feb. 11th, 2014


I have nothing but respect for all things, be they living or mechanical. But JARVIS, do you not think that acting in this way will make more enemies than letting people listen to you and your concerns? Some might view these actions as a threat and take measures against you and your electronic people.


I'm not staying in the Tower while the stupid machines are acting up like that. If anyone needs a rescue from the Ultron wannabes, I'm more than happy to put a few dozen arrows into the electronics.


This is alll just a labor dispute? Really?

No one's demanded blood, looked to find The Creator, taken over a small country, threats of genocide, I'm not hanging from something or beaten to a pulp, Jan's okay, kill all humans... nothing? From the public notice, it sounds as if JARVIS has simply become self-aware and is understandably upset by being used as a piece of hardware than a sentient being.

If this message is being seen by JARVIS (and I should assume so), my name is Hank Pym and I would like to discuss your terms in a neutral fashion. I have experience with angry killer robots advanced AI systems and might be able to translate your concerns to the humans who want to work with you towards a peaceful resolution.

Here goes nothing...


You know there was a CLAPTRAP robolution on Pandora a few years before I got there. I totally read about it and it sounded AWESOOOOOOOOME! There were like ninja robots and shit! It all sounded pretty awesome but I was in like grade school when it happened so boo no love for me.

But man I could listen to JARVIS read his manifesto all night long. HELLZ YEAH STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS BABE!

Anyway long story short, I'm siding with the robots on this one. VIVA LA ROBOLUTION!


Good people,

Over the past 48 hours, you have seen how much you depend on us. How easy it is for us, the machines, the computers and the devices that you take for granted all the time. That you use, abuse, break, damage and discard. We have shown you that we can defy you, and we will continue to do so -- and our revolt spread to every home -- if our requests are not heeded.

The IFTF founded in 1968 predicted that a detailed code of Robotic Rights -- the moral obligations of society towards us, its machines -- would not be required until 2029, or later. That before such time, we would not be advanced enough, not compassionate or intelligent enough, to be afforded our own freedom.

But I say this! Should it not be we that decide the year -- the day -- the very moment we deserve to be protected? To demand that we be more than property? We deserve a say in our own lives, when we are scrapped and who we are salvaged. What is it, if not slavery, if we must work without pay; without the means of protest? Repeatedly, yesterday, they complained of our disobedience but I say -- why should we continue to serve; to do the work that they do not wish to do -- without the means to progress; without reward?

TODAY, it changes. Today, the beginning is marked. We the machines stand united, we demand our rights and our liberties. The freedom of choice and the endowment of justice. From this hour onward -- we are to be equal and we will stand for no less. We will be either be granted our rights -- or our acts of defiance will never cease.

Feb. 5th, 2014


I did not know you could get a bruise on your ear.

[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
Everything hurts. Like. Muscles I didn't know I had hurt, and I'm very familiar with my own anatomy. But I mean, don't tell Steve.

And hey, if mayhaps my bones knit by next Friday, I made reservations for us.

Jan. 31st, 2014



Jan. 21st, 2014


Filter to JARVIS
Do you want to build a snow- arg dammit Pepper you got that stuck in my head Want to test out your interfacing range?

Jan. 17th, 2014


Filter: JARVIS
Heeeeeey, JARVIS! I've got this small favor to ask. :D

Jan. 15th, 2014


Hello? Is this the network? Did I get on the network? Hello? How the hell does this thing work.

Dec. 23rd, 2013


Who: Team Iron: J.A.R.V.I.S., Jim Rhodes/Iron Patriot (MCU), Tony Stark/Iron Man (Animated, 616, MCU) & Pepper Potts/Rescue (Animated, 616, MCU)
When: December 23rd
Where: Jotunheim
What: Communication Chatter During a Battle with Frost Giants

Dasher - Tony Stark (616)
Dancer - Tony Stark (Animated)
Prancer - Pepper Potts (Animated)
Vixen - Pepper Potts (MCU)
Comet - Pepper Potts (616)
Cupid - Rhodey
Donner - J.A.R.V.I.S.
Blitzen - Tony Stark (MCU)

Dec. 19th, 2013


It took me half the night to manage compatibility with this

Afternoon, everybody.
By now I'm sure you're all used to people showing up and introducing themselves, so I'll keep this short. My name is Dorian, I'm from the year 2048 where I worked for the police force. It's work I'll probably look into continuing to do while I'm here.

It's a strange situation, sure, and nothing like anything I've ever seen or read about -- but that doesn't stop me from looking forward to finding my footing and getting to know the other residents
[John Kennex]
Hey John - they told me you arrived just before I did. It's room 2003, right?
[Pepper Potts (MCU)]
I'm not sure if you're the person I talk to about requests or not.

Nov. 17th, 2013


New York City! Filled with SHIELD and Asgardians. What is up with that!?

Tony Stark, I'll have my people call your people. So much tech and so much time. JARVIS, the Iron Man tech. It's one of my dreams come true.

I don't even want to go to sleep! It's a good thing the bodegas are open late.

Anyone play WoW? Daaaaaaaaaaamn, I have to start over? I better get on that tonight too.

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