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Aug. 19th, 2015


Network Post; Inara Serra

We are hiring at the tea shop - part time for the school year. The main requirements are getting along with people, ability to provide a relaxing atmosphere, and of course a knowledge of tea making.

If you are interested in part-time work please let me know.

Aug. 18th, 2015


Do they deliver beer?

To my door?

I guess I could use that there Google but this seems easier.

Aug. 17th, 2015


[Filtered to Regina and Inara]
I have a request to make of the two of you.


Network Post; Inara Serra

[Filter: Ororo]
I've been thinking about it a bit, and with the tea shop - I don't have the time to keep up with things for the ESD and keep the shop running. I'm going to have to choose. Thus, come this fall, I would like to continue to teach Modern Dance, and Women's studies, but not do any additional classes and put the rest of my energy into the shop.

[Filter: Kaylee]
How is the ship?

Aug. 7th, 2015


Network Post; Inara Serra

I'm not certain why I'm here, but it is at least decorated well and well-stocked with various types of teas.

Jul. 20th, 2015


Network Post: Kaylee Frye

Just when I think this place isn't gonna get any crazier, it does.

Ain't never seen a robot in person, hope I don't run inta any of the ones I saw on the TV.


Is that Is that Tony battling Dr Banner? The footage coming from South Africa?

My God.

Jul. 14th, 2015


Anyone notice markets seem to be a bit tighter in the city these days?

[Filtered to firefly crew]
And work's down too. We lost the work with the chinese, now Sully's furniture work too. Might be able to pick up some work upstate once harvest comes in, but I guess we weren't were right not to take on new arms like Mal seemed keen on. But most of the jobs we got booked right now are local deliveries that don't pay for go shi. Truckin' never has run smooth. But it usually ain't been so tight here.

Maybe this ain't our niche.

Jul. 12th, 2015


Network Post; Inara Serra

It is lovely to have a bit of time where I am not preparing for teaching of classes and I do hope that all of the students enjoy their summer holidays.

We have not yet taken up coffee at the Timeless Tea Shop and thus cannot truly replace Brew Ha Ha's loss, but if you are looking for a pleasant atmosphere to visit with a friend over a hot beverage, we have a wide selection of teas including the typical black and green teas, as well as unique speciality blends each week. Come and visit us.

Additionally, if anyone is looking for work this summer, I have at least one position open.

Jul. 11th, 2015


I've been trying to get in touch with Miss Martenelli over a personal matter, but she wasn't responding. I've finally confirmed that the Tesseract took her away.

Since I've arrived, I've read several announcements for people that have gone, but this is the first instance where it's happened to somebody with whom I've been close. It's quite disheartening.

What becomes of an individual's personal effects, once they've left?

Jul. 10th, 2015


Network Post: Kaylee Frye

It shore is a really pretty day. I'm thinkin' about gettin' something to eat after work and maybe havin' a picnic in the park. Anybody wanna come with me? Everybody's welcome.

Jun. 28th, 2015


Network Post: Kaylee Frye

First Simon, then River, now the cap'n. I don't like this one bit.

Nonea the rest of the crew is allowed to leave me, got it? If I haveta, I'm gluin' your feet to the floor.

No more leavin!

Jun. 14th, 2015


Going out of town for a couple days for a job.

Kaylee, are you going too?

Will you keep an eye on our baby dinosaurs? I mean, the people living on our floors.


My hat showed up.

Kinda warm for a hat but Imma wear it anyway.

You think Kaylee likes flowers?

Jun. 9th, 2015


Network Post; Inara Serra

[Filter: Kaylee]
Shall we do something this weekend perhaps? Maybe even out of the city for a few days? Are you free?

[Filter: Mal]
Have you managed to find something for yourself to keep busy?

Jun. 8th, 2015


Anyone out there looking to learn how to dance? I feel like teaching someone, and it's been a while since I gave lessons. I miss Nate

[Cas & Sam]
Hey, I would have said something sooner, but I got back late last nig this afternoon, so you don't have to come over this evening. Thanks again!


I, for one, am relieved that Mr Stark saw it fit not to adopt a pet. Animal hair is a blasted nuisance to clean.

[Filtered message to Kate Bishop]

Thank you for the internet lessons. They were very helpful. At least now I don't feel like blithering idiot.

[Filtered message to Peggy Carter]

May I trust your discretion in a matter that is both sensitive and personal in nature?

Jun. 3rd, 2015


[Filtered to Firefly crew]
Went to run some supper by River's.

She ain't there.

Jun. 2nd, 2015



May. 15th, 2015


[Filtered to Inara Serra]
Now I can't believe I'm askin this, but Wash is taking some stand runnin my truck today with Mal.

You wanna go do a spa thing or whatever it is you do something?

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