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Mar. 17th, 2013


Enough is enough! I have had it with this lack of motherfucking NINJA turtles in these motherfucking sewers!


Alright, alright, fine, I'll bite.

My cousins have been giving me hell for not posting on this thing even though I've been here for a little while. So, here I am, obligatory Paddy's Day whiskey in hand, toasting to the Irish that must be in our family somewhere with all the gingers.

Dr Frederick Charleville Johnson-Weasley II Esq PhD, at your service, whutisuuuupppp?

Mar. 15th, 2013


Just in case anyone missed Schmidt's invitation to our party tonight:


Tonight. Room 910. 8 pm. 21 and up only because I'm not about to get arrested in New York City. This face was not meant for prison. Ladies, bring your beautiful selves. Gentlemen, bring beer to share and something that we can stand on, or you'll be sitting in the corner with Nick all night, wishing you were a part of this much awesome.


So, do any of you remember when Luce's big dream was to be like TMNT and enter the sewers of NYC?

Mar. 14th, 2013


Lucy Weasley; Dream Achiever.
Kowabunga, mates.

Mar. 11th, 2013


If you're going to take me out on a random date, Tess, the least you can do is buy me a greasy order of chips. I'm absolutely famished from traversing across time and galaxies.

Mar. 8th, 2013


WHO: Fred & Hugo.
WHERE: Potts Tower; Lobby
WHEN: Friday, March 8th.
WHAT: Frugo Reunites at long last.
STATUS: log; in-progress.

When Fred launched himself, singing, into Hugo's bedroom to wake him up, he hadn't expected to be hit in the face with a sparkly portal of doom and time-space relocation. )

Mar. 7th, 2013


Does the tower have a day nursery? Or are Rory and I the only intergalactic travelers who brought a baby with us?

I don't have a stroller, or clothes, or food, and the security guard's hat is not doing much to keep my ears warm. I can't carry a baby around in the palm of my hand for hours like Chris Hemsworth. (Would that I could.)

Almost forgot. I'm Amy Pond. Scottish. Time&Space traveller. &c.

Mar. 6th, 2013


[…] Oh, bugger it all. I was so looking forward to getting the exams out of the way, too.

At least I have my cookies

Hello? I'm Molly Weasley. I suppose I should find where I'm supposed to be.

Mar. 7th, 2013


This might sound strange, and I hope you don't think I'm sticking my nose in where it doesn't belong, but... I've watched a few episodes of the tv show you come from, and I noticed... well... the burns. I understand completely if you hate magic because of the horrible things that were done to you, but if you can find it in you to change your mind, I can make a really effective salve. It will heal the burns right up.

Are you finished those sodding books yet?

I heard on the news that it might snow here tomorrow, too. I know I ought to be anxious considering how awful the snow has been in some places today, but I can't help it, snow turns me into an excited kid all over again.

Mar. 4th, 2013


I was told if I log into the Network, I could speak with others in the remote vicinity. I was only hours ago in London. It should be impossible to travel between place to place in only seconds time and yet here I stand. Unless of course you involve a portkey but I was reaching outwards to the sky... I cannot say that I am thrilled to be in New York. I was supposed to be arranging my things for a proper flight, on an airplane, to Sydney.

I am going to wager I won't be making that flight anytime soon.

How many others have been whisked away to here?


I've always wondered how much ground I could cover in a single jeté if I really put my mind to it, but mon Dieu I never thought I'd be able to leap through time and space - literally - and land in a different world. It's really impressive when you think about it, and too bad I can't put that on my resumé. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, Royal Ballet.

[...] Aaand I'm rambling. I swear that typing on this little box takes longer than getting the French Ministry of Magic to send me a copy of their case files, so I should probably introduce myself so I can I go find proper shoes before my first gray hair appears. My name's Victoire Weasley, and I'm pretty sure there's a ton of my family around here somewhere because you can never really have just one Weasley.

Mar. 1st, 2013


network post: claire danvers

Huh. That's one ship I never really saw in the series.Tumblr is amusing and sometimes a little weird. HARRY POTTER PEOPLE, is this actually true? I have a desperate need to know.

In other news, Shane and I did karaoke tonight <s>well I didn't sing, but moral support, right?</s> and that was a lot of fun. Some of you guys can really sing, too!


network post: ron weasley

Filter: Hermione, Harry & Ginny; eta Rose & Hugo
So, this karaoke party tonight. What do you reckon? Sounds like it could be a laugh. Do you lot want to go?

I have an interview at the deli down on the ground floor this afternoon. It's nothing glamorous, but a job would be nice, right? I mean, money and all.

[ETA after Harry & LiLu's comments] right, I guess it's my birthday. Feels strange considering it was just May when I left home, but I reckon it's 1st March here, which earns me cake and stuff.

No love-potion filled chocolates this year, though, please.

Feb. 26th, 2013


All this money on an awards show, it seems we should be spending more helping those in need to celebrating the real heroes of this world. Though the dresses ARE lovely.

Filtered to: Rose and Hugo Weasley

How are you both doing? I see more and more from our world come that are from your time and it just reminds me that I want to spend time with you.

And ask a question.

What am I like as a mother?

Filtered to: Ron Weasley

How are you doing with everything? Seems like we actually have a few days without something dramatic happening. We should celebrate. Care to come up for dinner?

Filtered to: Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley

I haven't forgotten you two. We should do something fun, you know. Get our minds off people coming and all that. What do you say?


Um Hey. I think that I'm about as well and settled as I'm going to get here, so I thought I'd see if you still wanted to meet me up.

Have any of you met my parents yet?

Feb. 24th, 2013


This is pretty damn peculiar. I got the rundown and understand what's going on and that I'm here for the indefinite future and I'm also apparently a fictional character (?) in a series of books (??) about my godfather, but ah... yeah. Pretty damn peculiar. Also pretty damn hard not to figure this is some kind of elaborate prank, but it's kind of a stretch so I'll just assume that's not it and that this is actually happening.

They suggested using this network, though, because there are people here that I know. No Victoire, I guess, but So, hello, people I know and people I don't. I'm Teddy Lupin.

Also, thanks for the room and all of the fancy electronics. I can figure the computer, but the telephone looks like it's going to take some getting used to.

Feb. 19th, 2013


Filtered to Potterverse: Next Gen (basically, her cousins)
I don't know if any of you plan on going to the gathering at the Potters, but this is just a note to tell you to have fun without me.

I think I'm going to stay here and go on Tumblr again and try not to think about the moments of my life before I landed here.

Feb. 13th, 2013


Boo, Valentine's Day. Boo.


If you don't have super exciting and sexy things to do tomorrow, you're invited to come over and do things like drink alcohol and watch ridiculous movies and drink alcohol and eat food and drink alcohol.

Oh, by the way, Roxanne, we're having people over tomorrow for V-Day.

Feb. 11th, 2013


Red motorbike or black motorbike? There seems to be a dispute over which motorbike is better.

[next gen hpers]
Who's up for taking Roxanne on a tour of New York? I have the day off and lunch will be my treat. And I owe Roooose some fortune cookies before she finds a nice place to bury my body where no one will ever find it.

In three days, we will transcend the boundary between pixels and real life. Are you ready to have this much awesome in your life?

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