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Mar. 21st, 2014


So I may have been gone longer than I planned, but this was still an amazing trip! Egypt is beautiful!

cut for image )

Filter: Doctor (Tenth)
Is it terrible of me to say that I wish we could have stayed away a little longer?

Filter: Jack & Ianto
So! Is SHIELD keeping you both busy or do you think you'll have some time coming up for a night out?

Mar. 20th, 2014


I am a detective again! You have no idea how much of a relief that is. I wasn't sure I was going to pass, and now I have and it feels amazing. I wish I could tell Ma and my brothers.

Mar. 19th, 2014


Text to Martha Jones

--Plans Friday night?
--Or this weekend, really?

Text to James Potter

--Thank you so much for the LEGO set!
--I do like sticking Professor Sprout in Pim's collar and watching Pim try to take her out.
--I miss flying on a broomstick.

Text to Jane Rizzoli

--Hey you.
--I need a nap.

Mar. 18th, 2014


So. In looking for something new to do, Jo and I will be teaching a weapons training class. We'll cover most common weapons, some less common, and unarmed self-defense against them. If you're interested, sign up through ESD.

And I'd say something about having my good name smeared for being criminal and dangerous, but-- well, it's true enough. And in the context of the class I'm teaching, I guess it might be a selling point. Rising Tide could stand to reexamine its priorities, though.

And I'm back, for anyone who was wondering. Home sweet home.

[ charlie ]
You haven't been watching the show, right?

[ angel ]
You alright? Physically, I mean.

Mar. 15th, 2014


What the FRACKING hell is going on?

Obi-Wan & Hestia
I woke up in Bill's body....

Mar. 11th, 2014


Well. Thank you to everyone who tried to help me find my family, but I think it's time to accept that they're gone back through the tesseract. I really appreciate everything all of you did, though; I really wasn't expecting so many of you to be willing to help. Which, in itself, was probably the most helpful thing. If that makes any sense.

I'm going out of town for a few days to clear my head and... try to sort out these weird angelic powers that I seem to have gotten out of nowhere. But-- that said, I know there were people around here who could have used angelic help before, so... if that's something you need, now's the time to ask for help. It's the least I can do, really.

[ friends + family* ]
I'm just headed to the cabin. If you need anything-- or want to come with-- just let me know. Don't feel bad, don't say sorry, just take care of yourselves, okay? And tell me if there's anything I can do. That's the best thing you can do for me right now.

*basically everyone he knows-- feel free to assume!

Mar. 4th, 2014


Potterverse and Friends*she's been here forever, feel free to assume
Duty calls, don't wait up. If you're lucky, I'll bring you a souvenir.


So I've yet to figure out a job here. I'm not really sure what I'd be suited for. Suggestions are welcomed. The more outlandish the better.

Filter: Oliver Queen
Wanna hit the city's skyline sometime soon?

Mar. 1st, 2014


ooc: posted earlier in the day

Today is my birthday.

That is all.

Feb. 28th, 2014


Your favorite time-waster game or phone app. Don't say Flappy Bird. No Flappy Bird.

Life is more exciting now, isn't it? The field. Who knew it was this full of ways to die?


This is a bit last minute, but tomorrow is St. David's day, which is a bit like a national holiday in Wales. The Longbow is doing a bit of a celebration for it. I was hoping to get a group of people out there to join us in celebrating. You may even get to experience me singing in Welsh. There will be daffodils and Welsh vowels aplenty - I do hope you'll join us.

Feb. 27th, 2014


Changes are afoot methinks.

Erin, I do hope that you are feeling better now.

My cat Pim has been batting the cap from my empty gallon of milk in between his paws for the last five minutes. He's been acting like this is the Greatest. Thing. Ever. and has been looking up at me periodically to make sure that I've seen this wonderful toy. It's been fun watching him.

Feb. 23rd, 2014


It's not every day that you discover one of your very close friends and respected peers served you human flesh at the dinner table. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. Does anyone know of a psychiatrist who specializes in extreme situations such as this? I feel the need for outside consultation.

Feb. 21st, 2014


I don't know why I'm excited about this, but it's my birthday next week Saturday.

And there's the baking contest coming up on the 24th. Still need to decide what to make for that. I've got a few ideas, but I'll gladly take suggestions!

Harry Potter 'verse

I don't know if any of you were aware, but it appears as if Tonks has been sent back home. I went by her flat earlier and it hadn't looked like there had been someone in there for some time.


[Filtered to friends*]
I feel like it's been too damned long since I had a proper get-together with mates, so next weekend on the first of March seems like the time to do it. I'll provide some food like pizza or something, but anything you lot want to bring is great. And I'm in training right now so I doubt I'll be drinking much, but feel free to bring anything of that sort if you want.

I'll have the wii fired up for Mario Kart but if anyone wants to bring a game or something. Or even an xbox or play station, that'd be brill, too. I'm not particular.

I guess things will get started about seven.

[*if you're uncertain whether eddie considers your character a friend, just ask! most likely he does. :)]

Feb. 12th, 2014


I'm an imaginary character on a television show, based on a set of movies, which are based on a set of books. And I've been taken to a universe in which Captain America and Iron man exist as real people and I've been interrogated by SHIELD to make sure I'm not completely crazy. Pepper Potts got a tower with her name on it and I'm supposed to live there with Harry Potter, Princess Leia, and about a hundred other characters. And I'm supposed to believe this isn't all an elaborate hallucination caused by my being lobotomized.

Have I got that about right?


Individually sent text messages to HP 'verse, Laura Roslin, Rogue 616, Dr. Beverly Crusher, Captain Jean-Luc Picard, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Martha Jones, Willow Rosenburg, Dawn Summers.

--Are you okay?
--Handling everything as well as can be expected?
--Anything I can do?

Text Message to Jane Rizzoli
--Hanging out at Grayburn's library then at Kylie's flat until the Tower's back to normal.
--You okay? Anything I can do for you?
--Having friends native to this world, living in the city, & willing to host you on short notice is a blessing.

Feb. 4th, 2014


This place is just a little bit crazy isn't it? I did forgot how much fun snow was, though.

I forgot to ask you, am I invited to come with to the new place? We started talking about it then got sidetracked by counting how many of us were here. Not that I have anything to bring with, either way.

Do we have a training schedule set up here? I'd hate to get out of practice.

Feb. 3rd, 2014


I am finally better, it seemed to take forever for the flu to go away. I don't think I used up all my sick days just yet, but I usually have a stock pile of them from working so much. I'm getting ready to take the detective's exam too, I never thought I would have to take it again but I am glad that I have got it covered. I've got a wedding to go to with my girlfriend, too, so I want to study as much as possible in between now and then.

Feb. 1st, 2014


When I was growing up, Mum swore that ice cream could fix anything. And when I was ten, I was convinced she was right. After Hogwarts I wasn't so sure but it was good to try.

All of that aside, I'm going for ice cream in about half an hour or forty-five minutes. Who's in?

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