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May. 17th, 2015


text messages

» Have you thought much about last names?
» And what are those thoughts?

May. 8th, 2015


I'm having trouble telling the Avengers and the Kardashians apart.

I mean one does have way more women than the other but other than that.

But that begs the question which Avenger corresponds to which Kardashian? Outside of Stark being Kris.

Apr. 26th, 2015


Filtered to Friends
Let's have a party :)

Before I'm too old to enjoy it.

Apr. 6th, 2015


So robot building contest. I have so totally got this. I mean this is basically what I was born for. It's even higher than violence on my favorite things to do list.

Only a few days left to practice. Stocking up on energy drinks, aww yeah.

Mar. 16th, 2015


network post: beverly katz

Filtered: Severus Snape
I'm still over at SWORD. We got back today - no one died up there - and as the whole world heard, we have a stay on judgment for the time being. They'll still be watching. Cases around the world are getting less severe, but work on a cure's not done yet. I'm staying on until it is. And I received an offer to stay on permanently. "What Would the Celestials Choose?" is being tabled. That's not how I determine what's right and wrong, and if it were, I'd never know what to do. You've heard every word they've told us. Not the chattiest bunch. So, no passing the buck. But that doesn't mean I don't ask my friends, and you're one of the closest I've got. Sure, you're not entirely impartial, but you're logical, intelligent, and fair. You've had some experience with SHIELD, at least. And I care what you think.
Filtered: Ororo Munroe
I want your opinion on SWORD. It's hired more White Event individuals than most places, and at least Dr. McCoy works there as well. After this judgment and plague, there's not much of a closet with them for any of us. And I've never been big on closets - or working anywhere I needed one. It's a nominee for future employer.

Filtered: Hank McCoy & Rachel Summers
Greetings, the both of you. I hope you're feeling better. If you've seen Agent Blake's post, you know he's offered positions at SWORD. If not, you know now. I'd appreciate your thoughts on working for SWORD, particularly as mutants. White Event powered people are different, I know, but I'm not sure how large a difference it'll be in the public eye or SWORD's eyes. And if you have differing thoughts on how they treat those from the White Event, I'm curious.

Children's songs have been getting stuck in my head all day. Though, more frustrating than those has been getting "Duck Duck Goose" stuck in there. I'm fairly confident it's one of the signs of sleep deprivation. Some of you were asleep for more than a day, restful or not, but I wouldn't mind passing out once this is all over.

Mar. 2nd, 2015


I just got an email, daily biotechnological newsletter sort of thing, entitled Mutants vs. Morphants. Now, it was talking about flies, not in the sense that we mean mutants, but I have to wonder, if mutation implies a variation in the X gene, might a term such as morphant be appropriate for those who gained power from the White Events?

Feb. 1st, 2015


Stark Tower, late Sunday night )


network post: caroline forbes

Filtered: Hank McCoy
Others have been preparing for the Superbowl. It's a truly quiet almost dead time in Fangtasia. Sundays are never our busiest days on less snowy football-less weekends to begin with. As such, I've been putting thought into our wedding. I want to announce it in the New York Times, which has a remarkable number of guidelines. My hometown doesn't even exist here, but given it's fully verifiable information, I'm sure they'll accept it. There is a symmetry to having our eyebrows photographed on the same level. It's aesthetically pleasing, and it would be lovely to save many copies of that issue. I don't know whether or not we'll be able to win the Vows Column, but I have already started on the second half of it.

My mind's been swirling on the date. If it's the summer, I was thinking June or September. It's so much hotter in July and August. But five months isn't that much time to plan a wedding. But it's doable, definitely manageable. What do you think? I might accidentally plan the whole thing without realizing I haven't asked you. And it is your wedding too.
Filtered: Elena Gilbert
It's been quite the Mystic Falls/New Orleans arrival party lately. More New Orleans than Mystic Falls, but Rebekah, Kol... they're originally from Mystic Falls, so it counts. But I was wanting to speak with you about options... Sire bond dealing options. We have some more, some less, than dealing with it the first time around. And we can learn from that. So, would now be a good time to discuss that?
Filtered: Fangtasia Employees
One year anniversary coming up, February 15th. And I know it's all romance and glorious times for many couples downstairs, good times for singles upstairs on the 14th. But I want to do something special for our one year anniversary. It's a Sunday, a slowish day, but that also means we can do what we want and not drive business away if it's too crazy. So while I've had some ideas for a while, none of them seem like Just the Right Thing to Do. So I'm open to suggestions.
It's really 2015. It only ever completely settles on me that it's a new year once we reach the second month. It's not as though I've been writing the wrong year until now, but it really feels like it. I've also been doing an amazing job at staying calm. No Bridezilla moments. It's almost a miracle.

Dec. 19th, 2014


I think I've found my new hobby. Seldom does one find a trend that combines delinquency with British humorists.

And apparently the risk of death.

Dec. 14th, 2014


-- What are you doing right now? It needs to stop.
-- And you need to be here. Like now.

OOC: Trigger Warning for comments. Mentions of disease/family death.

Nov. 1st, 2014


network post: caroline forbes

First of all, I would like to make sure that everyone who came to Fangtasia is okay. So far as I can tell, the magic protecting the club worked and prevented harm from coming to anyone, beyond that of a major headache. If none of you would like to come again, I understand. But you each have free entry and a free drink another night at Fangtasia if you would like it. Please let me know if any of you made it outside the doors of the club and came to harm, where there wasn't magic to protect you.

Also, my thanks to the younger heroes and tower denizens who left their own party at the Potts Tower Youth Center to help out. Trick or treat, indeed. It was very much appreciated, though the level heads of some people's costumes are very much appreciated. Perhaps next time I shall choose Athena, goddess of wisdom.

Fangtasia itself sustained little physical damage, all things considered.

Filtered: Albus Dumbledore
It was a pleasure to see you yesterday. But as the city and state don't look at magic to determine someone's age, I must ask that in the future you restrict yourself to the restaurant and private rooms portion of Fangtasia, where those under twenty-one are welcome. I doubt anyone noticed much once you became Merlin.
Filtered: Hank McCoy
So that wasn't a complete disaster, my god of war.
Filtered: Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
How was it being James Bond? He was more useful to have around than Aphrodite that's for certain. Even though she wasn't particularly put off by the dragon. And the spell worked, thank God. Or that would have been a catastrophe, and I very likely wouldn't have even had a club left standing. I'll need to run much more thorough background checks from now on. I've steered clear of compulsion, for ethical reasons, when doing so. But sheesh. It makes me question myself.

Oct. 27th, 2014


I think if Sisyphus had a pinterest, he would have filed his boulder under "Awesome 15 minute arms & butt workout lifehack!!!" One must always question the merit of saving $50 on a Halloween costume in lieu of $20 on materials and $40 of tools.

That said, I can now add leatherworker to my growing list of accomplishments. Next to building jets, and being placed under military arrest.

[Filtered to Caroline Forbes]
But I think I am nearly done with my costume. Care to give an opinion, my Αφροδιτη Συμμαχια?

Oct. 11th, 2014


network post: caroline forbes

October may be my favorite month of the year. Yesterday was wonderful at Fangtasia, wearing a crown and a dress, yes less authentic than my prom dress back home, but we're living on budgets here. It was altered by yours truly, anyway, to make it precisely what I wanted (and the queen gets what she wants, no?). And zippers are a wonderful invention for dresses, anyway. But the Fall Festival outside was so much fun. I love carnival games, which vampire strength is not always an advantage for. And I didn't use it to win the giant teddy bear. I have been going after earning myself one of those since I was a child, girl scout's honor. Tis the season for carnivals until November comes and it gets to cold to have much out of doors, until there's snow and ice skating. Mmm, but my mood is fabulous.

Filtered: Hank McCoy
This commercial shows you could make a sexy villain. But you don't need a jaguar to sell yourself because you already are the genius scientist he pretends to be. Mmmm.
Filtered: RSTF
A+ to research lately with the Sanctuary magic. It makes costumed parties, which may involve masks some weeks so much easier to relax around. You folks are all welcome if you want to come. And if it's not your scene, I'm hardly offended. We do get some more obsessed types out there. Incidentally, that makes it a great place to hear gossip, which is not all high school and who's dating whom (wouldn't you like to know? irrelevant to my point here). Thing is, people talk about vampires or werewolves or other things that they've seen or read about on Facebook, twitter, some mostly unconvincing photos on Instagram, and the like. And well, we know there are plenty of Buffy vampires due to various incidents, including the Angelus drama. There are likely some Twilight vampires from back in the day when they broke out of SHIELD, and it was bonfire season trying to track them down. I'm not 100% convinced we got them all then. But there was a wolf some of us saw on patrol a month or two ago, and there are unexplained stories going around. Many of them are likely bunk, but it's not like we can be 100% sure about all the supernatural beings that have come through the tesseract. And there was the whole tesseract hot potato thing going on for a while. So my point is, we don't know what's here, even if SHIELD/SWORD has told us everything they know.

So lets try and figure it out the old fashioned way. Get on our Nancy Drew or what have you. Sam and Dean read newspapers, blogs, listened to police radios, for example. We can do that too and not assume everything we hear about needs to be hunted. We can help people who need it. We can protect people who need it. And we can at least start to have a better idea what/who all is here (because hey, there could be native stuff too... aren't there things in the comics?), even if we don't come face to face with it all the time. And really, who wouldn't like to have an idea what's around before coming face to face, up close and personal?

Oct. 1st, 2014


[EMH Steve]

You know, there are moments when I really miss having Tony around. Or Pym even.

[Abigail Brand]

I've my full work up from medical. All tests are back in.

In the interest of disclosure. It's a lesion, like the other Carol thought it was. It's pressing on the part of my brain that deals with emotions or memories or something. I'm not really clear on all the science parts. But I agitate it too much and it'll burst, could wipe out my mind. It'll all heal, which is what happened last time. But I could lose everything.

Apparently they're not exactly sure how to operate on someone whose body immediately starts to heal. So we should find someone who can.


Hey there. I'm sorry I haven't really been around at all. Why was I Do you want to go for pizza?


We've a bunch of people being turned into monsters around the country by a carnival that's kidnapping them to do it.

So far our agents have recovered three with different alterations to each. And they're not reverting back so far like the people who turned fuzzy a few weeks ago in New York did. And at least one person has turned up dead after this.

I want everyone in comms trying to find any hint of these guys so we can take them down.

Scitech if you are not on assignment and you've any bio at all, you're looking into helping these people, if it's even possible.

Sep. 25th, 2014


[Filtered to Cosima Niehaus]
So I should check in. How are you feeling?

Sep. 18th, 2014


Filter: Hank McCoy
Hey there! How goes it? How goes sciencing? Do you have some free time in your schedule anytime soon? Forrrr something a little important?

Sep. 5th, 2014


That was hell and a half. I woke up this morning with a whole slew of new memories, including the Apocalypse Twins and the entire Earth getting wiped out by a Celestial. Sucks to be the last human being alive. And Katie is gone and Alex's face
Do you think I might have a word with you, in person?

Aug. 27th, 2014


Oof, you ever just have one of those days where it starts at its normal time, but you look up and it's nine hours later, and it feels like you just blinked? That's how busy I was today.

I'm also really bummed that Willow's gone.

Do you know anyone who is a sequencing genius? I left mine back in my home world, and I could really use the help.
How are you hanging in there?
Dinner's on me tonight. What's on the menu, chickadees?

Aug. 18th, 2014




Aug. 13th, 2014


Okay, so you don't know me and I only know my world's version of you a little bit. But what I know of you there is that you're trustworthy so I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions? About science. And maybe doing some science?
There. I just messaged him.

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