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Sep. 7th, 2015


Network Post; Lily Potter

Sometimes I really just want a study break and so I think, oh I'll see a film - but then there really aren't any films that I want to see (that I haven't already seen?) and so I end up watching two hours of television instead and regretting my life choices. I suppose at least I got dinner made out of it this afternoon.

[Filter: Severus]
So did you find out anything about that warehouse?

[Filter: Sirius & Harry]
Would you like to come over for dinner tonight? I'm making a cottage pie and I need to share it with someone!

Aug. 30th, 2015


The only thing that's made this place bearable is the service that brings you food without making you talk to anyone. And last night that went belly-up. They took my money, I never got my supper, and when I tried to find out how I was supposed to complain, it said I had to call. What's the point?

House-elves might be awful to look at, but at least they don't just go and take the night off.

Aug. 11th, 2015


You know how they say you don't miss things until they're gone? Well they weren't talking about memories, so much, where they? There's a few I wouldn't have minded trading in for something better. But, is everyone all right now? recovered? Remembered? All that?

[Sirius Black]
Erm, well. I guess you were a bit right, then. About the girlfriend I mean. How's things now you know you're not a dog?

[Hermione Granger]
Since. Since, well. We've our memories back now and we've sorted out what we'd maybe like to maybe consider thinking about or -- well. I just thought it might be

I know I kissed you and well, I think we both liked it so I was wond

Hey, Hermione, so do you want to maybe just

What do you say, you and me just

I'm probably an idiot for


[Draco Malfoy]
Wait, you're here? I thought you'd left. I'd hoped you'd left.

[Remus Lupin]

All right, then?

Aug. 1st, 2015


[Friends/Family of Harry Potter: (Lily, Sirius, Remus, Hermione, Tonks, Dumbledore, Sparrow, Steve Rogers (MCU)). -- Perhaps I forgot you. If you've spoken to Harry and are not Draco Malfoy: You're probably included.]
So Hermione built me a birthday cake roughly the size of a hippogriff fledgling -- and as much as I'd like to eat cake until my next birthday, I was sort of thinking maybe you'd all like to share some of it with me?

Jul. 31st, 2015


Network Post; Lily Potter

[filter: Harry (ooc: backdated to this morning because I've been running around like a mad-woman all day)]
Your father isn't here, but if he were, there would be instead of breakfast, cakes, cupcakes, jelly beans, and the like. I don't think I've done quite as well as he would have, but there are waffles with whipping cream and other toppings, some bertie botts every flavor beans, some ice cream cupcakes (I feel as if that pushes it up a notch, doesn't it?), and well, come over and see.


    Cut for image )

    Happy birthday, Harry. I've got a few things for you. You're not doing anything tonight, are you?

Aug. 1st, 2015


[ Filtered to Harry Potter ]
Happy 18th Birthday, Harry.

I've been trying to think, you know, about how one might make up for seventeen-odd years of missed birthdays. Damn near ran out the clock. Off to a miserable start, eh? Suppose it about fits the tone of my time as godfather. Old dogs, new tricks, &c.

There are so many things I'd like to give you. Things that used to belong to your father, pieces of him that I'd have kept with me. Things that boys should have. That you should have had because someone should've been there to give them to you. And because I made a promise, once, that I would. (Never was much at keeping things was i?) But at the moment, I've got two sickles to rub together and we're a bit of a ways from home.

What i can offer you is a ride on a motorbike, a slice of cake, and a story about the last birthday I was around for. if you're not quite done hearing me natter on about that shite.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


As tomorrow's a national holiday, the public library will likely be closed. Actually, it's already closed. Celebrating freedom means no access to books. But there are 108 colleges and universities in New York City, one of them must have an open library tomorrow. Lets find one and go.

Jun. 19th, 2015


At least the tea isn't too different here. That's a relief. If only I could say the same for the cakes.

    When we first spoke, you mentioned that if I needed something I could contact you. Suppose there's nothing for it -- the next full moon looks to be around the 2nd. If you know of anywhere I could go on the 1st where I won't be of harm to anyone, I would greatly appreciate it.

    I owe you a drink, my friend. Or two.

    The next full moon is coming up rather quickly -- on the 2nd, actually. [...] Does Harry know?

Jun. 14th, 2015


Don't suppose it'd be too much trouble to simply ask for the nearest pub? I think I've about had my fill of muggle technology already without fiddling with this thing for too long. I can't stay here


[Sirius Black]
How are you feeling now, Sirius? A proper meal and a good sleep later?

[Hermione Granger]
Thanks for staying bringing being -- you know. Thanks.

The Tesseract spat something out for me, today.

Jun. 13th, 2015


Network Post; Lily Potter

Well, Whiskers and Tails aren't very certain about their new roommate, but Minerva seems to be here now.

cut for Image, not filtered )

[Filter: Harry]
If she looks familiar at all, and she probably doesn't, it's because she's the cat we had when you were little

Jun. 12th, 2015


They finally got you didn't they old boy?

Is this what it's like when you finally have your soul eaten?
It's not so bad. All those years of worrying about it.

Not so bad.

Jun. 11th, 2015


What makes a hero "super"?

Jun. 9th, 2015


Network Post; Lily Potter

[Filter: Severus]
Are you busy?

[Filter: Harry]
Would you want to get breakfast somewhere tomorrow morning?

Jun. 4th, 2015


[Filtered to Harry Potter people]

You are cordially invited....

it just doesn't sound the same as it would back home.

Anyway. My birthday is tomorrow, Friday. I'm sorry for not giving more notice, though at least some of you may know when it falls. I would welcome you all to join me at my flat here in the tower for a birthday celebration. Food, drinks, and cake will be provided. Starting around seven in the evening.

[Filtered to Maria Hill]

Hello, Maria Hill. I would like to invite you to attend a birthday celebration tomorrow evening at my flat, if you are interested in attending. You're a friend of Severus and I think he would like you there. It's tomorrow evening around seven.

May. 31st, 2015



This is so weird...


I think I like movies. They were silly black and white silent things back home but I went to see Mad Max and it was... loud. And big. And I think I still haven't quite recovered. But it was fun and I think I want to see it again because I was so caught up in the whole novelty of it that I sort of missed half of what happened at the start.

May. 27th, 2015


network post: ginny weasley

So let me get this straight

This morning I was fighting for my life and watching people die , and now I've traveled to another dimension, is that about right?

No I have a better question-- where are the rest of my people?


Network Post; Lily Potter

James is gone. The clock said he was. So.

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