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Aug. 9th, 2013


network post; filtered

Filtered to Sir Percival Blakeney
Did they have cheerleaders back in your day?

Do you sing?

Aug. 8th, 2013


...I just wanted to take a minute to be... incredibly grateful the friends I've made here. It wasn't until just this moment that I realised how much I treasured each and every one of you.

We should all get together one night next week and watch Bring it On or something.

[Joan Watson]
You know what we haven't done in a while?...I knew you'd ask, so the answer is: broken into a building. I think we ought to fix that this weekend, don't you? I bought you a present (hint: it's a set of lockpicks)
[Sherlock Holmes (PBS)]
It's clobberin' time
I have work. For us.
[Sherlock Holmes (The Other One) + Jude Law!Watson]
Sherlock -- do you think you could cut your hair and put on a suit?

Watson -- do you think you could make him if he says no?
[Saul Goodman]
So if I had a friend who accidentally left some legal documents in my hands, do you think I could bring them by? Maybe, ask a few unrelated questions that might shed some light on their (in)significance?
[Tony Stark (616)]
If I gave you a list of things I needed which included military grade tech, what are the chances you could get it for me without asking questions?
[Steve Rogers (616)]
I don't actually have anything to say to you


Edit: Added much later

[Steve Rogers (616)]
I changed my mind
...How good are you at lying?

Aug. 6th, 2013


Well, it is official, Casey Novak is on her way to becoming a lawyer again. I took the test, and now I have to wait for the results. I don't even care if I have to work from the bottom of the totem pole, as long as I am doing law work. I started job searching immediately, got a few resumes in. Now it is okay, I can relax a little. Who wants to get a cup of coffee? I am totally jonesing.

(OOC: Been informed about the results taking months to come back... it's been adjusted)


My hiring methods may have been unconventional, but they worked. These new hospital administrators watch too much television, and not the Survivor-island style. You'd think being intelligent was a crime. It's not my job to tell you how to do yours.

But, following my therapist's recommendation, a word to my neighbors. That's the sound of Van Halen, not vandalism. I found a new toy while I was out.

Jul. 22nd, 2013


There's a reason people only go to medical school once. Last time, I had two working legs.

Wilson, you owe me a drink. And twelve cranial nerves.

Veronica Mars
I have a case for you. Where can I find one of these?


Filtered: Friends
I'm a week away from my half-way mark of my training. And I swear I've lost more sleep in this month than I ever have during finals week for damn reason or another. Anyone in that tower that can prescribe some Ambien? Or some... herbal thing?

Also, someone owes me an art museum trip.

Filtered: Peter Parker (MCU)
Hey. Are you

Filtered: PB&G
I fucked up.

Jul. 15th, 2013


Text Message to James Wilson
>> I must be bored. I'm feeling philanthropic.
>> By the way, that's not a live chicken in your apartment.
>> New York has a rule about farm animals.


We have a sudden rush of people at the clinic. Something's going on in the city.

If there's anyone in the tower who even knows a little first aide, we could use your help tonight. There are too many people and we don't have enough hands.

[Clinic Staff]

We've people pouring in, reports of strange things going on in the city? People are panicking. We've got to set up as a safe area.

Jul. 12th, 2013


My...girlfriend thinks I need friends.

So, who wants to be friends?

Nobody? Shame. At least I tried.


Filter: Henry Mills
I've been contemplating going to see a broadway show. Would you like to go and see one with me? Or we could catch a movie.

Filter: Emma Swan
I've asked Henry if he would like to attend a broadway show or see a movie with me. As much as So long as it is all right with you and he agrees I was aiming for next weekend.

Last I looked at the clock it was late morning and now I've seemed to have lost hours to the Food Network Channel.

Jul. 8th, 2013


[Filtered: James Wilson]
It's too late to suggest we flee, isn't it? I left my sword at home.

[Filtered: Gwen Stacy]
Call it 'grass is greener' syndrome, but is it always this crazy here?

Jul. 1st, 2013


While the beverage itself was pleasant and refreshing, I found Coca-Cola's title to be very misleading.

Jul. 2nd, 2013


So what kind of jobs do they have in this world for a freelance sharpshooter and vault hunter? A man's gotta make money so he can buy booze.

Jun. 27th, 2013


I've only been here a week, but I've already determined I'm the best version of me out there. Or, is that meant to say 'worst'? You decide.

Filtered to James Wilson
But it'd be better if you were a woman.

Jun. 25th, 2013





I found a to do list on the 14th street platform today. It seems New York's hosting another explorer with big dreams.

Should we be excited that they've already crossed off one item?

Otherwise, I think this should be our next tower Scavenger Hunt.

Jun. 23rd, 2013


Even now a maniac with an ego is something to be wary of. But the memories of Count Olaf (while not into full blown terror like this one) were a bit dicey to deal with.

And if anyone needs video to go over I somehow have the whole thing on tape, was recording a show on Science while I was at work.


Might not be the common thought, but maybe he ain't wrong. Only difference between a terrorist and a freedom fighter's the side of the fence you're sittin on and those events mentioned don't cast too kindly on this government.

So maybe they to keep their nose out of other lands' business then there won't be problems like this.


Text to James Wilson
>> So. Terrorists. Sherlock Holmes. Your dead girlfriend.
>> How do you feel about beef wellington?
>> With wilted winter greens?

Jun. 21st, 2013


I'm going to accept what has happened, however unlikely it seems, and move on to what we all really want to know - when is General Hospital on?

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