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Aug. 6th, 2013


network post: xavin

Filtered to: Molly Hayes
Are you still maintaining your anger at me?
Filtered to: Karolina Dean
My beloved, is there anything that you need? My shift will end soon, and I can purchase foods here or other goods on my way home. I apologize for being away so long today.
Filtered to: Chase Stein
What is going on with you?
Filtered to: Gertrude Yorke
Is all well with your physical needs? It is clear you need you to be gone. But I would like you to stay alive so long as you are here.
Filtered to: Nico Minoru
Does your death bother you?
Filtered: Private
The last time so many of us angered each other so much, it was due to a spell. This time? Questions.


When traveling cross country on a motorcycle, make sure your driver remembers that if you were to go careening off a curvy mountain road you don't have a healing factor to save you. In other words, America is beautiful and please pray for me.

How are things back in New York? I can't wait to show you some of the photos I've been taking. This trip has been a nice break, but I wish I could share it with you. Maybe in a few months we can go and explore the fall sights together, just the two of us. I hope you don't mind facial hair, because this peach fuzz is not being tamed until I get back.

Aug. 4th, 2013


Who: Gertrude & Ken
What: Phone conversation (Facetime).
When: 08/04, evening.
Where: Different states.
Rating: Mild, some cussing & physical violence referenced via bruises.
Status: Complete, Gdoc.

...I’m obviously the bigger badass here )


Filter: Runaways/AA

hey nerds, i'm bored as hell, truth or dare?

Aug. 2nd, 2013


TGIF. That's still a thing, right?

My friend Mara's having a party tomorrow. Want to be my plus three?

I'm in the mood to be a not-so-good person and bitch to you about something. It's a stupid thing, really, but I know you'll get it.


Delivered to Chase/Molly's apartment )

Aug. 1st, 2013


I can cross "hook up with a vampire" off my bucket list now. I feel pretty accomplished about that. What's that stupid phrase people keep using these days? I refuse to say it, but you all know what I mean. If there's any time to throw yourself into any new experience that comes your way and really live, I think this is that time for me. Why the hell not, right?

Henry is pretty charming, for someone from the 19th century. Although I'm not sure I expected any differently.
Hey, I miss you, where are you these days?

Jul. 31st, 2013


yo, you wanna go to the mall tomorrow with Kurt? he said he'd buy you something.

i figured out a way to fix us. we need a place. ours. we're too separated and its doing no one any good. we've never been this bad before, or correct me if I'm wrong if you're from like.. years ahead or whatever, but we need to get a house or apartment. something to keep us together. we can live in the van for all I care but something's gotta give. this ain't right.

Jul. 27th, 2013


Who: Gertrude & Nico
What: Phone conversation
When: 07/27, 11PM
Where: Separate locations/states, on the phone
Rating: Low, possible language.
Status: Ongoing

Pick up the phone... )

Jul. 26th, 2013


TEXT to Gert

[Text to Gert]
- hey
- victor and karolina are gone
- i we need you
- we're falling apart

- please be alive...

Jul. 24th, 2013


[Text to Julie]
- you're a good person
- where do good people go to chill?
- i'm bored as hell

[Text to Gert]
- hey
- yo
- how are y
- you ok
- fuck
- are we talki

- you breathing?

[Text to Vic]
- sup amigo?
- need a favor
- actually I need a toy
- from stark
- you're his bro now, so find me something fun to play with
- something with fire power gets you respect

Jul. 21st, 2013


Network Post: Filter

[Filter: Runaways & Friends]

It’s been about four days since I left, I’ve been in touch with Chase and Mettle, and so I hope they’ve at least said something about my ability to still breathe. Well, Chase anyway, Mettle’s had a lot more going on with his plate than a runaway for a friend. & I do hope the wedding was a success, still sorry I wasn’t there for that. Probably the only wedding I would have ever been able to see, I bet it was perfect.

If you’re wondering, I made a stop in Chicago for two days before catching a train out of Union Station. It’ll take, roughly, another two days on this train before I get to where I’m going. I don’t really know what I’m doing, but I guess I’ll figure it out when I get there.

I’m going to try to sleep for a little while. I’ll be in contact when I can.
Love you all.

Jul. 19th, 2013


[Text to Gert]
- uhh gert?
- where are you?

Jul. 17th, 2013


txt to mettle

>> Hey.
>> Tell 'Berto bye for me. & Julie. Thank 'em both too.
>> & I'm sorry I won't be at your wedding.
>> Would have been nice to see a wedding, and happy people.
>> Good luck with everything, stay happy.

>> I'll have your gift when/if I return.
>> You know, if the little cube doesn't send me back to my dirt nap before I can actually return to the state.

>> & if I do get whisked away under the daisies, it was really nice meeting you.
>> Thanks for everything.
>> Need to find a hotel, battery is going to die.
>> If you see 'em, tell my friends I'm safe. & tell Chase


Who: Gertrude
What: Leaving the state.
When: As soon as The Runaways return to the tower, couple hours after Chase left.
Where: The Tower/Leaving the Tower.
Rating: Low.
Status: Complete - Narrative.

Please don't hate me. )

Jul. 15th, 2013


[ Filtered to All Runaways ]

I realize that last night wasn't a universally popular choice, but thank you for getting us to Philly, Chase. I'm glad everyone's uninjured. Nice right hook, Molly, as always. Xavin, you looked like you were enjoying yourself.

Now that the threat is removed from Potts Tower, I ask the group: what would you like to do? Stay on the road? Go back to New York?

Personally, I'd like to go back to New York. I miss my apartment, and my new friends, and being in the same place when I wake up That said, I'd like to propose that we make weekend outings a thing - to get out of the city, yes, but to continue helping people. I've missed it. For those of you worried that we may be affiliating ourselves with SHIELD, last night was a one-off. They're still dickheads.

But-- I did miss helping people. I really did.

[ /Filter ]

Jul. 8th, 2013


If anyone needs stuff from outside the Tower, tell me or come and find me before I leave in the morning. Like if you got a pet that needs to go outside or you need something you can't get in here, but you don't want to go out.

I'm sorry about your friend.


TXT To Molly

>> I love you.
>> Stay safe.

>> Eat a few greens every day to help appease my spirit.
>> OL sends slopping kisses and whining noises, she also stole your pink hat with the white dots.
>> By 'she' I mean me.

>> If you need us...you know what to do.


sayanara suckers!

[Filter: Nico]
i'm swinging by the tower from work. you guys able to get out and meet me down the blocks? there are guards everywhere.

[Filter: Gert]
grab my shit. the bag in the closet. don't forget the money stash behind the bathroom lightswitch.

[Filter: Vic]
you're an idiot. but keep us off the grid, ok?

[Filter: Runaways]
thanks for not giving me a chance to shower, you're gonna have to put up with the fish smell until we get a motel.


[Filtered to Runaways]


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