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Nov. 5th, 2015


network post: peter quill

See now, this just encourages me to test the limits of non-verbal communication. That or I shouldn't have eaten all those alphabet cookies.

Filtered: Abigail Brand
Now, I know you like hearing about aliens, but would you be interested in a date where I cannot talk?

Nov. 4th, 2015


Free Pumpkin Pie* today at the Orange Cafe!

*For people who want to participate in a pumpkin pie eating contest. Tell your friends! Everyone is welcome! Pie for not-contestants is only $2.99 with the purchase of a coffee or tea!

Oct. 21st, 2015


Network Post; Fox Mulder

You're still lookin' good, Scully.

And hey, I've not been put into a locked government facility yet - at least it doesn't look that way, so that's gotta be something.


This is it, boys and girls. After today all of Back to the Future will be in the past.
(And the present, and the future, because time isn't linear. But that's probably a discussion best left for a night of tequila shots.)

Happy Back to the Future Day!

Oct. 19th, 2015


There are far too many adorable baby costumes to choose from.


I don't know how I feel about this.

Oct. 16th, 2015


Network Post; Fox Mulder

I'm kind of thinking our babysitter may have gone up and left us.

Does anyone have any interest in watching a two year old for a few hours while Scully and I get an night out without diapers and bottles?

Oct. 12th, 2015


My wife says I can't talk to her about baseball anymore and my week old baby is just does not seem to love baseball yet. (I'm not sure where I went wrong.)

So as much as I would love to see the Mets show the Dodgers how you don't mess with New York, the ghost of Joe DiMaggio will have to do. These games count right?
[Filtered against MCU]
Also and I probably should have led with this. Do we have theories on this 1941 thing?

Oct. 5th, 2015


I'm a big person. I can admit when I'm wrong--this baby is even cooler than I previously said.

Now we just need to go buy all the baby halloween costumes.

Oct. 4th, 2015


Among the roles I have as member of the Star Wars Shakespeare cast, is that of Jabba the Hutt. Given the context of the play, I imagined him to be some seedy gangster type, and so that's how I've been playing him. Heaven knows I've met a few in my day. However, I found out that the character has a greater role in subsequent films, so I watched the film, Return of the Jedi. I must say, I would never have imagined the character looking like that.

Oct. 1st, 2015


[Filtered to Floors 11/12 (Adam Hauptman, Mercy Thompson, Newt Geiszler, Cosima Niehaus, Helena, Anders, Garrett Hawke, Duncan, Cora Amell, Zevran Aranai, Alistair Theirin, Carve Hawke, Rick Jones, Fox Mulder, Dana Scully, Bruce Banner (616), Thorin Oakenshield)]
We have money for Halloween decorations. so should should perhaps discuss decorations for the eleventh and twelfth floors.

Or we can just buy candy with it.
[Filtered to Young Allies]
I may have to be scarce this month with the Stark Expo and apparently midterms.

Although it couldn't be that much worse than the multi-family meet this spring, no?

Sep. 30th, 2015


I generally don't watch things Gillian Anderson does because it's just far too strange to see myself on the screen but I did cave in and watch the episodes of Hannibal she's in. That was an eye-opener. Bedelia DuMaurier is certainly... interesting.

[Filtered to Mulder
Have you seen the trailer for the new series of the X-Files?

We watched everything there was, didn't we? I am right in thinking that the cigarette smoking man died, aren't I?


Sep. 25th, 2015


Network Post; Fox Mulder

[Filter: Mayday Parker]
I believe you had mentioned at one point in time that you might be interested in babysitting William for us.

Is that still something you're interested in?

Sep. 21st, 2015


So I take it Potts Tower is back to normal now?

[Filtered to Anne Weaver, Phil Coulson, Maria Hill]
I was thinking about those former agents that turned up last week with the symbols carved into them.

SWORD picked up a painting this summer when we were helping Thor search for that sceptre with the Infinity Stone. On the back it has similar etchings which Fandral and Carol Danvers recognized as part of a map. I can send over pictures, but if you want to come see it in person, Anne has some passes to the base she can work up.
[Filtered to Agents Mulder & Scully]
If both of you are in town right now, I'd like you to go over Potts Tower and see what remains of whatever happened this weekend: structurally, physically, electronically, radiologically, whatever emissions spectra you can think to measure.

Communicate if you have further needs. If there is structural damage, communicate with Stark Industries, but I'm particularly interested if there are any xenobiotic samples to be collected.
[Blandvers (Blake/Brand/EMH Danvers)]
I've seen intermittent posting by Ascension crew, so I'll give a preliminary report here.

There was an incident at Potts Tower wherein everyone those in the Tower on Friday morning were locked inside and perceived the Tower to be a Hell-like dimension with regenerating monsters. There is some evidence to suggest that this was the action of an unidentified powered individual, and Tesseract readings were largely normal. In fact, we've had very little spontaneous generation by the Stone since its surge last month.

While there may not be anything, I have sent Agents Mulder and Scully to investigate the tower and see what evidence of this weekend remains.

Additionally, SHIELD may have a lead on that Chitauri map that was found in June. I'm consulting with a specialist in the matter to see if our finding helps with theirs.

Sep. 19th, 2015


[Filtered to Mulder]
Mulder, are you still in the Tower? I can't get back in.


Sep. 7th, 2015


Network post; Fox Mulder

Sometimes I think the tesseract knows what it's doing and sometimes I think it's just out to fuck with us.

[Filter: Scully]
What do you think the chances are of us getting a weekend off at the same time and together? Or maybe we could ask Brand or Danvers if there's some special assignment in Vancouver or something.

Sep. 2nd, 2015


Who: Fox & Samantha Mulder
When: August 22 2015 (slightly backdated), just before this.
Where: Her flat in Potts Tower
What: A much anticipated reunion!
Rating: Low, F for feels,

I wasn’t taken by aliens )


Who: Mulder & Scully
When: Late on August 22, after this and Mulder's meeting with Samantha
Where: Their apartment
What: Talking about Samantha
Rating: PG

I am certain that this is Samantha. Not a clone, not a pretense - but Samantha. )

Sep. 1st, 2015


I have discovered one advantage of being here - I don't actually need to try on a dress to know what I'm going to look like in it. I've decided I very much want this dress and possibly a party to wear it to, preferably one that doesn't involve a murderous cannibal.

Aug. 30th, 2015


Network Post: Jane Foster

The Tesseract's activity seems to be more along the lines of normal now. Or as normal as it ever is. I wish I had an explanation for why it brought so many here over the course of a few days but so far I can't come up with anything.

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