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Nov. 19th, 2013


I'm looking forward to this.

Magneto (811), Professor X (both), Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Billy Kaplan & anyone else in the "family"
I'm not the best advocate for family holidays, but since we're essentially family - in some universe or another, I believe I should at least offer that we do something together.

Hanukkah party?

Nov. 18th, 2013


All right guys, so we're setting up the Avengers & X-Men Thanksgiving Extravaganza for Wednesday, November 27th at 6pm. That way we're not taking away from anyone's holiday experiences with family, but it's close enough that we can all celebrate together.

That said, I need some potluck-ers to help me out with the side dishes & desserts. If you can't make anything, pitching in for catered sides would be all right, too. Either way, I can't afford to front the whole thing myself -- as much as I would absolutely love to -- so bring it on.

I can't wait to see you all.

Nov. 15th, 2013


As we are approaching the holiday season, we are also approaching the end of the semester for ESD coursework. If everyone currently or looking to be enrolled, you can have a look at our course guide to consider what if any classes you would like to add.

Also, if anyone is willing to pick up any courses for the spring, either that have lost instructors or that do not currently exist, you can speak to Ms. Rachel Summers ( [e-mail] ) or comment here and I am certain we can start a conversation

[Filtered to Rachel Summers]
I hope you do not mind the small plug for the ESD, Rachel. It always feels so anti-social posting only a private filter.
[Filtered to X-Men + friendly mutants]
I have been speaking with Janet van Dyne, the Wasp of the Avengers of my world, and it has been suggested, and I wholly agree, that we should focus on building bridges between our teams here. She and I have decided to have a Thanksgiving dinner. Open to both groups, from all worlds. This invitation has already gone out to the Avengers. It would be a gesture of good faith if we made a decent showing. If actual Thanksgiving day does not work, we could do the day before or after.

I realise in the past, in my world, if not others, the X-Men and the Avengers have not always agreed upon what was right or how to handle particular situations. However, ultimately we have always had the same goals: protection of the world and its individuals and a commitment to our belief of what is right. Both of our teams have taken severe losses in the past few months, and perhaps our strength is not be found in standing entirely separate, but in rekindling friendships.

If anyone has strong feelings otherwise, please speak up, but I do feel that this could be a rare chance to extend olive branches, even they may be only for our time here.

Nov. 8th, 2013


Finding a job was so much easier back when it was just reclaiming gold from nazis.

I don't suppose that's hiring, is it?

[Filter to Alison Hendrix]
I have managed to find a physician in the city. She can consult in three weeks.

Oct. 29th, 2013


I've never had a job interview before. Tips, please?

Oct. 26th, 2013


network post: alison hendrix

The clinic is finally back in an organized state. Files are organized, and those patients no longer present are in a retired status. If they arrive again, with similar injuries, their records are available. Further, there are no scorch marks fouling the walls any longer. The staff is limited, so unfortunately not all the same services can be provided. If you are medical personnel and would be interested in practicing medicine in the clinic, please let Healer Anders or myself know. If you still need to be certified to practice medicine, there will be processes to determine and complete first.

Filtered to: SHIELD administrative (Nick Fury, Maria Hill, Phil Coulson (MCU)), Pepper Potts (MCU), & SHIELD medical
I am curious as to what must physicians must do to be certified to practice here. Clearly, that may differ if they are from this time or another. But I would like to have those paths on file. This clinic needs more doctors, healers, medical practitioners... Thank you for your assistance.
Filtered (individually) to: Luna Lovegood & anyone else who was receiving physical therapy, help with disability, etc
I have it on the records here that you were receiving assistance from previous medical personnel. Your physician is no longer present. However, I am very good at what I do, and I may be able to help you. Please let me know and make an appointment if you would like to continue treatment.

Mrs. Alison Hendrix
Filtered to: Cosima Niehaus & Sarah Manning
Everything in the common areas have been organized. In the living room, the drugs and related paraphernalia are in the lower drawer of the table to the left of the couch. The drugs have been organized as personal property and a common supply. When you bring drugs into the apartment, please store them appropriately. The kitchen has been organized with plates and cups on one side and cooking spices and non-perishable foods on the other. The refrigerator has been evenly divided for personal choices as well as common areas for shared items. Please load your groceries appropriately, as with the drugs.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Filtered: Charles (XMFC)
Did you know there's a gun range in the basement?

Having an alternate history is one of those oddly fulfilling things in which your alternate self achieves all of these life experience points and you reap the benefits, or lack thereof. Yes, maybe we should rewrite philosophy books using terms from Pokemon. Think of the money we'd make.

Oct. 17th, 2013


Deliveries to Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, Catwoman (DCU), Cassie Lang, Erik Lehnsherr (811), Jessica Jones (616) )

Additional delivery for Jessica Jones )

Oct. 13th, 2013


[Filter to Wanda Maximoff]
He's yours?

[Filter to Charles Xavier (811)]
Well what do you know. I might be a grandfather.

Oct. 14th, 2013


So I've been taken through the Cosmic Cube ,or the Tesseract as you call it but ketchup catsup, and I'm currently in a tower the property of Pepper Potts and Tony Stark, filled with other refugees not only from a variety of worlds, but also from different points in time and and and I'm overloading a little because THIS IS AWESOME! And I'm not home. That is also awesome considering what I just did

Do we have Tyrion from Game of Thrones? Please tell me we have a Tyrion.


Hi, I'm Billy Kaplan. I'm a Cancer, I'm from NYC, I'm a Reform Jew.

Mom? They told me you were here.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


network post

Filtered: Charles Xavier (811)
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friends.

Filtered: Magneto (811)
We should consider that date to move bridges.


filter: avengers & mutants (all 'verses)
If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

I'm currently not in the country, but we are returning soon. Possibly a few days early. I have to get back to training and obviously, things have come up.

filter: Erik (811)
You're still here, aren't you?

ooc: hey she has a new pb, pretend nothing happened

Oct. 1st, 2013


It's taken a great bit of work, and I would like to thank everyone who helped out, but the Clinic is open again as of this morning.

We always accept volunteers and any new staff additions. And anyone is welcome to come by if they find themselves in need of a healer.

Sep. 23rd, 2013


These time-traveling boxes seem to have fickle ways. It seems I am owed a game of chess.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Delivery for Charles Xavier (811) )

Sep. 19th, 2013


Filter: Avengers Academy + additional Sunday trainers*
This is an announcement to all of you that from September 28 to October 4, my sister and I will be on a trip to Estonia. Should there be an dire circumstances, we will make it back within a few seconds, but you will have one weekend of training without me. Should you wish for additional training in the week, you can request it from the other trainers (whether they have the time for it midst their own lives is up to them, not me, so don't come whinging to me.. you can still train among yourselves).

Filter: Professor X (811)
I have to be out of my mind to think of trying to talk to Magneto. Of any universe. And yet

Filter: Erik Lehnsherr (811)
Against my judgment I have decided to filter you. I have been informed that your world is vastly different than mine but I still remain wary as to where you stand with your son from your universe. I am willing to hear your story.

Filter: Wanda Maximoff
I'm out of my mind.

*ooc: if your character trains with the AAs, just assume that Pietro's already talked to them in person about this? Hit me up in aim/email if you want to hash out details. RL craziness made it slip my mind earlier.

Sep. 17th, 2013


I think, to minimize confusion, I shall go by Magnus.

[Filtered to Wanda Maximoff]
It has been pointed out to me that I may have reacted hastily when we spoke the other day. Might we again?

Sep. 15th, 2013


Telepathic communication to Magneto the Elder )


[X-Men + Magnetos]
So Mags Jr. and I are going clubbing and you're all invited. Discuss.

I could be wrong, but this might be the weirdest moment of my life.


network post

Jubilee tells me cats and moving pictures and moving pictures of cats are very much in vogue here. I don't understand this century. Or, for that matter, how my phone ended up covered in sparkles.

Filtered: Charles Xavier (movies)
I don't kn Do you play chess?

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