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Nov. 7th, 2013


Watching Les Miserables tonight, and I'm having an odd attachment to Eponine. I probably should like Cossette better, but Eponine just speaks louder. Fantine was tragic though.

If anyone here is from Les Miserables, you guys are amazing.

Nov. 5th, 2013


I may have strong mixed feelings about the English, but I've celebrated Bonfire Night for as long as I can remember. Without further adieu:
Remember, remember!
The fifth of November,
The Gunpowder treason and plot;
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder treason
Should ever be forgot!
Guy Fawkes and his companions
Did the scheme contrive,
To blow the King and Parliament
All up alive.
Threescore barrels, laid below,
To prove old England's overthrow.
But, by God's providence, him they catch,
With a dark lantern, lighting a match!
A stick and a stake
For King James's sake!
If you won't give me one,
I'll take two,
The better for me,
And the worse for you.
A rope, a rope, to hang the Pope,
A penn'orth of cheese to choke him,
A pint of beer to wash it down,
And a jolly good fire to burn him.
Holloa, boys! holloa, boys! make the bells ring!
Holloa, boys! holloa boys! God save the King!
Hip, hip, hooor-r-r-ray!

Open Invitation for anyone to join us at Dear Bushwick in Brooklyn tonight from 7-10pm. All ages welcome and there will be dinner, drinks, and the requisite burning effigy. Not sure about fireworks, though.

And a bit of humour:
"Enjoy Bonfire Night but remember: if your Guy Fawkes effigy groans or moves unexpectedly, please call a council exorcist before placing him on the bonfire. And always light your Guy at arm's length in case he tries to bite." - Scarfolk Council

Oct. 28th, 2013


I have been here since March 20th, crossing the threshold of eight months merely eight days ago. In that time, I have been blessed with the opportunity to help the citizens of this city, the refugees such as myself and the good people of France who suffered at the whims of a madman. I have learned a great deal and come to understand the importance of progress and the revolutions which turn this world.

Not a day passes when I have not felt with deep significance the opportunities that I have been granted, but today I was visited by an old companion, one which I have not met since my eyes burned with the smoke of gunpowder and the dust of the Paris streets. Today, I was visited by the loss of a friend.

He was a man whom I loved, and a man who gave his skill, his intelligence and his life unselfishly. I know what awaits you, Combeferre, and you shall be missed, and remembered not only by me but by every man, woman and child whose life you touched while you were here. Rest well, gentle soldier.

"Death is not an eternal sleep -- Death is the commencement of immortality!"


Jesus, people in New York sure know how to celebrate Halloween. We never would've had that kind of crowd the weekend before Halloween down in Bon Temps. Probably would've had some sort of serial killer instead, knowing our town. Or vampires would have inva Or I would've ended up with a bar full of bad imitations of vampires. I never gave into any requests to celebrate at Merlotte's before, but I'm glad I did here. It's paying off.

This Friday'll mark the bar's one year anniversary. I'll be having drink specials all month to celebrate, so come take a look starting then. Thanks to Mr. Stark and Ms. Potts for all the help. It wouldn't be here without them.


All right, fellow refugees, I know this is terribly last minute, but I hope you'll forgive me since I only just got the Youth Centre in my name last week. I just wanted to announce that we'll be doing a small thing for the children down in the Youth Centre starting as soon as the kids get off school on 31 October. We'll be happy to watch them while you have your Halloween parties to go. We've got a line-up of bobbing for apples, video and board games, pin the tail on the donkey and the like. If there are special dietary requirements, do let me know.

I'm hoping to have the centre running in tip-top shape by next week, but there are still a few positions that need to be filled. Please have a look at our manifesto and see if you fit in. We'll be stretching our limbs to also include child-minding while you're off at work and the children aren't in school as well.

Oh, and I didn't want to bring this up, because it was too sad, but my friend Riley Poole has been sent back. I hope he remembers his time meeting his favourite superheroes.

Oct. 26th, 2013


I suspect tirelessly tyrannical bosses with a Spartan attitude toward every minor failu professional colleagues aren't everyone's first choice for new arrivals.

But I won't pretend it won't be nice to have someone to talk politics with, finally.

Oct. 22nd, 2013


As attested in various musicals, books, films and other sundry 'works of art', I've a rather prodigious ability to get lost inside my own head. And it's not so much lost as it is thoroughly captivated by one idea or another that lends itself to another, then builds upon a foundation which yields to the combined strength of the twinned ideas whilst the other strikes bricks into the wall. I'm a bit early for post-Modernism, is all, and I prefer seeing connections where-ever I go.

That said: I've determined that the small not-for-profit which was started as a way to bring help to those affected by the human bombings needs a grander scope. I've a patron of a not entirely ill repute who promises that there are no strings attached and given that, I've applied for a business license. People are still hurting, they still need us. So, I suppose (with a smile) I shall put my shoulder to the wheel. As ever I have.

Oct. 21st, 2013


I'm positive that I do not understand the relationship between wearing costumes and the Triduum of All Hallows.

Sep. 14th, 2013


There are few things more important than having a place to rest our heads. We, in this tower were lucky enough to be welcomed into this world with a bed waiting and shelter ready. There are plenty of organisations in this city, of which the Phoenix Project is one, that do what they can to provide homes, shelter and safety to those that need it. I am grateful for their aid and pleased to gift my time as much as I am able.

But beneath the citizens of this fine city, there are still others in need. I thought I would extend my efforts further and give at least one the warmth, love and security that she deserves.

Meet Sandrine.

Sep. 7th, 2013


Who: Grantaire & Enjolras
When: Evening, September 7.
Where: Café Cluny, W. 12th St.
What: Grantaire is capable of taking the 1 from Chambers St. to Christopher St., of exiting onto 7th Ave., of turning immediately into West 4th St., of strolling up toward the Meatpacking District. He is capable of that. His shoes are capable of that.
Rating: Low.

he enjoyed having a purpose of occasion, much like some men enjoyed an ortolan, although without the napkin. )

Aug. 24th, 2013


I was out of bed before the sun this morning, to help with a delivery to the food bank. There are a few bakeries who I've spoken to over the past few month who've agreed to donate their day-old loaves and bagels to the banks and to local schools with breakfast programmes for children. For the past three weeks, I've been collecting the baked goods, they're being stocked and frozen. I'm quite happy with the result. If anyone would like to volunteer time with collection over the next few days, do let me know, but I will expect early risers.

I think it's very important to never sell-short what it is that we are all capable of if, indeed, we are called upon. Efforts are never overlooked, but action must be taken before change can happen or progress achieved.

Now, I fully intend to find a park, sit with a copy of Prolegomena and read whilst enjoying the bright, warm benefits of Apollo's bounty.

Aug. 18th, 2013


Delivery For:
Oscar François de Jarjayes
Basil Hallward
Dorian Gray
Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
Don Draper
Clara Oswald
Pepper Potts & Tony Stark (MCU)
Peggy Carter & Stephen Dedalus
Henri Combeferre
Septimus Smith & Isabel Pole
Thor & Jane Foster
Rupert Giles
Dr. Stephen Strange
Lady Door
Albus Dumbledore
Severus Snape
Mycroft Holmes
Gregory House
James Wilson
Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine
Wesley Wyndam-Pryce
Armand Chauvelin
Simon Grantaire & Denis Enjolras
George Oscar Bluth, II
April Ludgate-Dwyer
Henry Sturges

(OOC: If you're friendly with either one of the Blakeneys, assume you also got an invitation -- it's my oversight! Not Marguerite's! A few people on this list (Contessa, GOB, April) received invitations because Marguerite thought your name sounded fancy (and because I thought it was kind of funny to invite GOB). You can all RSVP IC to this post!)


Aug. 14th, 2013


Sometimes I forget my father's dead. It's easy to do here. Just visiting, home still a snapshot from the last time we were all there at once. His smile and my mother's laugh, wet with wine and glowing in warm orange candlelight. And a wicked glint in my brother's eye and my sister's baby blonde curls just peeking over the table as he chased her.

And then I remember that no matter how much I practise, I will never open a door to them.

But I have learned to open doors to friends, so that's a small victory to be proud of. And it's all right to grieve and be happy at the same time.

Aug. 13th, 2013


Tomorrow is V J Day. It's marked on my calendar, but I've no idea what it means. I looked it up, as I refuse to disgrace Combeferre by being a luddite, and Wikipedia explained to me that it is the day Japan surrendered, effectively ending World War II. Victory Over Japan Day. It seems strange to call it that, at least it does to me. The end of the war is cause enough for remembrance, what good does it do to make it about winning or victory now? Far too often, war does little to decide who is right -- only who is left. I see little victory in it, for anyone.

[Les Amis]
Have we decided upon a date for our hero of Batignolles? I was thinking perhaps the 7th of September. It will give us time to prepare and spread the word properly. I'll be speaking about it in a conference with the fellows at the Phoenix Project this week. I think I might be able to use some of their connections for facilities and viable mailing lists, C. I'll pass those along to you.

Aug. 5th, 2013


This is the most beautiful day I've seen in any August, and I'm not exactly a young man. I think, for this breeze, I might well come out from under my bridge. I may even have a walk (no flash photography, please), despite the fact that I understand that such things are considered healthful. I intend to set no precedent, I deny any and all knowledge of the potential character-building, mind-clearing, or leg-stretching effects of such a course of action, and I hereby submit advance notice of my intent to attribute any positive feelings that may occur in the course of the afternoon to the excellent terrine I had last night at Jadis.

That said, I'm going for a stroll in the sun.


And if the sun would like to accompany me, provided he promises to walk slowly and not say too many improving things, he is naturally very welcome. Unless he is otherwise engaged.

Aug. 2nd, 2013


It is surprising that in a place such as this, so far removed from my home across the sea and nearly two centuries. At yet today, I saw a children's book propped in a store window.

And I was reminded that when I was young, my mother used to sing to me what she remembered of an opera called Médée, she said she'd seen it when she was much younger, years before meeting my father -- though it had stuck with her in ways that, as she said, many brighter and better had not.

...But it seems perhaps, perhaps my mother had more of an ear than she thought, as it seems Cherubini's Medea has survived, and survived, and survived.

Jul. 28th, 2013


The last time I took a bath was on Saturday, June 8th.

I may never take one again.

[FILTER: Enjolras & Combeferre]

This morning, I dreamed that you both had joined a Benedictine monastery in Madrid and left me your entire collection of shirt collars.

Please check in. If you fail to respond, I shall assume your vow of silence prevents you from doing so and will mount a rescue effort.

And fie on your collars.

Jul. 27th, 2013


Okay, so, I have been watching a lot of musicals, because I need inspiration for my song for Julliard. I still wasn't able to decide. But I have narrowed it down at at least.

Jul. 17th, 2013


I would argue that this is a far sight better than 10 years hard labour.

Jul. 8th, 2013


I'm bored.

People who went Skydiving
We should do something again.


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