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Feb. 18th, 2015


Filter: OUATverse
Has anyone heard from Mulan? Inara has been looking for her, and she's not answering her messages.

Filter: Sam
I finally finished my chocolate stash.

Feb. 6th, 2015


[Haplo and Dumbledore]

I apologize for the sudden change in our surroundings. I do not know what happened.


I need to speak with you.


This world is most distressing.

Feb. 3rd, 2015


Boat or beach? Spring or summer?
Okay, can I just take a moment to flail a little? Without the guys around, because that's just weird.

I'm getting married.

To Captain Hook.

It feels weird to say. But... right. Somehow And I don't even believe this destiny crap. The only way this could be better is if Henry was here.

Feb. 2nd, 2015


How can a small animal determine the length of winter?

That is almost as absurd as some of the actions people were taking in the streets last night after this Super Bowl event.

Feb. 1st, 2015


[Filtered to parent & guardian types again]

I am so sorry for my behavior yesterday. I'm not entirely sure what kind of magical influence came over me, but it began to lift as soon as I got out of my apartment. I feel much more like myself today. Rereading what I wrote last night, I'm horrified, and I want to make it very clear that those were not my true thoughts on the matter.

I believe that hope is the most powerful force in the universe by far. I believe that family is a bond no dark magic or mysterious blue cube can break. I believe love isn't always easy (as I proved to my loved ones last night), but it is so worth it. And I believe that we were brought to this world for a reason beyond the Tesseract: for all the good that we can do together while we're here.

I love my children, and as co-director of the Potts Tower Youth Center I love all the children our community has been blessed with. Every day I'm lucky enough to watch them learn and grow -- and I can't wait to see what they do with their lives because I know it'll be great.

I hope my hurtful words last night won't discourage any of you from trusting us with their care, or from attending our parenting group tomorrow. It's been so fulfilling to listen to your experiences and to share mine. I can assure you that the Mary Margaret leading the meeting will be the one you've known for the nine months I've been here, not the one you met last night. I won't deny that I've had dark periods where I briefly lost hope before, but I love this tower and the life we've all built here. That hasn't changed, I promise.

[ooc: just to avoid confusion -- please assume any replies to the previous post are from last night, before she started feeling better!]

Jan. 31st, 2015


Filter to Elsa, Emma, and Regina
I don't know what's wrong with Mary Margaret, but I need one of you to take Neal for the night. It's like she's depressed out of nowhere. Regina, have you sensed any sort of strange magic happening around the Tower?


[Filtered to parent & guardian types]

What were we thinking, bringing children into a world like this?

"The gift of life" -- it's not a gift we've given them at all. It's a burden. It's a curse.


The Super Bowl is on tomorrow, and even though it goes against every cell in my body to allow Patriots fans into my bar, I'll have the game on and I'll make an exception this time. I'll put the Puppy Bowl on as well, in case you'd rather see that. (Here's a secret: I'd rather watch that.)

I've started a Super Bowl Drinking Game list on the board. Here are a few:
- take a drink for every Frozen reference during the national anthem
- drink every time someone mentions deflated balls
- drink every time someone mentions the 12th man
- drink each time they show Gisele Bundchen looking unhappy
- drink whenever a coach throws a temper tantrum (drink twice if it's Belichick)
- drink if there's a power outage
- drink if there's a wardrobe malfunction during the halftime show'

I'd be happy to take suggestions too.

Valentine's Day is on a Saturday. You can work, or we can both take the night off. What do you say? It pays to date the boss.

Jan. 29th, 2015


Emma and I are getting married.

Jan. 28th, 2015


I had a few people quit at the Barking Lot, so we're down a few people to walk and play with the dogs, clean up, and generally just hang out with me, Neal, some dogs, and be awesome. If you're interested, come see me. No experience is necessary, but a love and healthy respect for dogs of all shapes, sizes, and breeds is pretty much necessary.

Filter to Mary Margaret
Don't plan anything for the youth center for Valentine's Day weekend. We're going away for something that might resemble a honeymoon, since that's not something we ever actually had. If at all possible, we're finding someone to watch Neal, and it's going to just be me, you, and a beach in South Carolina.

Filter to Friends of David and Mary Margaret
Mary Margaret are going away for Valentine's weekend. I know it's relatively short notice, but we would really appreciate it if someone would be able to take Neal for that weekend. You would be compensated, and can stay in our apartment or yours, whichever one you prefer. In any case, I believe she deserves a weekend away with her favorite guy (that would be me), so I would personally appreciate any help we can get on this. Thanks.

Jan. 26th, 2015


I'm sure I am not the first to express my frustration with arriving in this strange place, but I was assured that the portal from Storybrooke would return us to Arendelle. It was imperative that we returned given the state my kingdom was presently in. Something must have gone wrong as I did not see Kristoff or Anna with me when I was greeted, which I'm not certain I could call that a greeting. Perhaps things would not have been left so icy if I hadn't been caught off-guard as I was.

I can only hope that Anna and Kristoff were able to make it through the portal proper and tend to Hans and his brothers. The idea of Arendelle being under Hans' watch...

Jan. 25th, 2015


Nothing quite like slipping in the bathroom because someone couldn't be bothered to clean up after himself. I whacked my knee pretty good.

You got dinner plans tomorrow night?

Jan. 18th, 2015


You know what I find strange about living here for as long as I have?

I still have yet to see a live lemur.

Jan. 14th, 2015


Filter to OUaT people
Is everyone all right? Anyone hurt? Need ice cream? I felt a need for butter pecan today.

And has anyone heard what, exactly, that black out was?


I've never seen this world so dark.


Is everyone safe?


That was... magic of some kind.

Jan. 11th, 2015


I'm starting my youngest out right: all day marathon of How It's Made. Don't tell me you don't get sucked into it, too, when it's on somewhere. This is how a Sunday is supposed to be, especially after getting my ass handed to me in a fighting tournament. Shale, you were a worthy opponent. Congratulations.

Filter to Emma
So I got caught up on the show. I just want to let you know that I'm damn proud of you, and I love you. Any time you want to come over to watch How It's Made with your old man, I'll have the popcorn and hot cocoa waiting.


Filtered: Remus Lupin
Hi. So I know I didn't make the best impression when we first met, but I just wanted to see how you're doing. I thought about you this past full moon.

Filtered: Sam Merlotte
Hey. I know it's Sunday evening, but do you have plans?

Filtered: Emma Swan, Regina Mills & Mary Margaret
All right. So I haven't been completely honest with you ladies. Wel, okay so Emma knows a bit more, but I haven't filled you in on recent developments.

Sam and I talked things over. I'm not sure what were even labeled as right not, but we are seeing each other.

Dec. 27th, 2014


I think I like Christmas. Any holiday where I'm gifted with bottles of rum is a good one in my book. If I've one complaint it's that there should be more of them.


If I never hear another Christmas song for the rest of my life, I'll be happy. Thank God that's over for now.

I'm sorry about the mess in the apartment. And all the damn music. I don't know what got into me.
How did you handle watching your show?

Dec. 23rd, 2014


How are you?
Don't suppose you've got time for a cup of coffee with me this morning?
Can you man the office for about an hour this morning?

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