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Oct. 17th, 2015



The rabbit keeps staring at me. I think he's pissed because I refuse to call him Princess whatever. But Gizmo is a much better name.

Oct. 16th, 2015


I have been run off the steps of the post office by this flock of ne'erdowells. They have taken my muffin, roughed me up, and chased me off like an unwanted dog. I am plotting my revenge.

[ Enjolras ]

You enjoy squab, yes?

Oct. 15th, 2015


I have always had a strong admiration for healers, mages or otherwise, because I have neither the skill or aptitude for their arts. So I must say the advances this place has has again impressed me. I've certainly walked away with more information.

TW: Discussion of Pregancy )

Edited later:
[Tony Stark, of Stark Resilient]

My greetings to you,

I am Evelyn and I come to you from a recommendation from Dr.Jane Foster, who has informed me that you build something called prosthetics. As I have lost my arm, I was wondering if I might ask for an appointment to speak of one of the prosthetics you build. I also have a few questions about them, the most prevalent of them if they could be used to cast magic? If such a thing is impossible, the mere idea that I could regain lost mobility is more then enough for me.

I thank you greatly for considering the possibility of an appointment and I pray the Maker keep you in good health.


The technology here, they could perhaps give me my arm back. Perhaps not as it was, but they have a thing called prosthetics here. If I get an appointment with the person who could perhaps get me one will you come? One of the clinics doctors is also coming with but I'd like it if you were there too.


[Carver Hawke]
I think knowing oneself is both terribly important, and terribly tragic. For example, I know without prompt that I am both easier bored and endlessly curious. You would think that one might aid in trampling down the other, but that is never the case.

You see - I often find that I have no idea which direction I ought to look to learn about new people, new things or this new place where we've found ourselves! I thought perhaps you'd like to help me sort it out. Over dinner.

Oct. 12th, 2015


Beth keeps trying to "rescue" me from the pigeons on the balcony, even though some of them are bigger than she is. Maybe she's part mabari after all.

Does anyone want some of this candy corn? One of the regulars gave me some to take home but it's not really to my taste.

Oct. 10th, 2015


Dorian, Solas & the Placeholder of Doom.

Oct. 9th, 2015


I want to invite everyone down to Widdershins this coming week for our Fall sale. We'll have a number of our supplies discounted and we have a knowledgeable staff if you have questions about magic.

[Filter: RSTF]
I want to thank each of you that came to our potluck and for your ideas and suggestions. For now we'll keep patrol schedules similarly, but I would like for our research group to begin working on a document to explain what we do and the type of known creatures for future comers.

[Filter: Lilah]
So - we have a wedding. What do we need to do?

Oct. 6th, 2015


I'm sure you'll all excuse my curiosity, but I'm trying to get a good sense of who here can use magic. While I know it might look different than what I'm accustomed to, I'd be interested to know what other sorts of mages, have happened to this place from their own universe.

Since, as you said, drinking is my beloved pastime and not yours, I thought I might invite you here instead. Surely, you can't turn your nose up at that, can you?

And if you can, you ought to go all the same, because I'm being nice. And you should get out more. You're starting to smell like paint.
[Inquisition Squad (Minus Solas)]
I know we've all met cheese platters with a better aptitude for expressing their emotions than Solas, but all the same - I think there's something wrong with Solas. He seems off. He's letting me win arguments.

As anyone else took notice?

Oct. 5th, 2015


I have discovered that I had gained employment when I was previously here. It seems there is a small but rather lucrative market interested in having frescoes painted by the Dread Wolf himself. And people wonder why I fail to understand shemlens. Still, I enjoy painting the frescoes and the company was most understanding in regards to my absence and quite eager to have me return. I gather these particular sorts of absences are not uncommon among the refugees.

Oct. 4th, 2015


network post: alistair theirin

How do we request more dogs from the tesseract? That's far more important than limiting how many mages there are. And that'd only be useful for not seeing Morrigan. Big evil MWAHAHAAHAHAHAA mages haven't been arriving that I'm aware. Or evil cackling people in general. At least there's that.


To which inhabitant do I speak for pest control?

Specifically the infestation of mages.


Ah yes, let's see if I've got it right: a magical blue crystal that no one quite understands has the ability to, when it pleases, pick us up from our universe - place - time - or what have you and bring us here to live harmoniously in a shiny castle in an industrious city.

How absolutely quaint, and terrifying - though not necessarily in that order.

I've been told there might be some in this tower I know! Where are you then? I hope you're friends -- and if you aren't and I've somehow wronged you, Venhedis - I'm sure it was with good reason. I'm joking, of course, and rather badly at that. Do forgive me.

And to the rest, I extend both greetings and introductions. Hello, I am Dorian of House Pavus of Qarinus in the Tevinter Imperium. Might as well just grab that bull by its -- er - Just to get that out of the way.

I hope you are all currently less confused than I.

Jul. 10th, 2015


Network Post: Dorian Pavus

I was given an invitation to attend a gathering, this convention. I was told that I would be a guest of honor, that I would be speaking to 'fans'. Then I was rudely awoken before dawn, stuck inside a horrible, loud beast that I'm fairly certain is some breed of dragon, and deposited in some place called San Diego.

Fasta vass, I have nearly set half a dozen people aflame today. I do not know if these people are truly abominations or in costume as my guide has tried to explain.

This is not what I was expecting when I was invited to a gathering.

Jul. 1st, 2015


Network Post: Dorian Pavus

I do not know who is behind this badly planned, poor idea of a joke, but I was in the middle of something important. And I would be most pleased if you would return me before someone, namely The Bull, claims my part of the spoils.

Of course, they tell me the Inquisitor is here. It is telling that she would be involved in this mess.

Mar. 13th, 2015


[Filtered to People of Thedas]
I don't know how many of you are sick but if you need anything let me know. I seem to have avoided this flu so far. I'll be with the Inquisitor Ella Ellana but I can drop in if you need something.


Mar. 1st, 2015


The last several months have been a nonstop existential crisis. After denial comes acceptance?

... No. Not there yet.

I'm sorry. I've been so busy with River I haven't checked in with you after everything that happened.

Feb. 20th, 2015


I have grown quite fond of the coffee you have here, though I seem to be in the minority in drinking it without adding milk or sugar or anything else to it. I've tried some of the concoctions on offer but they're far too sweet. I'd say I can't imagine how people could drink them but I've seen far too many doing so. I just don't have that much of a sweet tooth.

[Filtered to Dorian]
I have managed to get my hands on a chess set. Would you care to resume our games?


Feb. 7th, 2015


Yes, hello, could one of the locals please explain to me how your Saint Valentine's Massacre turned into this chocolate and flowers holiday?

Feb. 4th, 2015


I had a dream last night that myself and two friends -- Pepper Potts, I think, and I’m pretty sure the second friend was just Henry Winter from The Secret History. Anyway for whatever reason we were both submitting portfolios to get into this elite art school in New York City. Pepper and I both made it in but Winter -- the most annoying, self assured and pretentious of all -- did not.

Anyway, while Pepper and I were waiting to meet with the board for a portfolio review, we sat in the hallway with one of the other accepted applicants: Channing Tatum. Yes, just Channing Tatum. I was looking through pictures of his painting with him, and I came across one of tigers and cigarettes. I asked him what the significance of the painting was -- why tigers and cigarettes -- what did it mean, what was it about.

And he said: “Bears and cigarettes. I just didn’t feel like drawing bears.”

Pretentious friend was furious at this, and the fact Channing Tatum had been accepted over him.

And then I woke up.

Feb. 1st, 2015


I feel like it says something about my life when this isn't the weirdest thing to happen to me this week.

My name's Blaine, and this ... isn't quite the New York I know.

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