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May. 21st, 2015


Voice to text


This is different.


May. 20th, 2015


Quite a few years ago, I had this plan for Memorial Day that involved the Hamptons, seafood, a really skimpy swimsuit and getting to know the guy I had just began dating a little better. As with most things in my life at the time, Castle got in the way. He offered his own way to spend the long weekend; fireworks and bonfires, a heated pool on his large estate.

This weekend I'm getting to finally experience those promises made. And it's just a reminder of how lucky I am. The past couple of weeks have been hard, some very dear friends have returned home, but my family is still here. Two kids that keep me laughing and amazed, and a husband that would lasso the moon if I asked him to.

I won't, mostly for practical reasons involving tide levels and ocean currents, but it's nice that have a reminder of all the good in the midst of the bad.

And, really, how can I be upset at anything when this is what greets me when I get home from the precinct?

Cut, not filtered )

[Private to Ten/Sam Winchester]
You can both come with us if you'd like. The house is huge. Plenty of room. And you're family to me, so.... Yeah.

May. 3rd, 2015


Right. I'm perfectly calm, not even a little bit angry, and there's no need to threaten to use a taser on me again. You lot have been saying this isn't a trap and now's your chance to prove it. So, now I just want to know one thing: I'm looking for a big blue police box, so if you've seen it, let me know.

Apr. 28th, 2015


FILTER: Rose Tyler
Well! Be honest. Was that what you had in mind for your birthday? The right amount of ado about it?

Look at what I've acquired! What's your cave story, then? Speak now or forever hold your peace for the next ten years.

If you're a hermit.

Apr. 25th, 2015


Well, that was quite exciting. I can't remember a time when I found myself unintentionally on someone else's doorstep. It's quite an interesting way to meet people though, wouldn't you all agree?

Apr. 18th, 2015


For the first time since what feels like October, the entire apartment slept a full night. I didn't think it was possible to love my kid more until he didn't need to be fed at 2 a.m.

Private to Alexis
You have a birthday coming up, anything you want to do?


who ten & rose!
what a failed night of werewolf hunting
when friday night
where around the city!
warnings nada!

... )

Apr. 17th, 2015


Well there certainly have been quite a lot of speeches and grandstanding, hasn't there? As for me, you won't see me campaigning - in fact, I can honestly say that I don't really care who you vote for so long as you place a vote for the individual you feel would be best suited to the office, and not let any decide for you.

Now if anyone needs me, I'll be down in the Hub brewing up a fresh batch of teas and coffees for the afternoon.

Inara, do you want to join me?

Apr. 14th, 2015


[Whoverse / Torchwood / Hub Employees]
So it seems there's a werewolf situation. Those of you who have read Harry Potter might be familiar with Fenrir Greyback. Well, it seems he's here. And with all the recent departures, RSTF is short handed. We'll be stepping up patrols and any information you can find will be helpful - stuff from the books or information about attacks here in the city or any leads. Doctor, I'm asking you to help on this one too. He's not someone we want lose in this city.

[Tony (AA)]
I may have a job for you.

Apr. 11th, 2015


I have really enjoyed the weather so far this weekend. It's been gorgeous!

Filter: Whoverse
I've just realized that I've been here for a year now, and I still have yet to go see a musical. They're still showing The Lion King, what do you all think?

Mar. 27th, 2015


Never did get around to extending my gratitude to the human race for being brilliant. (You're all amazing!) Anyway, long overdue. Been piddling about the TARDIS, not sulking at all to her and all else about how stubborn she is in this universe. I don't sulk. Ahem. And now I find my -- and some of my friends have swapped bodies! Good fun! Annoying, no doubt, but fun if you can find a sliver of humour in the ordeal. Tread carefully! Though that ought to go without saying.

It is one thing to have a second consciousness jammed into your mind that suppresses your own, and another matter entirely to wake up in command of a body not your own. I'm sorry, so sorry for anyone who's struggling with this. I imagine it will resolve itself, as in most debacles here, but I'll see what I can determine to try and help reverse the situation sooner than later in the meanwhile.

Mar. 26th, 2015


Uh, Doctor?

Mar. 20th, 2015


I think it may be time to take a vacation. Soon. Somewhere not on Ear


Who: Rose Tyler and The Doctor (10)
What: The Doctor is in a coma. :(
When: Sunday, March 15th through Date of his awakening!
Warnings: S for sad, to start off.
Status: Complete

You'll be okay. )

Mar. 19th, 2015


How you know things are back to normal in the Castle household: I woke up to my kid wearing Yoda ears that Castle ordered from Etsy.

Safe to say, things are gonna be fine. I'm surprised he didn't convince Alexis to dress up and join in.

[Private to friends/family/anyone attending the War Games Weekend at the ranch] *
Castle's birthday is coming up, and since he's 44 going on 13 I've decided to have a giant game of laser tag as part of his party. Chris has agreed to let us use the ranch and the obstacle course that will be set up for his War Games class, and therefore I'm inviting anyone who is attending that to also stay and play another game/eat some cake/meet some people you might not know.

March 29 is the date, and the Doctor has agreed to transport party goers from Potts Tower and back again. But since its his TARDIS, he has veto power on if you actually get to board and ride. Gifts aren't necessary, but if you feel you need to buy Rick something he loves (in no particular order): superheroes, comic books, comic book t-shirts, cheesy sci-fi, ninjas, zombies, scotch, detective noir, leather bound notebooks, good quality pens, coffee, tech gadgets, and spy gear. He's truthfully not a difficult person to please, and would be just as happy with you donating money or time to a literacy charity or writing program as buying him things. In fact, he'd probably prefer the latter.

Just show up (bring a friend if you want, I had to rent a ton of gear) in comfortable clothes, ready to play and have a good time. And don't tell Castle, as far as he knows, his birthday is dinner with me and an afternoon with the kids. I'd like to keep it that way.

* if you want to be on the filter, you are on the filter. I'm good with handwaving.

Mar. 17th, 2015


Who: Rose Tyler and The Doctor (10)
What: The Doctor cheers up Rose
When: Friday, January 27th
Warnings: None!
Status: Complete~

... )

Mar. 12th, 2015


Why would anyone want to be human for? Blimey, this is rubbish. You cough and then your head decides it's time to crush you, so you think, 'Oh, I'll have a proper kip!' Ah, but wait--you've got the bloody cough! Cough, half-awake, cough again--exhausting. Can't remember the last time I couldn't regulate my own body temperature. Have I mentioned this is rubbish? I'm a Time Lord. I give people chills, I don't experience the... the, where was I?

I'd say humans and your germs, but I've a feeling that isn't quite the case.

[Filter: Rose Tyler]
You and... I'd hazard a guess that Ianto's still well. That isn't a coincidence.

It's also a very big problem for me. I can't fight this off, not properly. It's very much like the flu, but it's impossible for me to catch any ordinary strands from this age on Earth.

I'm going to get worse, I think. Possibly only in terms of fussing, but I'll need you to do me a favour, if you can. Keep me in the TARDIS, hm?

Mar. 9th, 2015


Oi, I feel bloody awful today. Tried tea at the Hub and nothing helped before I left. Picked up a few things at the drug store and so far it isn't doing a bloody thing.

Ianto, I don't think I'll make it in tomorrow if I can't shake this blasted fever.

Mar. 7th, 2015


Alright, everything's packed. All of you who are available and willing to help with moving, I'd like to get it done tomorrow.

I know it's last minute, so if you're busy, don't worry about it. Consider this your notice, instead, that after tomorrow I'll be in the tower and you're welcome to stop by and visit.

Feb. 27th, 2015


People stuck in the telly, now that's a familiar song. Seems to have resolved itself, not without consequences, but I do hope all is well. Haven't a doubt that anyone suffering overcame it by their own strength.

Bit off in general, me. Never been grounded somewhere this long. I've made several rubber band balls, ridiculous trails of dominoes, and a well-inspired tiny TARDIS. Oh, yes, it is bigger on the inside.

I'd say I'm having a midlife crisis except I've no idea when that might be. Hah!

Filter: Rose
I'm sorry, Rose.

I believe Mister Mickey's gone.

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