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Mar. 18th, 2013


Nerf warriors, you can shoot at me all you want, but anyone who shoots the baby (accidentally or otherwise) is getting their arse handed back to them in what is very much NOT the state in which I found it.


[Whoverse - Minus Rose]

We are celebrating Rose's birthday this weekend! Jenny and I are somewhat in charge of help putting it together. We will be shopping for presents and anyone is welcome to join us. I do hope everyone will be able to attend. It will be fun!

Mar. 17th, 2013


I must be the worst type of person. I forgot my birthday was yesterday.

How thick does a person have to be to forget their own birthday?

In my defense I'm not used to time, especially since coming here I keep forgetting what month I'm in.

I'm going to crawl back into bed now.

Mar. 15th, 2013


Sometimes I should try to finish something before I start a new project. While my work at SHIELD is interesting I haven't had all that much to do yet. Still it is interesting. Teaching takes up a lot of work but in my spare time I have taken to teaching myself Norse Runes. I might take a break though because it seems I barely have time for anything else these days.

How are you all?

So, how are you settling in? Want to grab some drinks or something at some point?

Apologies for the silence, how have you been?

Mar. 14th, 2013


Do many of you have children that are not here with you now? How do you survive without them? I find it difficult to reconcile my presence here with the desire I feel to be near my daughter. She is a woman grown, and wed now but some months ago and even so always my child no matter the years that pass us by.

I miss her. The light and life that is inside of her.

Itarillë she is called in Quenya and Idril in Sindarin. 'Sparkling brilliance' in both tongues. She's blonde, like her mother before her. She likes to go barefoot through all her journeys, though nevermore than when we lived near the sea.

I miss her wisdom and her laughter. I miss her happiness. In some profound way it was tied to my own. I think, perhaps, because I did everything I could to see her smile again after the death of her mother.

And truly, she fought hard to see me smile too.

Mar. 10th, 2013


Something is very wrong, this is all wrong, everything is wrong!


Filter: Rose
Time's gone off. Very off. This should be 2013, a little eclectic, a little too much pop-country. Not technology way beyond their means. What's the last thing you remember?

Mar. 11th, 2013


Right then, they told me the Doctor was here. Has anyone seen him? Little man, bit foolish, wearing clothes a bit too big for him, bow tie, possibly playing a recorder very badly, most likely got himself into some sort of trouble? What about a girl named Zoe Heriot? We were all traveling together but we seem to have gotten separated.

Mar. 10th, 2013


The amount of festivals this city provides per month makes me wonder when people bother working. Now it's a festival for coffee and tea? What's next, a festival for toast and jam? A celebration of tap water with a slice of lime?

[Filtered to Charles Xavier]

I apparently have three children in the other world. How thoughtful of my counterpart to take time out of his plan for mutant supremacy to add to the mutant gene pool.


I want to talk to the TARDIS. Nine hundred years of time and space, and I miss out on being there when she finally talks back because I happen to have the life that avoids the sentient TARDIS-eating planet. Not that I'm complaining, mind you, but still ... it would be a bit brilliant.,

Mar. 9th, 2013


Network Post: Jean-Luc Picard

I have been here just over a month and in the time here I have found - if not an answer to the why's of this place - several pleasant people in this Tower. Wherever one may be it is possible to find those who are willing to sit down with you over a cup of tea and share a bit of their lives and that remains true in this reality as well as my own.

I sought out the library this week and have had the opportunity to take out several books regarding the history of this reality, as well as some fictional works to keep myself busy over the next week or two.

[Filter: Will Riker | Deanna Troi | Kathryn Janeway]
Over the past month I have done a bit of research and have been looking at the notices they send us regarding the departures and arrivals. I confess that there are no patterns that I can perceive. I find myself missing Commander Data's ability to look at a situation and wonder what he might be able to uncover given the same data I have had been privy to.

I am not ready to give up on a way home, but am beginning to come to the conclusion that it may not be a simple answer.

I would appreciate any thoughts or insights you three might have to shed on the matter.

Mar. 8th, 2013


network post: mickey smith

Super nerdy or not, I may have just bought myself one of these.

cut, not filtered )

Mar. 7th, 2013


Does the tower have a day nursery? Or are Rory and I the only intergalactic travelers who brought a baby with us?

I don't have a stroller, or clothes, or food, and the security guard's hat is not doing much to keep my ears warm. I can't carry a baby around in the palm of my hand for hours like Chris Hemsworth. (Would that I could.)

Almost forgot. I'm Amy Pond. Scottish. Time&Space traveller. &c.


Seems we have a large amount of newcomers! Hello, to everyone that's arrived here in the past few weeks. I'm Rose!

Tomorrow will make it 4 months that I've been here in New York. Bittersweet really, I've become closer with people that I thought I would never see again. Meeting knew friends that I would hate to lose.

I still miss my parents though. I hope they're doing all right. Some days I get by without being too sad. Then there are days like today, I'm a little homesick. Luckily I have so many wonderful people in my life, that are here, that make it better. Couldn't ask for better friends.

Mar. 4th, 2013


Amy and River and other Dad gone, all at once. I don't understand why this keeps happening.

Mar. 2nd, 2013


network post: mickey smith

If there's one thing Beer Week has taught me, it's that American beer just isn't the same as what we had at home. No offense intended, but Europeans definitely make a better brew. While we're on the subject, I still don't understand the fascination with American football

Still, I've had a lot of fun this week. I think I'm going to have to check out Bacon Palooza, too. It sounds [...] intriguing.

Mar. 1st, 2013


Hapus Dydd Gwyl Dewi!

Nothing like St. David's Day to make you feel like a Welshman. Probably the hardest day not to be in Cardiff. Bought some daffodils this morning - took longer than expected to find them. At least google understands the importance of the day. Actually managed to find some pictures of what's happened in Wales today and it makes me homesick.

cut for images; unfiltered )

Anyone for drinks this weekend? On me in honour of the holiday.

[Added later: Filtered to Jack Harkness]
John Hart's lookalike offered to let me put a bullet in him.

Feb. 28th, 2013


I came across the following video on YouTube while watching other things that the actress who portrays me does.

All I can come up with after watching the short little clip is wonder what is the Doctor wearing! I'm thinking about purchasing it so I can watch the whole thing.

Feb. 25th, 2013


I have a brief personal query.

Though there is insufficient data on all present universes to calculate an exact probability, anecdotal evidence suggests that the odds are good, given the size and diversity of our group, that there are others in the tower who possess some form of telepathic ability.

I would be interested to hear how other telepaths -- particularly touch telepaths, but those whose telepathic abilities take other forms may also have relevant experience -- have learned to cope with living in such a densely populated (and emotionally erratic) environment. While casual contact was a normal part of life in Starfleet and in San Francisco, I find that life in 21st century New York has posed some unique challenges, while presenting few opportunities to truly hone and practice the relevant skills.

Feb. 23rd, 2013


What do you suppose would happen if the lot of us went to the Gallifrey One convention next year? I just heard about the one they did this weekend. Freema was there signing autographs and taking pictures with fans. I bet they wouldn't have known what to do with themselves if we both showed up. I'd quite like to meet her. She seems like she's fun and we'd have a lot to talk about. I'm a little surprised she hasn't contact

I really need to stop watching her on The Carrie Diaries too, but the insane outfits she wears on the show keeps pulling me in. Obviously she was the fashion icon that Carrie looked up to and gave her all that inspiration... or maybe she was a harrowing tale for what Carrie should stay away from.

I mean look at this makeup )

Feb. 15th, 2013


network post: mickey smith

I have to admit, working as a computer tech after Torchwood is a little on the [...] eventless side. No Cybermen, no Daleks, no world in danger. Sadly, no big guns, either. Is it mad that I almost miss it?

I have to admit that New York is pretty cool, though. I don't love it more than I love London, but if we're going to be stuck somewhere, there are certainly worse places.

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