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Jan. 12th, 2013


It has occurred to me that I've spent a great deal of my time here establishing myself and exploring the city, but not much time getting to know very many people. I'd like to extend an invitation out to lunch for anyone that is interested. My treat!

[Filtered to Sherlock (Elementary)]

The Irene you knew, you said she died?

[Filtered to Sherlock (Movies)]

That camouflage suit looked awful on you.

Jan. 11th, 2013


Pro tip: never take anything from a fan. Especially if it's a drink.

Just trust me on this one, okay?

You both alright?

Jan. 9th, 2013


[Filtered to the Bat-family who aren't outright villains]

I'm starting a business. It might even be legal. I'm opening a security firm for corporate and personal security. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but I'm doing it.

Got a possible office and possibly sexy secretary. I should probably have a name.


I'm starting a business, security consultation. I'm from a family of paranoid assholes so I'm really skilled at making things secure and solving problems, with my fists generally but other ways too. Apparently you can wiki me although I'm the new awesome version not the old and even more screwed up version.


Things that have occurred to me in the last week include:
  • Gainful employment. Sorry protestors.
  • Learning never to leave without shark repellant
  • A craving for the insanely hot chili.

This is no mere foot stuff. Galactic protectors turn red and gasp for water by the bucket load with this stuff, so if I make it right, it should be pretty funny. If people want to give it a try, they're welcome to.

Jan. 8th, 2013


I've been torpedoing emus all day, and every single once keeps autocorrecting to smurfing else. I'd arc if anyone's got any suggestive for how to turn it offal, but it lurks like it's not just me.

Hey! I wonder house long it'll go on and how mutiny stunted things I can write before I get something remember funny. Dysentery not that.


Well, maybe I'm not meant to understand this place yet, but I'm going to keep trying anyway. But, rather than ask if all of you came from significant points in your life (emotionally speaking), I'm going to try and disprove this theory right off.

Would any of you say that the time you came from, right before showing up here through the tesseract, was insignificant? Not in a bad way, necessarily, just completely ordinary and not noteworthy, whatever that would be for you. If you were just going about your usual routines, having your 500th cup of coffee, having your everyday run of the mill fight for your life, that sort of thing.

Jan. 4th, 2013


Hey, refugees. Who here enjoys sparring? And by enjoys, I mean no beginners but seasoned fighters.

Going stir crazy, Barbara. I'd even take Dinah being here just to have someone to train. Where are the bad guys? Where are the metas who want to be shitheads and use their powers for things like killing detectives and playing henchman to psychotic supervillains? I am seriously going to lose my mind if I don't find something to do stat. I'd be happy if you'd let me punch Bruce in the face regardless of his home world.

Jan. 3rd, 2013


WHO: Jason Todd and Dick Grayson
WHERE: Bar in the tower
WHEN: Evening,January Second
WHAT: Catching up over a drink.
Read more... )


Despite how I feel this morning, I'm not dying, but I could use hangover food recommendations.

It's, uh, been a while.

Dec. 31st, 2012


Stay safe if you go out tonight.


[text to barbara gordon]
» Rented a movie and I'm ordering in. If we're still on for tonight.


I didn't get what I wanted for Christmas.

How hard could is possibly be to find one of these:


Dec. 30th, 2012


I love starting my morning with a random involuntary dimension hop.

I'm Zatanna Zatara. I like French Macarons, Frank Sinatra, coffee makes me twitchy, and I'm addicted to magic. Some of you I know personally, others I've seen on tv or have read of in books at some point, and some I am completely clueless about but regardless; Hello!

Call it a hunch but getting the impression I'm going to be here for a while, and as much as I enjoy the perks of free money to spend, I enjoy my work a lot more. That said, would anyone be interested in a job in the near future as an assistant or apprentice?

Dec. 29th, 2012


I attempted to do something I haven't done in years today, and that is stay in and watch hours of TV. And yet, I couldn't find anything on. Which means I ended up with the "difficult" choice of a marathon of Real Housewives of NY or a marathon of Law & Order. I thought choosing the Real Housewives would make me less depressed by humanity, but after four hours, I'm not so sure.

Dec. 27th, 2012


Journal Entry

Well, so this is New York. I always wanted to come, I just didn't think I would get here by being cosmically kidnapped.

So I'm Veronica, and I'm more than a little freaked out.

I don't suppose Wallace is hiding somewhere, is he?

Dec. 28th, 2012


I think I should explain who I am since people around the tower think I'm able to scale the side of buildings and answer the name of Spider Man.

My name's Aerrow and I'm from Atmos. I'm...pretty sure there isn't any one here other than my buddy Finn who knows what, or where, Atmos is. It's alright! No hard feelings.

I've been here for a few days, but, are the welcoming committees always so friendly?

Dec. 27th, 2012


I promised Ma I'd be home in time for Christmas. What exactly is this for?


I know there is going to be a big New Years Eve thing here at the Tower, but how often are you in New York for New Years? Okay, for some of you all the time. It just seems like a waste not to do the big Times Square thing since we're here. Would anyone be interested in braving the madness downtown with me? I can't guarantee your safety or your warmth, but I can promise a thermos full of hot chocolate. No matter what, it's bound to be an experience.


Okay okay, I promised that I wouldn't be THAT PERSON, but I'm totally going to be THAT PERSON; I don't know why I even tried to contain it.

What's your New Year's Resolution, if you have one? Gloomy Holiday Gus-types NEED NOT APPLY.

Mine is to eat more broccoli, get a pet cat, and figure out what I'm going to do with the boob window on my costume. THIS IS IT. IT'S HAPPENING THIS YEAR.

OH and I almost forgot - I've made one more batch of my fragrances and I'm running SUPER-LOW on "Emma Frosty", so if you're interested, you'd better stop by the store!


I find this a wholly unacceptable arrangement. I thank the powers that be for the swank comfortable habitat, and it has been a very long time since I have been in New York City, but I would prefer to be returned to my home. It is not safe right now for me to be surrounded by so many Alex and Tom will be worried about where I am given my detoxification, and I have very important things to contend with.

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