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Feb. 11th, 2014


[Beverly and Deanna]

Have either of you talked to Jean-Luc today? All this stuff with the electronics is a bit too much like the Borg for me. My phone refuses to work,I can't get out of the apartment and I'm concerned about him.

Feb. 10th, 2014


Chapel? Boyce? Crusher? Someone?

I could use a bit of assistance.

The hoverchair malfuncitoned. Tried to run me over and has now pinned me to the wall.

This is embarrassing inconvenient. Also, slightly painful.

Feb. 9th, 2014


Jean-Luc & Beverly (Will can read too)
I have a question for the two of you. I have been unable to make up my mind if I should join SHIELD as a counselor or work with the Clinic and Youth Center here. Do you have any thoughts on the matter? I know Beverly you have sent me the paperwork already but I just can't make up my mind about it.

Feb. 6th, 2014


I've been through a lot of weird things in the past three years and this is right up there as the weirdest. The last thing I remember was seeing the sky get farther and farther away as I fell. Now I'm here, where it's apparently 2014, and I survived the fall. I somehow jumped 13 years into the future and I've been told Granilith has nothing to do with this. Color me both confused and intrigued.

I suppose I better introduce myself because it doesn't look like I'm going anywhere any time soon. I'm Liz. I'm 18 and I grew up in Roswell, New Mexico.

Before you ask, yes aliens are real. I know because I was healed by one. The people I talked to when I first got here told me that it would be okay to reveal this. And the fact that I have some alien powers of my own. Here's to hoping nothing happens to me now. Max, Michael, and Isabel were so scared of what would happen to them if their secret got out. I'm safe here, right?

Feb. 3rd, 2014


To: Deanna Troi
From: Beverly Crusher [crusher.beverly@pottstower.com]
Subject: SHIELD information
Attachment: Shield Training.pdf, How to Apply.pdf

you have 1 new message )

Feb. 2nd, 2014


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

It has been a delight to have some from my own universe and reality join me these past few weeks, and yet this morning we say goodbye to Captain Kirk who was a dear friend of mine. We shall miss him tremendously but he has adventures in his own reality to yet be undertaken.

In this reality I have considered once again putting together a talent show as I did several months past. There are a number of us in this tower with various talents in drama, the arts, or music and I greatly enjoyed the night to celebrate that versatility the last time we held that show.

If I were to reserve us a space for the beginning of next month would there be any interest in participation?

[TOS Spock]
If you desire company do not hesitate to say the word and I will gladly join you. I know his departure will leave an empty place in your life.


Kirk the elder is gone.

I didn't need this right now.

[TOS Spock]
Are you all right? Would you like some company?

Jan. 30th, 2014


Where in this bloody city would you go to find... oh, say, a used fuel injector system, or a five-gallon sealed tank? Maybe a filtration system, and a butane torch?

Jan. 29th, 2014


It's difficult to get used to being a cadet again. Luckily, it won't be for as long as it was last time. It iss good to have a routine again. My time off was nice -- it was good to see a New York City that wasn't on a holodeck.

Now I need to investigate local theaters, unless people here would like to put a group together. Nothing formal, of course. I'd also like to offer dance lessons -- tap and jazz, mostly.

Jan. 27th, 2014


Hello, I'm Deanna Troi and while I believe I have been here before I do not remember that time. I come not that long after my marriage but as I arrived I did see that Will has been pulled here too which I am grateful for. It is good to have at least one familiar person here though I have heard other people here from Starfleet?

Nov. 7th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I have airline tickets to take me to France over the holidays. I don't know if this will be more or less depressing than being here, but I am hoping that it will be a fruitful experience and perhaps will show me a bit about what this reality's version of my home is like. At the very least I shall have had the opportunity to travel in an airplane and I'm looking forward to that experience. It still is fascinating to me that it will take me multiple hours to cross the Atlantic.

[Will, Deanna]
I do not have plans over the Thanksgiving holidays however. Perhaps we ought to do something together or perhaps something with all of us from Starfleet?

Nov. 1st, 2013


network post: alison hendrix

Filtered to: Christine Chapel, Gregory House, Leonard McCoy, Stephen Strange, Deanna Troi, and Rory Williams & any other refugees with medical experience
My name is Alison Hendrix, and I have finished all the paperwork, since Anders has left, so that I am running the clinic, specifically so that the clinic is still running. But a clinic is only as good as those working for it. Currently, that is only myself, a kinesiologist. As you all have experience with medicine, I invite you to come work at the clinic. If you are still becoming certified or trained to work in this world (some of you are from Star Trek), I can assist you in filing the proper paperwork and becoming properly trained, so as not to put anyone's lives more at risk than they already are. This is an amazing opportunity that is not easily found somewhere else. Please reply here or get in contact with me via other means.
Now, paperwork done. My sincere apologies to anyone who knew and is missing Anders. If you have not heard, he was sent back.


I have been thinking of taking up Yoga again in my spare time. Does anyone wish to join me or know a good place around here that I can take lessons?

Oct. 30th, 2013


I'm kind of glad that my "face" isn't that well-known. It'll make getting back into counseling easier.

Is anyone here a licensed counselor in the state of New York?

Oct. 29th, 2013


Starfleet Girls, Jean-Luc, Will & Mulder
Mulder I don't know if you saw the post by Tony Stark but there's talk of building a spaceship using the technology here but starting with technology from our world such as the replicators, holodecks etc.

What I'm interested in is what you all think of this? I have to admit I am torn. I was reading the conversation with Kathryn and texted her about it and she agrees with me. While it's not exactly breaking the prime directive neither of us are exactly sure what we think of it. So thoughts?

Oct. 16th, 2013


[Starfleet Ladies]

Is everyone going to the celebration on Saturday?

Well, I believe I'm in need of a dress for the occasion. Anyone want to go shopping with me on Saturday morning? It's horribly last minute and yet it is the only time I think I'd have time to actually look for something. We could even make a day of it since the celebration isn't until 7 and have lunch.


[Filtered to Starfleet and friends of TOS Kirk and Spock *]

About two months ago, Spock (from my timeline) and I chose to life-bond. That makes us more or less married by Vulcan standards, outside of a traditional ceremony. We haven't decided on the ceremony itself yet, but I've always been a fan of celebrations. I rented out the 13th floor of the building for this Saturday at 7 PM. Food and drinks are provided, feel free to bring guests. No gifts required, your presence is enough.

[Filtered to Spock (TOS)]

Surprise. Also, do you want to do an official ceremony some time in the next month?

[*ooc: feel free to assume you're on this filter if you've been friendly with either of them before or work with them at SHIELD/educational division]

Oct. 12th, 2013


I'm craving chocolate cake. Anyone want to come with me?

Be home and dressed in a suit by 7. I have a surprise for you

Oct. 11th, 2013


We're trying to set up a Starfleet dinner/meeting/forum to discuss a proposal that has been made. Would one of the next two weekends work? Ideally, everyone would be there. Food and drink will be provided.

Help. I seem to have gotten myself in a situation.

[Cameron Mitchell]
Well, I think you can smack me upside the head now.

[TOS Kirk | Picard]
Gentlemen. I believe I find myself in need of advice.

Dinner, tonight?

Oct. 5th, 2013


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

It has been quite a while since I've enjoyed the decorations that come with the changing of the seasons and with upcoming holidays. On the Enterprise such things were typically confined to crew quarters and sometimes the common areas, and never with the fervour and dedication that seems to be shown here.

[Filter: Will & Deanna]
It's been a while since the two of you have joined me for dinner. Perhaps you will do me the honuor this coming weekend?

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