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Mar. 4th, 2014


Open network post

So.... to any superhero types out there:

Just sorta popped up here and I'm looking to do something good. Like... kind of a redemption thing, I guess? If anyone has a team that needs a new member, or just is looking for a partner with an ass-kicking, hot, redheaded girlfriend... HOLLA ATCHA BOY, a'ight?

If it helps, here's a short list of thigns that show how bad-ass I am:

- Was once decapitated by The Black Widow. Got over it.
- Once took a full-force punch in the face from The Hulk.
- Took an arrow through the head from Bullseye. Other than a short bout of semi-retardation, was fine.
- Sat through the entire Star Wars Holiday Special IN ONE SITTING.

Mar. 3rd, 2014


Who: Theresa Cassidy & Wade Wilson (both of 616)
When: Yesterday!
Where: Potts Tower
What: Terry finds out she is sharing an apartment with someone she's got a history with. He kisses her. That's a valid reaction, right?
Rating: PG-13 for "suggestive dialogue" and "adult situations" and "Deadpool"

I better have access to an XBox or a PS3 up in here. And the Playboy Channel )


Not to be a Debbie Downer, but, am I the only one that never thought DiCaprio should win something at the Oscars? Don't get me wrong, he's way talented but The Wolf on Wall Street? Not his best role.

You. Me. And this bootleg copy of Gamera. Tonight. Don't ask question.


At least no one beat the crap out of me this time.

I hear there are X-Men here? Banshee reporting for duty.

I also came in with Wade, so you're welcome.

Feb. 8th, 2014


uh, my writer's about to give me the axe so if anyone wants to make any last minute love confessions, now's the time!

and i'm not lying about this like i was about my birthday.

Jan. 15th, 2014


Did you ever let your lover see the stranger in yourself?


i missed christmas :(

can we have another one?

Jan. 3rd, 2014


anyone want To play spin bottle With me?

Jan. 2nd, 2014


HELP. I'm on question #7 and I can't decide who to pick!!!

Why are these personality quizzes SO STRESSFUL?!!?


Dec. 5th, 2013


network post: caroline forbes

Filtered: Angel, Spike
One )
Filtered: Lafayette Reynolds
Two )
Filtered: Rosalie Hale
Three )
Filtered: Taras
Four )
Filtered: Elena Gilbert & Hank McCoy
5 )

Can anyone tell me who this is?

Image behind the cut, not filtered )

Nov. 29th, 2013


i'm starting my christmas lists now


anyone that wants to get me something, these are things i'd like: swords, knives, bullets, guns, boobs (preferably attached to a woman, but not necessary), airplanes with my face on them, cowboy boots, having my own websites, having access to other people's websites, a motorcycle i'll never use, slip'n'slides, a jungle gym in the lobby of the tower, chocolate, wolverine, any of the x-babes, MORE TO COME

[ten minutes go by]


[another ten minutes]

anyone want to go do some karaoke with me?

Nov. 24th, 2013


[Filtered to all Tony Starks]

have i ever told you guys how much of a work of art we'd be together??

Nov. 9th, 2013


I like a good bounce house as much as the next guy, but not when I've got a bag full of breakables. All right. Splainy? And what's with the Pandapool in the lobby? Someone finally get fed up and feed Deadpool to a zoo animal?



Which one of you magic users turned Deadpool into a panda?

Nov. 3rd, 2013


i'm in talks with some studio for a VIDEO GAME ALL ABOUT ME

i need some hits though. so check out this website please.


and yes, ladies, it's actually that long ;D


oh hey, i'm supposed to reward my fans right? i'll make you all thank you cards. they'll be a blast

Oct. 8th, 2013



Sep. 27th, 2013


uhhhhhh, i think someone owes me some money because i'm pretty sure i wrote this song like six years ago

Sep. 24th, 2013


i've been hit by a car at least four times today. run over once [...] that's always fun cause i get to do the pop up thing and give them a heart attack later ☺

[Filter to Eric Northman]

hey so like do you still want this money? cause i have to say i'm getting pretty used to listening to ice cube and rolling around in it naked. you know, like a baller.

Sep. 10th, 2013



Sep. 4th, 2013


There's a saying in the Army, "the best assignment is always the one you came from or the one you're going to, never the one you're at.".

I don't know if that's true, then at the moment - I'd do with about any assignment.

Still three mores of this damn

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