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Jun. 11th, 2013


Henry's gone. I went to wake him up for school. I thought it was weird he wasn't up yet, but I went into his room, and he's gone. Everything's still there, he's just I don't know where he is. Can someone help me look for him?

Jun. 3rd, 2013


Thanks to everyone who came to the very impromptu wedding this morning.

Snow and I were so happy to have you there.

And we're even more happy to be married. Again.

( Sam )
Thanks. For being there for me. I know it was really short notice, and it means a lot to me.

Jun. 2nd, 2013


( emma )
You and I never really spend a lot of time together, just the two of us. I want to change that, if that's okay. I feel like I still don't really know you as well as I could, but I want to.

( snow / ruby / sam )
We were talking about it a while ago, but I figured I'd bring it up again. We should have a double date. Some night when Sam doesn't have to work. It'd just be nice to relax and not worry about things.

( snow )
I love you. Just wanted to say that.

( storybrooke general filter )
It's funny. I never really liked the show much when it was on, but it's a little unsettling to have it gone. I mean, it's not like our lives stopped or anything. So being in limbo about what's going to happen to the people we care about is frustrating to say the least.

May. 16th, 2013


A BBQ would be nice on Memorial Day, if the weather cooperates, wouldn't you say?

[David, Emma and Henry]
I would love to do something, anything really, just the four of us. I was thinking maybe heading to the shore or something calm. I think we could all use a little quiet right now.

If you want, you can invite someone along too.

[Anyone who responded to Snow's last post]
I just want to thank everyone for Sunday. I'm sure by now you've all noticed he's returned. It's good to see how many people are looking our for him. He's going to need it still I'm sure.

May. 5th, 2013


[Filtered to Gold and David]

I know they're all adults mentally, but are we really going to be leaving them alone in their apartments? Really?

Sweetheart, do you mind if David and I come and stay with you and Emma for a little while?

How am I supposed to
She's so
Ruby, I can't stop star

Do you think we have enough room for Regina as well? I know. I know what you're probably thinking but she is Henry's mother too and it seems cruel to leave her alone like this.


The person responsible for this had better fix it and fast.


Oh come on. I'm younger than my son, and I'd really like not to be. Does anyone have clothes that will fit a 6 year old who's a little too tall and a little too skinny? I can't exactly go out in the stuff I have. My shirts might look like a dress, but I don't have anything to wear under them THAT FITS, and that's not going to happen.

If you don't have clothes to fit, I'll give you money if you'll grab me some.

May. 1st, 2013


Text to Charming

» I have a favor to ask.
» And yes, it would mean that I owe you one in return.

Apr. 30th, 2013


Your father.

When is your next day off? We need to go exploring.

[Aurora | Ashley | Belle]
I may need your help.


Just out of curiosity, how old is too old to be asked to go to a prom?


» You see this week's yet?
» I think we ought to talk about it, if you did.

» I've been meaning to ask you something.

» Did you get your present?

» Thanks, for today.
» It meant a lot.

» I had fun today, Henry.

Apr. 28th, 2013


It looks like things are taking a better turn.

I'm not talking about the show. I've decided avoiding it really is the best course.

But just...in general.

( Mary Margaret )
So, I was thinking. It's been a long time since we've danced together.

I know it's not quite the same as the balls back home, but would you do me the honor of being my prom date?

( Sam )
Just asked Mary Margaret to prom. You should be equally lame and ask Ruby, so I don't feel like an idiot.

( Ruby )
I just asked Mary Margaret to prom. Was that dumb? I think it might have been dumb.

( Neal )
I'm taking Henry for a swordfighting lesson tomorrow. I figured we'd grab something to eat after. Would you like to come along? I don't really feel like we've gotten a chance to get to know each other here. And you're his father, so we should change that.

( Emma )
I just asked your mom to prom. Feel free to laugh.

( Rumplestiltskin )
I told you it would work out. You've just got to have faith.

And, for the record, I'm glad you have her back.


I'm 100% better than I was at the beginning of the week. So glad that whatever it was that I had is gone. I missed going to my classes this week, but I've been working extra hard this weekend so that I stay caught up in them.


I'm well enough to help you out whenever now!

Apr. 26th, 2013


There will be hell to pay for this.


Well this has been a bad twenty-four hours. Full moon and now Belle's gone. Thanks for nothing Friday.


Thanks for dropping my shoes off at the front door. What you couldn't even knock? Sheesh
Belle's gone. We should probably prepare for the worst from Gold.

Apr. 25th, 2013


WHO: David Nolan and Sam Merlotte.
WHERE: Sam's Bar and Grill.
WHEN: Late afternoon.
WHAT: David occasionally hangs out with people who aren't his wife. No, really. It's true.
STATUS: In progress.

Sometimes you want to go where everybody knows your name )

Apr. 13th, 2013


WHO: David and Mary Margaret.
WHERE: Potts Tower; 1103.
WHEN: Evening.
WHAT: Mary Margaret's been through a lot lately, and David wants to be there for his wife.
STATUS: In progress.

He had been a prince once. He'd inspired armies with his words. It would be great if he could actually use that skill with his wife. )

Apr. 2nd, 2013


You know, I'm so torn on how I feel about that show.

On the one hand, I don't want to watch, because it seems like things get worse every week. But I also hate these breaks. I'm worried about what's happening back home, and I can't help but want to know what's going to happen next. I know we can't stop it or change it, but I still want to fix everything wrong.

In other news, I'm really enjoying my job. I thought I'd miss the action, but I really don't. It's nice to have a break from all the insanity.

( Mary Margaret )
I know I've probably said it a hundred times now, but you are good. You're the best person I've ever known. And no matter what you do, there will always be good in you. I just wanted to say that.

And I love you.


It seems that everywhere I turn in this city is another woman threatening me with weapons.

Yes yes, I completely support women's rights and think they should have the right to vote, etc. etc. But I also wonder when holding a sword and sparring because a prerequisite for womanhood.

I would much prefer to date someone who didn't carry something at her side that could kill me at any moment. Especially when women seem nearly honor-bound to threaten me. It gets tiresome, really.

Feb. 16th, 2013


He proposed.

I don't know how many weddings we need before he believes I'm not leaving him.

Some of you must have known he was planning this. I'm not naming names, but I know you did.

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