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Jul. 15th, 2014


Downtime and I do not get along. That said, I ended up actually cooking. I made Lasagna and didn't screw it up. I'm actually impressed and it tastes good. So much better than stuff I'm used to. Although nothing beats a good burger.

So. We should a: get into some trouble, b: hide it from my boss, and c: what do you think about training buddies? I am feeling fat and lazy sitting around!

Jul. 8th, 2014


network post: dorcas meadowes

This whole not having a job thing would be fantastic if I didn't miss money. I can't remember when I've had so much free time and it is glorious.

Filtered: Lily Potter
I have it on good authority that you received a message from my formerly tesseract napped paramour. Or whatever we're calling him, because I'm not quite certain at the moment.


Filter: Nick Fury (616)
Crossing off Eritrea as a place to visit.
Just so you know. I think I'll avoid going back.
Also I went to Eritrea. Surprise?

Jul. 7th, 2014


Secure Comm Line, between Daisy Johnson, Claire Wise, and Eddie Carmichael
Oi, Johnson, you there? Fuck. [A brief pause, then he coos]I mean, Foxhound to Flower, do you copy? We had a bit of trouble just now, you all right?

Jul. 6th, 2014


Comm-Conversations between Daisy and Claire, Eddie Carmichael can hear/reply too, private secured radio frequency
» Flower to Bluebird, checking in, over


Who: Daisy Johnson / Quake
When: Sunday July 6th
Where: Eritrea
What: Sniffing out a trail
Rating: R, Violence
Status: Narrative, Complete [Paired with the Communications in progress]

Daisy Johnson lived for days like this )

Jul. 3rd, 2014


Filters to Eddie Carmichael and Newt Geiszler )

Filter: Daisy Johnson
Are you busy tomorrow?

Jul. 2nd, 2014


I'm bored, which is a dangerous thing for me to be really, but I'm staying out of trouble. okay boss, find me some trouble I can get into before i die here. This is like what I'd be doing back home, I guess? Forcibly put on leave sounds as boring.

Also, it's hot. Which is okay with me but makes people watching on the street fun. I mean, really, tempers flare in these temps, and it's fun to watch. Also, found a new favorite soft pretzel vendor.

Jun. 29th, 2014


I will say it, I'm not much of a fireworks fan. I don't know why, they've never been my thing. I feel as if that might make me a little unpatriotic? Maybe? Oops?

Jun. 24th, 2014


I have discovered the most heavenly of street vendor burgers. This has made today worth it.

Jun. 22nd, 2014


Color me not really surprised at all this news breaking out about being tracked. I wonder where earlier!me went to? I bet her map's utterly fascinating.

Fury (616)

That said, should I take mine out or leave it be?

Jun. 20th, 2014


Who: Daisy & Regina
When: Friday, June 20th
Where: 5th Ave Shopping District
What: Regina finds a clueless Daisy shopping.
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

Quote )

Jun. 19th, 2014


Is it wrong to want to google yourself?

Jun. 18th, 2014


Private to Pinky Pinkerton
Good afternoon, sir, my boss told me to get a hold of you to get set up here. I'm Daisy Johnson, pet project and protege of not-this-world's Nick Fury. I wanted to get a hold of you as soon as I could before anything else happens. So, greetings!

Jun. 17th, 2014


First things first, are you all okay? I need you to please check in here and let me know. If not, I'll be going around to apartments and checking so don't make me do that if you're okay. Does anyone have injuries they need treated?

Secondly, does anyone's apartment have any destruction? Are your doors still working? What can I do to help?
Embarrassing news today. I got knocked out, and tiny Giles had to save me.

Anyone else got a funny story?


Nick Fury of the 616 variety
Oh good network's back.
I may have turned a few Hydra guys' legs into splinters.
Also one shot himself in the face. Totally had nothing to do with it.
If you believe that I have an ocean in Oklahoma to sell you.
I don't like being in the dark.
You alive out there?


Who: Daisy Johnson & Guards turned Hydra
When: Tuesday, June 17th, during the herding of refugees.
Where: Tower
What: No one takes Daisy, sorry
Rating: R for Violence. And leg shattering. Daisy’s Bad?
Status: Narrative, Complete [can be edited if I screwed up anywhere]

Daisy had the patience of a gnat. Which is to say, none.  )

Jun. 15th, 2014


Twitter has the seriously most crazy updates ever. Do people even think for themselves? Dumb question, don't answer that.

Boss, laying low is good. Anything you want me to do except keep an eye on things? This place is feeling a bit like home.

Jun. 13th, 2014


Nothing more fun than pushing people into a pool. Sorry not sorry.

Then hearing the unmistakable sounds of gunfire. hard to tell where it came from. Way curious though. Goodness only been here two days and this place gets interesting.

I don't know whether to be worried or something else. antsy, never worried

Jun. 12th, 2014


Who: Gambit & Quake
When: June 12, 2014 - 5pm
Where: Potts Tower
What: Gambit arrives and entertains himself. He's good at that.
Rating: PG-13. There could be some language.
Status: Complete.

Testy Rats? He'd always been a cat person. )

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