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Dec. 15th, 2015


Who: Secret Santa Participants
When: Leading up to Christmas.
Where: In and around. Mostly left at doors.
What: Christmas presents from Secret Santas.
Rating: Who knows!

Secret Santa gifts )

Dec. 13th, 2015


    Alright. The boss is broken. Or...something. I don't know.

    Anyone got any ideas?

Dec. 12th, 2015


Look around, see what you have around you. Today could be all you have, so why not share and give alike. Closed doors can not always be re-opened, so make sure to enjoy the moment.

Dec. 8th, 2015


Who: Cullen Rutherford and Evelyn Trevelyan
When: Tuesday, December 1st
Where: Their apartment
What: Lights out, panic ensues
Rating: PG-13 (discussion of violence, discussion of past trauma, mentions of past addiction and withdrawal symptoms)
Status: Complete (Some Trespasser Spoilers inside)

lights suddenly flickered off )

Nov. 25th, 2015


[Filtered to Evelyn]
What do you think the odds are that the others will forget about that little musical number we indulged in?

Not that I minded expressing those sentiments to you. And the Maker knows I was more eloquent than I usually am.


Nov. 10th, 2015


Odd dreams have been part and parcel for me since I was little. That this one made me frown and actually wake up is something that hasn't occurred since I arrived here.

Both Justinia and Tyrdda seem to have picked up on my mood though, they've sat near me all day. If all I have to complain about is this, I'm going to count my blessings and feel fortunate.

Nov. 8th, 2015


[Texts to Cullen]

-On a scale of one to 'only heard about the dragon after the fact/ bringing back dragon eggs',
-how upset are you when I'll bring her home?

-They said they were having issues giving her a home.
-I don't know why she's positively adorable.
-And very sweet.

-Tyrdda will like her I'm sure.

-I love you.

(OOC: Trespasser spoilers!)

Nov. 5th, 2015


Oh for shit's sake. Is this kind of weird crap going to be a regular thing or what?

    You ever do it in complete silence?

    Are we sure there's nothing that I can hit really hard to make this stop?

Nov. 2nd, 2015


The previous holiday was interesting, and I think I got the concept of it. Perhaps next year I will endeavor to be more creative with it.

I do have a curiosity. Does the Tower perhaps have a place of worship? I'd prefer it to be something neutral, but I rather miss the habit of going to the Chantry. If there isn't one that's more then alright.


I was thinking of doing something for First Day. It's more of a get together then anything else, and I've found when this world's year ends. I'd be tempted to include the rest of our world but I don't think we've got the room.

My vote's for Wicked Grace, by the way.

Oct. 28th, 2015


You gotta be shitting me what the shit is this. Is the stupid ass blue thing the same thing as the big ass hole in the sky? Because I've had my fill of weird shit spitting people out. Guess they did explain a l

[ETA] where the fuck are my horns

[ETA2] Is this demons

[ETA3] For the record, I'm not leading any Inquisitions

Oct. 27th, 2015


Doctor says I have ten weeks left. I bought some baby things, but not much. And Cosima and I only got through making half a nursery.

Does someone want to help me paint and go shopping for little baby things?

I do not know what to name this baby either. I just want Sarah to be here.

Oct. 15th, 2015


I have always had a strong admiration for healers, mages or otherwise, because I have neither the skill or aptitude for their arts. So I must say the advances this place has has again impressed me. I've certainly walked away with more information.

TW: Discussion of Pregancy )

Edited later:
[Tony Stark, of Stark Resilient]

My greetings to you,

I am Evelyn and I come to you from a recommendation from Dr.Jane Foster, who has informed me that you build something called prosthetics. As I have lost my arm, I was wondering if I might ask for an appointment to speak of one of the prosthetics you build. I also have a few questions about them, the most prevalent of them if they could be used to cast magic? If such a thing is impossible, the mere idea that I could regain lost mobility is more then enough for me.

I thank you greatly for considering the possibility of an appointment and I pray the Maker keep you in good health.


The technology here, they could perhaps give me my arm back. Perhaps not as it was, but they have a thing called prosthetics here. If I get an appointment with the person who could perhaps get me one will you come? One of the clinics doctors is also coming with but I'd like it if you were there too.

Oct. 4th, 2015


Ah yes, let's see if I've got it right: a magical blue crystal that no one quite understands has the ability to, when it pleases, pick us up from our universe - place - time - or what have you and bring us here to live harmoniously in a shiny castle in an industrious city.

How absolutely quaint, and terrifying - though not necessarily in that order.

I've been told there might be some in this tower I know! Where are you then? I hope you're friends -- and if you aren't and I've somehow wronged you, Venhedis - I'm sure it was with good reason. I'm joking, of course, and rather badly at that. Do forgive me.

And to the rest, I extend both greetings and introductions. Hello, I am Dorian of House Pavus of Qarinus in the Tevinter Imperium. Might as well just grab that bull by its -- er - Just to get that out of the way.

I hope you are all currently less confused than I.

Oct. 1st, 2015


As odd as this world is and as much as I do need to [...] adjust there are benefits. The technology keeps astounding me, so much like magic yet not, and the constant hot water is something that I've come to very much enjoy. And then there's the vast array of information right here, at my fingertips. Certainly things I wish I'd had before.

There are a few things I miss, and some people, but the good outweighs the bad.

(OOC: some Inquisition spoilers, mostly the 'Well, Shit' sidequest for Varric. And some Trespasser)

Sep. 21st, 2015


While I had no idea what happened these past few days and while it was more then a little frightening I now have both time and calm to introduce myself. I am Evelyn, and come from Thedas and some know me as the Inquisitor. I am very grateful for the opportunity to know so many of my world, and learn of the people of this world and others. As it stands if I am able to be of assistance please let me know.

Trespasser Spoilers below. )

Trespasser Spoilers below. )


network post: garrett hawke

I haven't gotten that beat up in a while. It was expected, when monsters are in our home for days on end, but it is something few of us miss, I believe. And thankfully, it looks as though the tower will not have as much clean up required as Kirkwall did and still does. If I can be of assistance to anyone, please let me know. I'm moving slower, but I'm still moving. And if nothing else comes up, I plan on enjoying the sun's warmth today.

Filtered: Thedas
What substitutes have any of you found for elfroot or deep mushroom in this world? They have many kinds of mushrooms and healing herbs. But they have names I am less familiar with. And I would like to make more injury kits, to have on hand to help people. They're easy enough to make with the right ingredients.

Further, how is everyone faring? Many of you stormed into the thick of it as well.

Sep. 16th, 2015


Who: Evelyn and Cullen
When: Wednesday, around late afternoon/early evening
Where: Stark Charities
What: Oh. A New World :|
Rating: TBD, although possible mentions of injury
Notes: Warnings for Trespasser spoilers ahead

and make sense )


[Dragon Age]

Friends, cut for spoilers but we're going drinking! )

Sep. 17th, 2015


Well. That was strange. I had the oddest dreams last night but I woke up this morning knowing they weren't dreams and then I felt odd for thinking they were. I don't think that made any sense. I'd say I feel a bit different but the pup doesn't seem to think so. She's a good pup, though she does make me miss the mabari who adopted me at Halamshiral.

[OOC: whoops! And we're into the Trespasser spoilers already! Dang.]

Sep. 15th, 2015


I was going past a pet shop not far from the Tower and, well, I just had to bring this young lady home:

Cut for image, not filtered )

She was slightly unimpressed that I was taking photos of her instead of playing with her. I'll have to come up with a name for her now.

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