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Aug. 16th, 2015


I'd been doubtful about a business whose sole trade was the indoors equivalent of a training yard, but gyms appear to be fairly profitable. And I have a selfish reason to like the one down the block, because they run a self-defence class and they're letting me teach there.

Treadmills still mystify me. If I'm going to run, I want to get somewhere. But the rest of the equipment is useful.

Aug. 3rd, 2015


Folk who run the dog place downstairs. The tan bitch is a mite restless. Reckon she wants a new collar. The one she's got now is too thick without being wide enough to have a comfortable heft to it.

Aug. 1st, 2015


network post: garrett hawke

Having spent the morning cleaning our apartment, I have come to greatly appreciate the cleaning solutions this world has. The one closest to my heart is a tie between scrubbing bubbles and calcium, lime, and rust remover. They are the king and queen of their respective domains. It took much less time to clean this place than the last places I cleaned. Admittedly, Gamlen not living here makes that easier.

Now, to find a place that will take worn trousers. They've begun to build up.

Jul. 22nd, 2015


I've decided I'm not really a fan of robots.

Jul. 13th, 2015


I'm not certain I trust a building this big. Or all the things in the kitchen. But someone mentioned running water and that sounds like something I could get behind. A bath I don't have to heat up bucket by bucket? Sounds like a gift from the Maker, if you ask me.

Warden Hawke. Carver. I understand you've already had my brother inflicted on you.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


network post: peter quill

First fourth of July back on Terra. Going to be good. Going to be exciting. Who wants to buy as many fireworks as we can and set them off? Sure there's going to be fireworks shows, but making one happen's even better than going to see one. With no help from Rocket, nothing will get blown up on purpose. Gamora didn't get to see it, she's back across space, but all the more reason for everyone else. Cora may have been here long enough, but there's got to be plenty of people like me, people who've been here less than a year, and people who didn't come from earth. Lets do this.

Jul. 1st, 2015


i hear that naked cliff diving is the hot new thing this summer. who wants to join me?

    that was a rather boring trip. by comparison of our past journeys, of course. you have ruined me in this way -- not one single dragon or threat of impending world doom. at this rate, i yawn in the face of danger if it isn't on fire or giant and scaly.

    but that peter fellow is quite nice to look at.

Jun. 24th, 2015


network post: hawke

There are good people here. They promised a bed, coin, Anders, some possessions, and something called running water. And the last one isn't a form of magic. While I haven't seen Anders yet, there is a bed, possessions, and the ability to purchase something, food in this case. So I shall take their word on the water. Greetings, citizens of New York, I hope York did not come to a bad end. My name is Hawke.

Jun. 17th, 2015


[Comms: Peter Quill's AoU Sceptre Hunt]

Now I know the rule is that HYDRA is crazy to begin with.

But these people were more than just a little crazy.

Jun. 14th, 2015


comms post: peter quill

Comms: Peter Quill's AoU Sceptre Hunt
No one taught me animals went mad in the rainforest. Must of left that out of third grade. Wooooo hoooo! [...] Anyone know what the giant guinea pig is?

Jun. 7th, 2015


Why does the animal center have birds in it?

Jun. 2nd, 2015


network post: alistair theirin

More of you should spend time in the Barking Lot, like I do. Every dog here is about the cutest ever. Mabari are majestic, and no dog shall have a place in my heart like Samson or Barkspawn do. But these pets whose entire lives purpose is to live happily share that joy with everyone around them. They understand us just as well as we understand them, and they're excellent listeners.

If anyone knows the mystery of how to make a Mabari Crunch, I'd like to make them for these dogs.

OOC: Psst, Kathryn Janeway, Davina Claire, and Steve Rogers (616) should comment on this post, re: June 5th plot.

May. 28th, 2015


To those who knew her, I cannot find Merrill anywhere. I believe that means she's no longer here. For a blood mage she wa She was my friend.

If anyone is interested, the clinic could use some help around the place. I'm sure I've said it before, but the offer still stands.

    It seems my circle of friends is getting quite small. First Hawke, then Merrill. [...] I hope you don't intend on leaving anytime soon, right? I don't know what I'd do without the Warden-Commander around.

May. 27th, 2015


i must say, it is terribly entertaining what this tesseract can do to people. yet i find myself ever so thankful when it chooses to pass me up sometimes -- although it having made me into the most beautiful woman was an experience i will not so soon forget. i suppose we must be thankful for such little joys this world affords us, no?

May. 21st, 2015


Now I'm younger than my son.

Alistair, if you would, please.

May. 20th, 2015


I admit, I haven't been to many dances before so I had no idea what to expect. But I'm pretty certain I didn't expect...anything that happened. Still, it was fun, and I hope that lasts.

Also, I don't charge for my services at the clinic, but a gentleman was very insistent on giving me this. It was quite good, actually, so I can't complain!

    I think I may have a problem.

    Thank you for going with me to the dance. And, sorry for stepping on your toes as much as I did. I'm afraid dancing wasn't exactly a priority for my schooling when I was younger.

    I was wondering, are you doing anything on Monday? I'd like to make up for my clumsiness, if you'd let me.

May. 19th, 2015


Well people imagining they're someone else in mass hallucinations and talking, dancing playing cards.

I've seen just about everything now.

May. 17th, 2015


text messages

» Do you have a cheese knife?
» The cheese knife. Olaf's cheese knife, made of red steel.
» I've been eating a lot of cheese.
» And it's good to have more than a sword.

» How much is the cheese knife worth?
» And how much do you think Shale would make me pay?

May. 7th, 2015


network post: alistair theirin

Shale, come here, I've got something to stick in you.


This snow reminds of home. Well, Haven and Skyhold anyway. Though I suppose Skyhold was more home than anywhere else I'd been living in the last ten years. I never minded the snow and cold though. Probably why I never got around to reminding Josephine about the hole in my roof.

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