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May. 31st, 2015



May. 21st, 2015


Oh my gosh. There are so many little cuties around the tower! I love this!

May. 13th, 2015


I'm not sure if it even needs saying at this point -- but if anyone needs any healing for any reason, my services are available. It's good to see that everyone's gone back to normal, though! More or less anyway.

    [...] You noticed Justice quite quickly when we first spoke. I was wondering if I could ask you some question?


I can hear you all clearly again. The whispers are gone.
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May. 10th, 2015


hello, i am veralidaine sarrasri, but i'm mostly called daine. it took a while but i think i understand what has happened. i do not understand this world though. it is strange and unusual. like this thing i am using comepuhter. with its webs and sights. mouse and clicking. buildings should nto be so tall. twenty five floors. too high up. unnatural. windows don't open. no fresh air. no way for animals to come in to visit. do not like the moving pictures much. the bathroom is interesting. the kitchen is confusing.

May. 5th, 2015


Hey, is there like somewhere we can go to report people who we are pretty sure are (or are about to become) super villains? Like, I'm not even talking about a cross universe thing. This isn't about the ethics of watching people who are bad news at other points in the multiverse. I don't buy into that crap.

I am talking about Cédric Villani. Like, have you seen this guy?

I'm also willing to accept the fact he might be a Time Lord.

May. 3rd, 2015



Apr. 23rd, 2015


[Boy with Giant Hat]

I forgot to ask - are you fish people? Or bad sheep? Baa.

Apr. 19th, 2015


Sundays always make me feel so spiritual. I mean, Brunch is pretty much a religious experience.

I gotcha a present.
[Laura Roslin]
Good Morning, Madame President.

I saw that you just took over for Anne Blythe and Mary Margaret, with the Potts Tower Youth Centre, and I was wondering if you needed help with that. I pretty much care for a small fleet of children -- and sometimes Spider-Man -- back home, so I have some experience dealing with kids of all kinds, unruly or otherwise. So. This is me volunteering to help you with that stuff.

So say we all?
[Ben Reilly]
Hey buddy. Sun is shining, sky is blue. Looks like a good day to go to Queens for me, if it does for you?

Aw hey. It's poetry.
[Tony Stark (616)]
The Red Skull used Professor Xavier's... soul? spirit? Unclear. To infect the Avengers, basically using brainwaves to turn them all into assholes. You weren't affected, we both know why. Anyway -- to stop the Red Skull's plan, Wanda and Stephen decided to try and invert who had control over Red Skull's body? Because Xavier basically inhabited it? In doing so though, in bringing Charles to the surface, they accidentally flipped any superheroes or villains in the blast zone. Carnage got all self-sacrifice-y. Victor went all, focus-on-democracy and you -- well. This time it got you. You started selling Extremis to people, started drinking again. So we're still dealing with the incusions and you're off doing your best impression of Kanye West.

So you chew on that for a while. I'll be here when you need me.

Apr. 16th, 2015


I do not like not knowing. Everything is loud too. Adjusting though.

They said 'say hello', so I suppose I am? No one is here that I know but either way. I am Li-Ming, formerly a wizard of the mage clans of the Yshari Sanctum, also called The Nephalem. I don't blame anyone if they don't know what that means. Happy to explain it.

I prefer my name though. So yes. Not all too great at this. It's still all so weird. Today is about how weird this is, tomorrow looking in ways to help.

Although there seem to be less (or no) demons here. That's a big plus so far.


Hey there, Potts Tower. Guess who snuck in? Don't blame yourself if you missed my entrance. It's not you, it's me. Ha ha, sorry. Bad invisibility pun.

And I maybe didn't need that additional round of birthday celebratory drinks, but whatever

So, I'm Sue. I'm Johnny Storm's sister. And if you know him already, then I'm sorry. Unless you like him, in which case -- he's great, isn't he?

Back home, I'm a member of the Fantastic Four and a sometimes-Avenger. Since this place seems to be severely lacking in a Baxter Building, I think I'm going to become an alltimes-Avenger. I've had the alternate universe thing explained to me so that's kind of neat, and I'm guess I'm glad to be part of the experience. I love new things, and meeting new people. I'm a bit ride or die that way. What's the point of being some place that could prove to be new and exciting otherwise?

I've been told that there might be some people here who know me, so what's up, people who know me! And I've also been told there might be a few who know a different version of me who was here before, so I'll say hi to you too while I'm at it. We should be friends! Unless you didn't like me, in which case -- I'm great, and you should.

Apr. 10th, 2015


The butterflies flew away. I didn't know. It hurts so much. Mommy.



Word to the wise: people look at you really weird when you tell them you never graduated high school because everyone in the building started eating each other. Which means I need to get registered for classes and get my GED thing. I don't know. On the other hand, I did finally learn both parts of this duet. Anyone up to play it with me?

Filtered to Peter Quill:
Hey, kid. Do you like scary movies? I bought some, and you should come over. If you're not busy saving the world and stuff!

Apr. 8th, 2015


We should do something nice, just the two of us. I would like to take a walk, if that's all right with you.

Pancakes. We should all get some because it has been too long since we have gotten together.

Mar. 29th, 2015


Text to Cole:
-- Hey!
-- We haven't talked since you got better. How are you feeling?
-- I have a present for you, btw.

Mar. 14th, 2015


Filtered to Cole:
Everyone's getting sick and I've heard that some people went into comas and stuff. Please tell me you're okay... You're okay right? Right?

Mar. 13th, 2015


[Filtered to People of Thedas]
I don't know how many of you are sick but if you need anything let me know. I seem to have avoided this flu so far. I'll be with the Inquisitor Ella Ellana but I can drop in if you need something.


Mar. 10th, 2015


[People from Thedas]
Are any of you sick? There is a flu going around apparently. I'm fine, I think but I thought I should check in with all of you.

Mar. 6th, 2015


Fluster, fear, frightened, all wrapped in a panic. There's no escape, all leading straight to an end. But it's too soon, not enough time, there's still so much to do.

You've all gone very loud. I much preferred when we had the furry things. They were like rabbits, soft, soothing, sweet. You could make a bed of them.

Feb. 25th, 2015


Well at least there's still cats in this...whatever this place actually is. Are we sure it isn't a part of the Fade?

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