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Oct. 29th, 2013


I've never had a job interview before. Tips, please?

Oct. 22nd, 2013


Filtered: Charles (XMFC)
Did you know there's a gun range in the basement?

Having an alternate history is one of those oddly fulfilling things in which your alternate self achieves all of these life experience points and you reap the benefits, or lack thereof. Yes, maybe we should rewrite philosophy books using terms from Pokemon. Think of the money we'd make.

Oct. 17th, 2013


Good morning, October in New York.

My name is Charles Xavier. I hope everyone is doing all right under these strange circumstances. I know I'm not quite sure what to do with myself. I've been sitting in the lobby for the last twenty minutes, staring at a potted plant. It's a very nice Heartleaf Philodendron on the reception desk, for those of you who haven't noticed it. Very well-kept. I'm terrible with that kind of thing. I kill plants as though they were the enemy.

Anyway... Hello.

[Erik Lensherr, or if you prefer - Magneto]
I know you're here. No, I haven't been in your head. I just know your habits when it comes to leaving wet towels thrown about the place, and I'm in your room.

Our room.

Oct. 13th, 2013


[Filter to Wanda Maximoff]
He's yours?

[Filter to Charles Xavier (811)]
Well what do you know. I might be a grandfather.

Oct. 14th, 2013


So I've been taken through the Cosmic Cube ,or the Tesseract as you call it but ketchup catsup, and I'm currently in a tower the property of Pepper Potts and Tony Stark, filled with other refugees not only from a variety of worlds, but also from different points in time and and and I'm overloading a little because THIS IS AWESOME! And I'm not home. That is also awesome considering what I just did

Do we have Tyrion from Game of Thrones? Please tell me we have a Tyrion.


Hi, I'm Billy Kaplan. I'm a Cancer, I'm from NYC, I'm a Reform Jew.

Mom? They told me you were here.

Oct. 11th, 2013


Filtered: Hank McCoy
How about that dinner?

You know, I almost had a hang of this internet thing, but now I'm not so certain. When we dressed up as foxes in the 60s, no one had to witness it.

Oct. 9th, 2013


[Text message for Charles Xavier]
» When you have a moment. I would like to speak with you.

Oct. 3rd, 2013


network post

Filtered: Charles Xavier (811)
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your friends.

Filtered: Magneto (811)
We should consider that date to move bridges.


filter: avengers & mutants (all 'verses)
If there is anything I can do, please let me know.

I'm currently not in the country, but we are returning soon. Possibly a few days early. I have to get back to training and obviously, things have come up.

filter: Erik (811)
You're still here, aren't you?

ooc: hey she has a new pb, pretend nothing happened

Oct. 2nd, 2013


To anyone who knew them, Jean Grey, Logan, Alex Summers and Jubilation Lee have been returned. They went silent

Sep. 23rd, 2013


These time-traveling boxes seem to have fickle ways. It seems I am owed a game of chess.

Sep. 22nd, 2013


Delivery for Charles Xavier (811) )

Sep. 19th, 2013


Filter: Avengers Academy + additional Sunday trainers*
This is an announcement to all of you that from September 28 to October 4, my sister and I will be on a trip to Estonia. Should there be an dire circumstances, we will make it back within a few seconds, but you will have one weekend of training without me. Should you wish for additional training in the week, you can request it from the other trainers (whether they have the time for it midst their own lives is up to them, not me, so don't come whinging to me.. you can still train among yourselves).

Filter: Professor X (811)
I have to be out of my mind to think of trying to talk to Magneto. Of any universe. And yet

Filter: Erik Lehnsherr (811)
Against my judgment I have decided to filter you. I have been informed that your world is vastly different than mine but I still remain wary as to where you stand with your son from your universe. I am willing to hear your story.

Filter: Wanda Maximoff
I'm out of my mind.

*ooc: if your character trains with the AAs, just assume that Pietro's already talked to them in person about this? Hit me up in aim/email if you want to hash out details. RL craziness made it slip my mind earlier.

Sep. 17th, 2013


I think, to minimize confusion, I shall go by Magnus.

[Filtered to Wanda Maximoff]
It has been pointed out to me that I may have reacted hastily when we spoke the other day. Might we again?

Sep. 15th, 2013


I'm convinced the Tesseract is sentient and toying with all of us.


Telepathic communication to Magneto the Elder )


network post

Jubilee tells me cats and moving pictures and moving pictures of cats are very much in vogue here. I don't understand this century. Or, for that matter, how my phone ended up covered in sparkles.

Filtered: Charles Xavier (movies)
I don't kn Do you play chess?

Sep. 12th, 2013


[Filtered to X-men]
Even though last weekend's training session was quite successful, There has been discussion that given the recent arrivals and departures, we should meet again this week, and perhaps more regularly.

I have acquired a room at Blue Smoke, the Battery Park location, at 2 pm on Sunday, to discuss the following points:
  • The increasing number of non X-men affiliated mutants, particularly, relating to the Magnetos who have been arriving. I realise some among us view them as frien allies, and we have had this meeting before, but it would do well to revisit the discussion in light of changing circumstances.
  • Last week's exercises and objections held to it
  • Jean wishes to discuss cooperation with other teams here.
  • Future strategies moving forward
  • Logan, if you could give an update on what is needed for the building
  • The problems with "cures"Any other business

  • Punch & Pie.

    P.S. The liquid sort of punch only
    P.P.S. That is not a challenge


    network post; erik lehnsherr

    Please remind me how anyone could enjoy the particular pastime of swimming. It seems to lead to terrible consequences. My name is Erik and I don't want to be here. I'm told I'm not alone here.

    Sep. 11th, 2013


    This is not an entirely unwelcome turn of events.

    Hello, my name is Professor Charles Xavier. I'm told some of my people might be here.

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