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Mar. 10th, 2014


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

If anyone is interested the New York Public Library for the performing arts has an exhibition about the Beatles through May 10.

And as usual for new arrivals - if you need help catching up on decades, or centuries, let me know. I can get you set up with a library card and help find you some books that I've bookmarked as most helpful for people coming in from other times and places.

[Filter: Gunn]
How are things going?

I don't suppose you want to come over this evening and talk vampires over a game of Risk?

[Filter: Floors 7 & 8]
Just checking in with all of you to see if anyone needs anything. We've had a few new arrivals and a few departures and I was wondering about the notion of a floor party - get together, get to know who is new on the floor.

If you're interested I'll see about setting up a time.

Feb. 27th, 2014


Has anyone seen or talked to Fred recently?

Feb. 13th, 2014



» I feel like now is the kinda time
» where I've got to ask for the whole story between you & me last time I was here.
» Cause something ain't adding up.

» I don't say this often
» But there's something I need to talk about.
» And it's not SHIELD.

» so I was thinking we should go out or something
» talk and stuff.

Feb. 7th, 2014


Who: Charles Gunn & Faith Lehane
When: 2/7/14, nighttime.
Where: A bar, somewhere. It's NYC, they're everywhere.
What: Gunn offered to help Faith in her recent SHIELD news and has no idea what he's gotten himself into.
Warnings: Drinking, likely some violence.

What can go wrong with this idea? )


I've been demoted.

To the mailroom.

Fuck that.

Feb. 1st, 2014


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: Angel Investigations]
Many of you are already on the vampire task force and so are no doubt aware of its being disbanded. For those of you who are not, it has been. This is leading me to a question of whether it is worth working together as a team once again. Spike, Angel, Drusilla, and Darla are not the only vampires to come through the Tesseract and we've seen others out in the city which means that there likely are more out there.

Officially I'm a resident assistant, and working part time at NYPL, but I'm thinking perhaps unofficially we ought to be more intentionally and as a group looking for signs of vampire activity - like we do at home, only without the hotel, or the lawyers, depending on when you're coming from.

The cons of course - we run the risk of getting the wrong side of SHIELD - but if there are budget cuts in one area, I wonder if they're going to be able to watch what is happening in the tower as well as what they have done in the past.

The other thought is whether or not we wish to pull others in - create a bit of a task force of our own. The list for the VTF would be a starting place for that, and of course those from our own reality who are used to fighting vampires.

Between Faith, Gunn, and Buffy, we'd also have an inside ear on SHIELD mechanics - not details necessarily, but a thermometer, if you will.


[Filter: Angel, Gunn, Faith]
I'm moving into 712 this afternoon. If you need me that's where I'll be.

[Filter: Lilah]
I'm in 712 for the foreseeable future.

[Filter: Sam Winchester]
Is it just me or is Captain Jack's announcement a fascinating turn of events?

Jan. 30th, 2014



It feels like forever since I've talked to all of you. How is everyone doing?

Jan. 22nd, 2014


TEXT TO ANGEL (accidental):Read more... )


Jan. 20th, 2014


So, right. Tesseract, doorway between... well, places, and other places, got my own apartment, new telly, and oh, guess what? Apparently, I'm not real. Anyone who thinks that, please, stick out your neck and you can feel how real my teeth are. Yes, yes, I know. I got the whole, no biting people lecture. Can't a man have a bit of fun anymore?

Bloody hell, this place is going to drive me mad. My name's Spike, and the blokes in the black suits suggested I make the introductions. Can I just say I'm getting really tired of government operatives and people in suits mucking about in my life?

These people are nutters! Well, anyway.

Jan. 11th, 2014


Filtered to Buffyverse:
Are ya'll completely sure I was in my right mind the first time I signed up for this? 'Cause I am not down with all this paperwork.

And it's not even about the hand cramping. Though I gotta admit that's part of it.

Jan. 10th, 2014


Would it be really weird if I bought myself this?

cut, not filtered )

Cause it's kinda cool.


Well, today marks a year that I've been here. Given what the future held for me in Cardiff, it's worth leaving Wales behind for the opportunities I've had here. (Yes, Jack, that means you.)

[Cell Seven (Obi-wan & Charles Gunn)]
With Steve Rogers' departure, SHIELD has named me handler of our cell. I was handler of cell ten before those field agents got pulled back through the Tesseract. I'd like to get together at the beginning of next week if that's possible.

So I have my own cell again - Seven. Also, want to celebrate by ourselves after the big shindig with the others?

Jan. 3rd, 2014


I really, really love the Internet.

How am I just now seeing this?

Jan. 2nd, 2014



Charles! I haven't had a chance to say hi! You missed Christmas, but I went ahead and got something for you if you happened to show up.

You should also come by and see Wesley and I sometime. We're in 701.

Jan. 1st, 2014


»Got a question.
»What was that last night?

Dec. 30th, 2013


This is weird as hell. And the weirdest part is that it's apparently not even my first time here. Or second. I'm sensing a pattern.

Filtered to Faith.
Been meaning to say this.

If you've got a hitting people thing, I just gotta get it out there now -- it's not really a kink of mine.

Nov. 23rd, 2013


Happy graduation day to me.

Guess I'm officially a SHIELD agent. Still not sure how I feel about that.

Filter: Gunn
I think this calls for a night of celebrating.

Oct. 28th, 2013


-- You realize this is your fault.

Oct. 23rd, 2013


I know I've been busy with S.H.I.E.L.D. training and all, but damn, are ya'll kidding me?

Who the hell's next? Is crazy ass Drusilla or Harmony gonna show up, too?

Oct. 22nd, 2013


✉ I don't know about you, but I'm starting to miss the paperwork.
✉ Didn't expect SHIELD to be such a workout.

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