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Nov. 8th, 2014


[yeah, pretend this was posted Friday like right after Pike's post]

( Under 18s/ESD Students )
We're doing this really cool war games thing for one of m ESD classes and you should sign up if you having already, especially if you want to play on my team. I promise fun. We did this kind of thing in Dauntless all the time only with sim guns and it was always a blast, but that opinion might come from being on the winning team 90% of the time.

Seriously, sign up, if you liked the nerf war, you'll love this! We've still got room for more people.

Nov. 6th, 2014


Guess who has two thumbs and made 6000 dollars last week?

Oct. 30th, 2014


Why do I always end up in parks when creepy stuff happens? First the freaky skeleton graveyard and now freaky... helpful... janitor ghosts? At least I had my phone camera ready this time.

[ in-character this link goes to the video on Cassie's youtube channel ]

I need to stop walking home from work alone.

Oct. 29th, 2014


[Gwen Stacy]
How are you doing?

[Young Avengers]
Do we have plans for Friday, or are we just going to wing it?

[Team Retroviral Hyperplasia*]
Hey everyone.

Now that you've all had time to go over the information that Stark sent out, it's time we set up a team meeting so that we're all on the same page. We'll share what we know and draft up a strategy so that we're utilizing everyone's strengths effectively moving forward.

I understand we've all got day jobs or at least other responsibilities, so what about an evening next week? We can even have it catered. Hit me with your food suggestions.

*Anyone interested in helping with the research for this plot.

Oct. 12th, 2014


[Young Avengers, Violet, baby Marvel, Weird lady Hendrix]


I've got presents.


Friends! Who will join me to look for costumes for the most glorious Halloween?

Oct. 5th, 2014


I want to see the skeletons.


So in case anyone decides to take a nice visit in Central Park, and are particularly spooked easily, you might not want to go there. Seriously have no idea what caused it but one second we're having a nice walk along the path (even if its dark) and then we're surrounded by a foggy cemetery with skeletons coming out of the ground and smell of blood and rot, and screams in the distant. It had to be more than just a holographic prank by someone in the area.

Unless you're into that sort of thing, then make sure you don't take Loki with you because he might scream and yell about how he totally told you about there being murderers.. and thus ruin the mood.

Oct. 4th, 2014


How was your day?
Hey, so since tonight is date night, would you be game for a walk in Central Park?
[Young Avengers]
Breakfast tomorrow?
[Tommy Shepherd]


I have a dormmate who swears that I've been eating her food labeled with her name on it from her mini-fridge. I'm not sure if she truly believes that or is trying to find a reason to hate me.

Anyone have a time machine in which I can go back and get a singles' room on campus on time?

Filter: Rhodey
If I start camping out at your place more often, you should not be surprised.

Oct. 3rd, 2014


New York has some pretty great food, I'll give it that much. I think the pizza might be my favorite, but if you think you can wow my taste buds even more, I'm taking suggestions.

Oct. 1st, 2014


And it's the end of an era. BSG is no longer on Netflix.

Things have been quiet. I haven't seen anything on the news about raccoo you. Is this good news? Are you and your friends settling into...Terra...okay?
Date night tonight? I promise this isn't a trick to get you to take me to Starbucks for another Pumpkin Spice.
I need help with something. How's my favourite god doing?

Sep. 30th, 2014


I found a gym that teaches all kinds of weird classes like parkour and capoeira. That'd probably be super useful for me as a vigilante crime fighter, but I think I'm going to take the aerial silks class in case I ever want to be a cirque de soleil performer.

Someone should come do it with me. It's pretty cool.


Hey, you wanna go work out or shopping or patrolling for bad guys in a seedy neighborhood? I am in desperate need of girl talk.

Sep. 29th, 2014


Are you kidding me? First my boyfriend, now my best friend? I hate you, Tesseract.

Sep. 26th, 2014


Network Post: Sarah Manning

So if my daughter hadn't understood that bloody ridiculous lift question, would we have got stuck on there all night?

Sorry we're running late. Fuc Stupid lift hold up. We lose the appointment or can you still see us today?

Sep. 4th, 2014


What do you need to get married around here?

Sep. 1st, 2014


[Young Avengers + Friends & Allies]
Is everyone okay?

If not, is everyone I like okay?

Aug. 31st, 2014


I don't know what the hell that was, but I'm suiting up. Gonna be a lot of accidents out there to help with. Anyone wanna tag along with me?

Aug. 28th, 2014


Did you know there's a holiday here that celebrates work? AND THEY GET A PARADE! Mom! Azari! James! Torunn! Can we go? Let's go see a parade!

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