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Aug. 16th, 2014


By now, you're probably all aware of the Mentorship program that's ongoing. Us old fogeys want to do our best to give you each, individual attention and do whatever we can to help make you utilise all your strengths, and be the absolute best at whatever it is you choose to be.

There are a few of us in the order set that have very particular skills that we've perfected, being involved with the Avengers and responding to global and domestic threats on every scale imaginable, and I think that we should all, when time permits, try to create opportunities to share those skill with anyone interested in the interest of both passing on knowledge, and of building a stronger sense of community within this Avengers group, because there are a lot of us.

For starters, over the next few weeks, before school starts up again, I'm going to be running a combat workshop for anyone interested in learning more about hand-to-hand combat the way that I know it. It's not mandatory, and it's just for those Mentees (or Mentors, really) who want to participate. I'd love to see a few of you come out for it, if you're able.
[Rikki Barnes]
I have something for you, and I meant to drop it by last night, but then there was that problem on the 8th floor with the fire alarms, and I couldn't get up there. Hope everything is all right, and I hope you had a happy birthday. How do you feel?

[OOC: Also, I'm sorry, Rikki. I meant to post something last night but I was out and then went to bed early >.> It's totally my bad <3]

Jul. 27th, 2014


I understand that a lot of you have questions about the future. I really do. In your position, I'm sure I'd want to know, too.

But I can't tell you how Game of Thrones is going to end.

There are some lines a man just doesn't cross.

Jul. 26th, 2014


Well, if you were wondering why I wasn't in our apartment this morning, I's because I woke up in bed with Steve.

Who, by the way, has no idea who the fuck I am

You're not a 90lb asthmatic now, too, are you?


the man I
Mr. Barnes said
I'm supposed to

I was told to introduce myself? My name is Steve? Um. Steven Rogers? I'm from Brookyln, but I sure as heck don't remember New York looking like this?

Jul. 15th, 2014


[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Didn't expect to see you ripping up Time Square when I turned on the news today.


[Bucky Barnes, Natasha Romanoff (both 616), Rikki Barnes & Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Not sure if what's going down in Midtown right now is what we talked about yesterday or not. Either way, I wouldn't mind having you come down with me to check it out.

Peter Parker is already down there. It looks like we have three trucks acting strange in Midtown, which is no place for trucks, if you ask me. It's not clear yet if they were hijacked or if this is something else. Be on your guard.
[Clint Barton (616)]
Well, if you're not busy and you still want to see what kind of a "thing" the Avengers here are, I could sure use some help in Midtown at the moment.
[ETA, after saving her: Dawn Summers]
You know, you really should look both ways before you cross the street.

But honestly, you're all right now?

Jul. 11th, 2014


You've got like a bar or something, right?

Are you hiring?

Think I might need some money. And my Plan A doesn't so much exist anymore.

Jun. 21st, 2014


There's no easy way to say this without just ripping the band-aid off, so here goes. Some of you may know me as Alice Liddel, from the series Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. That is not me. My name is Sharon Carter, and I am - was - an agent of SHIELD. I was posted in the building to keep an eye on Captain Rogers it. Recent events have allowed me to come clean.

Thank you all so much for your hospitality, and I hope that you will all forgive me (in time) for the ruse.

I have a message for you.

Jun. 8th, 2014


[Young Allies & Bucky Friends]
... has anyone else seen some sort of-- giant weasel thing running around the tower?

I'm pretty sure one almost ran into me the other day.

Jun. 4th, 2014


Hope you've gotten your beauty sleep, Barnes. I'm commandeering you for date night. No business, all pleasure.

Did I forget to make this private?


May. 18th, 2014


Hey guys, what's red, white and blue. About 400lbs and likes bananas?
I'm taking this one to the Avengers Mansion. I don't want him to get any bright ideas about telling Bruce Bananer to smash for him or something
[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
You know, I really can see the resemblance.

May. 11th, 2014


[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]


Are these flowers for me?

May. 8th, 2014


Other Avengers are offering training, so what the hell. Black Widow and I agreed we'd chip in. Two sessions up for grabs for now. You get us both. Don't ask for it if you're not dead serious you want it.

Here goes nothing.

May. 1st, 2014


[Filtered to Sharon Carter (616)]

You around?

I've been reading some of these papers about that guy for you. You didn't tell me it was a bunch of boring freud bull shit. Or if you did, you didn't phrase it quite like that, so I had no way of knowing.

Apr. 25th, 2014


[Buffy Summers]
I'm sure she's already mentioned it, but your sister approached both me and the other Steve Rogers regarding the prom. She said that she wanted to attend; that she wanted to help you -- but was worried about vampires and what might happen so she wanted someone to go with her to watch out for her.

I guess it hit a nerve. I know what Bucky can be like, and I know what happened to and I know first hand what it's like to want to help but not be able to -- so I cancelled my other plans and agreed to go with her, because it's what's important. And I want you to know that I give you my word I'll watch out for her if something happens at the prom -- and if it's just a dance? Then I promise I'll have her in before one, and I hope she liked the corsage I picked out.
[Avengers Attending Prom]
Just remember that first and foremost, our duty is to protect the people of this tower. So as much as I hope we all have a good time, I don't want anyone to let their guard down.
[Tony Stark (616)]
What are your plans for tonight, Stark?

Apr. 24th, 2014


[Nick Fury (MCU)]
We haven’t really had the chance to talk, and now really isn’t the time. Suffice it to say, in my world I fought alongside your father during World War II, and I consider you to be a friend, and someone that I trust. We’ll reminisce one day, I’m sure, but right now there’s a problem that needs attention.

I do believe that Ms. Summers team can and will neutralise this threat, and that she and her team are the most capable to do the job, so while I’m as frustrated as you are that this was kept a secret until someone was hurt, I’m under the impression that she’s from a place where vampires were always under the radar so I can understand why she acted the way she did. I plan on doing what I can to help her, support her efforts and stay out of her way.

That said, she’s mentioned that their resources are a bit limited when it comes to protecting the tower. As much as I can, I’m going to be working with the other off-world Avengers to concentrate our efforts there. We’ll be centralised, If there’s anything else you need from us, that’s there we’ll be.
[Avengers. All.]
First things first, I need anyone who assisted Tony Stark yesterday to report in, tell me what you went up against and what happened.

Secondly, as you’re all aware -- there are a lot of cooks in this kitchen. SHIELD is doing their job, and those who’ve dealt with these types of vampires before are doing theirs. What I don’t want is to get in anyone else’s way with this. (At least, not until we have to). With that in mind, I want us to double our efforts at keeping this tower safe as there are a number of residents here who might be potential targets.

And when you’re on your patrols these next few nights -- please -- report vampire sightings before you engage, so if you need back-up, we know where to go.

[Jan van Dyne]
So did you manage to get the smell out?
[Wanda Maximoff]
I have a favour to ask.
[Anne Shirley]

Apr. 23rd, 2014


[Bucky Barnes (EMH) {ETA: Bucky Barnes,(616)}]
I need you to pick a lock for me.

ETA: One Armed Bandit: You're out with Steve right now, aren't you? What's happening, have you found anything?

Apr. 13th, 2014


[Filtered to Sharon Carter]
Hey so you know how there's some dance thing at the school?

You should come with me.

I've said it once and I'll say it again. This island is too damn cold.

cut for picture )

Apr. 12th, 2014


I'll never say I looked to better men for inspiration, rather I looked to men with better words (and unfortunate first names) as is the case with Rudyard Kipling:

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after they are gone, and so hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says to them: 'Hold on!'

I say, It's no damn wonder the chap's best known as Kipling alone. If I'd my choice of names, that's the one I'd hold to as well. But then, I'd gone an settled for Pinky, so there's a chance the merit of my opinion isn't first class.

Apr. 11th, 2014


[Bucky Barnes (616)]
My turn to skip town, but for less dangerous reasons. I won't be gone long, but I figure if anyone is looking for me, they'll be smart enough to check with you.

You keep me posted if you've got to give any more recruitment speeches.
[Bucky Barnes (EMH)]
Pack a bag.

Which means a shirt, Bucky.

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