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Oct. 16th, 2014


Network Post; Mara Jade

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
Dr. Crusher, I know that you worked SHIELD medical before. I'm contacting you now because we have a patient who is in need of medical assistance and your professional discretion. Is your schedule free?

[Filter: Nick (MCU)]
You were right about Grace.

Oct. 11th, 2014


West Virginia might be the most depressing place on earth.It's easy to forget, in the future, that it was largely this century and the one preceding it that did much to cement the ideals that we in the Federation take for granted, that no child should go hungry or without an education. That medical care is a basic necessity that no person should ever go without for any reason. I have recently seen first-hand the poverty that the human race had worked so hard to overcome by my time, and it pains me and it saddens me to know that only a few hundred years from now, all that troubles those people that I met with and spoke to are taken away.

We're all far from our homes and our loved ones, but all of us are in a unique place to effect real change in this world, even if it is only one small change at a time. I was lucky enough to spend a few hours outside at the fall festival, and even though it was rainy and wet, there was real respect and affection from those who have set up booths with crafts and food. If you haven't already done so, visit them and talk to them and see that not everyone in this world believes that we refugees are all horrible and taking jobs and influencing people badly.

Sep. 28th, 2014


As a physician fortunate enough to have been born, raised, and lived the majority of my life in the future, I am in a unique position to watch as the past incrementally catches up with the future. It's both fascinating and frustrating, because I know that the cure to so many diseases exist -- just not yet. But they will. And while there will be many diseases that will develop, overall there will come a day when mankind will enjoy more health than ever.

It's exciting to be living now, watching as these new discoveries are made and the chance to save even more lives becomes even more real.

Sep. 8th, 2014


My name is Simon Tam, and I was referred to the two of you by a couple of refugees on the network. I understand you have a clinic here and I was wondering if you might have a position available. I was one of the top trauma surgeons in my home city and have experience working in a smaller setting as well. Unfortunately, my knowledge and practices are about five hundred years out of date, but as I understand it, wounds are wounds and bodies still break the same way.

I met a psychiatrist who might be able to help you manage things. Will you meet with her? I'll stay with you the entire time and she won't do anything without your consent and my permission.

Sep. 2nd, 2014


Filter to Luke Skywalker
Hello, Mr. Skywalker. My name is Beverly Crusher. I am a doctor with SWORD, who as you know are responsible for the Tesseract and the people who come through it. We have had a young man who calls himself Anakin, but he is badly injured. When he arrived, he called for Uncle Luke, then Master Skywalker -- I can only assume that he means you.

He is very badly injured, and I believe that at this point we would be remiss in our duties if we were not to summon a person that we believe to be family.

Sep. 1st, 2014


Network Post; Abigail Brand

[Filter: Alison Hendrix & Beverly Crusher]
I am making arrangements to have Carol Danvers transferred from the clinic to SWORD medical. Dr. Crusher can assist in the transfer.

Do you have an update on her status?

[Filter: Carol Danvers (616)]
I don't believe we've met formally, but I'm Director Abigail Brand of SWORD. Can you give me a detailed report of what happened?


Filter to Alison Hendrix
Hello, Alison. I wanted make sure that you're one of the first people to know that as of September 15, I will be working at SWORD full time. I can't thank you enough for giving me the opportunity to spend the past month at the Potts Tower Clinic; I've truly enjoyed working with you. I will, of course, assist you in any way I can in finding a replacement and in helping to get them settled in, in the two weeks that I will be continuing my part-time duties here.

-- Beverly Crusher.

Filter to Jean-Luc
Well, I have officially joined a space organization again. Maybe I'll see you there. ;]

I doubt that it needs to be said, but if anyone is suffering any ill effects from the event this afternoon, please do not hesitate to dial 911 or to get in contact with me.

Aug. 23rd, 2014


The clinic is open at this time to anyone who needs medical assistance.

Aug. 19th, 2014


Network Post; Abigail Brand

[Filter: Beverly Crusher]
Dr. Crusher, I had the opportunity to review your notes from last week. Would you be free to explain a few of them to me tomorrow afternoon?

[Filter: Carol Danvers (EMH)]
Is the network always this full of dance classes and fuzzy muppets?

Aug. 8th, 2014


[Text message: Beverly Crusher]
-- I spoke yesterday with S.W.O.R.D.
-- And filled out paperwork.
-- I've decided to give it a go

-- And I've got an excellent bottle of wine that has our name on it if you aren't busy.


Due to the excitement in Times Square this evening, the clinic will be open for anyone who needs to be seen for minor injuries. If you or someone you are with are are hurt badly, please take yourself to an Emergency Room if possible. If you're able to come here and need transportation to a hospital it can and will be arranged.

Jul. 16th, 2014


cut for image, not filtered )

Filter to Felix Blake
I think this would be a good time to let you know that I'm on vacation through what will essentially be the end of July. Please don't get hurt while I'm away -- these white sand beaches are too gorgeous for me to give them up just yet.

Filter to Jean-Luc
I think you're going to be on vacation-planning-duty from here on it. This is beyond perfect, Jean-Luc.

Jul. 6th, 2014


Who: Beverly Crusher and a Guy in a Suit
When: Sunday evening
Where: The doorway of her apartment.
What: Beverly gets a hand-delivered summons!
Rating: Low.

Are you Dr. Beverly Howard Crusher? )


Filter to Alison Hendrix
Hello. I thought I'd get in touch with you about potentially working at the clinic. I know that you're short a doctor or two, and I'd like to do what I can to remedy that. At this time I can't do much more than part-time, as the situation with SHIELD is cleared up, and then I've got a vacation planned from about the 10th of July on through just about the end of the month.

Felix Blake
How are you feeling?

Jul. 2nd, 2014


Filter to Jean-Luc
I had an interesting conversation, today. You're familiar with the San Diego Comic Con? We were invited to take part in some panels, question and answer sessions, and a signing session. I think it would be interesting to do, really. What do you think? It's July 24-27 -- maybe we can adjust our vacation to accomodate it?

Filter to Felix Blake
Are you feeling all right? Staying rested and hydrated? Am I seeing right that they're starting the hearings this week?

I took one of the Free Tours by Foot yesterday afternoon and not only had a good long walk, but learned a lot about Harlem. Anyone want to go on the Brooklyn Heights one with me next week?

Jun. 26th, 2014


Network Post; Jean-Luc Picard

I hope that all of my students from this year have a wonderful summer, wherever and however they may spend it. If I may, I will also put a plug in for not forgetting everything you learned this year in classes.

July 10 - July 20?

Jun. 24th, 2014


-- Are you all right?
-- Do you or your team need assistance?

Jun. 22nd, 2014


ooc: posted not long after the news of the tracking implants in the refugees broke, and shortly after Sharon Carter's post about where they can be found.

As a doctor, I can not impress on you enough just now important it is to avoid infection after you have removed the tracker implanted in you by SHIELD. I will be more than happy to remove any and all implants tonight, and I will, of course, be available to keep an eye on incisions made. If you've already taken yours out, please allow a medical professional to see you, to ensure that you remain infection-free.

Jun. 19th, 2014


If anyone suffered injuries in Tuesday's events at Pott's Tower and you haven't seen a doctor or a nurse or a mediwitch, please make sure you do so. I will be home this evening after six p.m. and I will see and talk to anyone who feels the need to do so until the last person leaves. This includes SHIELD agents who haven't found their way to my hospital.

Filter to Hank McCoy
What in the world were you thinking, Doctor? I understand you were concerned for your research, but I am still absolutely astonished. And disappointed. I can't forget disappointed.

There will likely be an inquiry into this and what sort of research I was allowing as the head of your department that you felt the need to claim allegiance to HYDRA.

Filter to Jean-Luc
I really need a vacation. Can we please start planning on for very soon?


A sprained wrist isn't much fun. But it taught me to get a bit faster when thugs are falling towards me after getting knocked out.

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