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May. 2nd, 2015


network post: padmé amidala

Filtered to: Charlie Group
I've come in just at the end of this school year, but I would like to speak with all of you about finishing up this year's classes and your plans for the summer and next fall. Flash and Ava, you are both 18 and thus not required to take courses after this year once you pass your exams. Lets discuss what plans you have for the coming year and what I can do to assist you. Danny and Luke, you each have at least one more year. I've reviewed your records. What courses are you interested in finishing up your time here with? We can discuss it in the context of your educational and professional goals. Draco, you are new here. In your culture, you come of age at 17, but here you'll have to wait another year before that time. I'd like to meet with you since your educational background differs greatly from what's offered here. You are all welcome to contact me at any time.
I'll be at Sam's today during lunch and into the afternoon for anyone who wishes to join me, and you can always count on finding me there every week.

Apr. 29th, 2015


Filter: Luke Cage and Danny Rand
Hey, Luke, if I happen to pinch you now, will you feel it??



it might take this time

Apr. 16th, 2015


If anyone has pillows or blankets that they are not currently using with the warmer weather, the fifth floor has need of them.

Thank you.

Apr. 12th, 2015


My question is.. why is Potts Tower not located in Florida? Why in New York? Why not either in Florida or California? Is snow really necessary to experience? You should think of making a second tower for people in Miami, just saying.

I'm not ready to get off of Spring Break yet, even though I'm all caught up in reading fanfic for class. So, I'm calling for impromptu movie night. Who wants to go watch Furious 7?

Mar. 28th, 2015


Filter: Team Ultimate
I got my face again. And my fucking amu clothes. You all can breathe easily that I'm not going to terrorize the city.

Mar. 27th, 2015


Ok, so, no more going out until this is fix. I think I just took ten years off the life of one of those Times Square con men in costumes.

Anyone got a lead on how to fix this? This cat thing's bad enough but I really miss the symbio-

Mar. 26th, 2015


Filter: Danny Rand and Luke Cage
I have a major situation here!

Filter: Flash Thompson
Please please PLEASE for the love of God tell me you still have the amulet on.

Mar. 22nd, 2015


'sup? Amadeus Cho, freelancer of science, at your service.

So this is an alternative universe. Not bad. Some heads up would have been nice, and the entry needs a lot of work, but it's still pretty cool.

And before anyone asks, I've heard the Falco song. Thanks.

[Filter: Bruce Banner (616)]

[Filter: Pietro Maximoff]
Hey, dude. Can we talk about this school thing?

Mar. 19th, 2015


So if those aliens left and are gonna keep an an eye on us, are we supposed to be doing something particular?

If they were I hope they watched that Baylor - Georgia State game today. Did anyone else? Cause that was sick.

Mar. 18th, 2015


» Hey
» So I heard
» And I'm sorry
» That's assuming you heard too

Mar. 16th, 2015


Okay, I don't know if it's because I was out for all three meals of the day yesterday but wherever this soup came from.. whoever made it.. it is REALLY GOOD. Dear people running the makeshift care center on the 13th floor... awesome work.

Mar. 10th, 2015


Filter: Ultimates + Other Friends
Which of you needs soup and Theraflu?

Mar. 3rd, 2015


I have a new companion. This furry little creature joined me on my meditation this morning.

Feb. 20th, 2015


cut for image, NO filter )

Please have these on my desk by Monday.

Feb. 19th, 2015


Either the weather gets warmer for my birthday, or I want a trip out of this place. Since the former doesn't look plausible after taking a glance at weather.com ... hey, anyone in the business of making Portkeys?

Jan. 29th, 2015


Got a big project I've been working on for Max over here at Horizon and it's been eating up my free time, but before I forget....

(Because I will I forget, and then I'll realize I needed to let people know when I'm on the flight out, and that's probably when MJ goes, "Peter, did you tell everyone?" And I go, "Oh, whoops.")

Feb 15th-21st. Me and MJ are off to lands afar for the week. I'll bring back Hawaiian coffee long as everyone behaves themselves.

Jan. 20th, 2015


Filter to Old Peter Parker
Ok, I got questions. Not saying it means I buy that thing I can't tell anyone and don't know 100%, but...

Is there like rules to the whole secret identity thing? Like what do you do if you think someone you know might be another person that other you knows? Is there even any way to ask 'bout it without it just not being super uncool?

Ok, that's first one. Number two, is there like some training or practice to, uh, make loud noises not, well, hurt be bad? Like annoying ass levels of bad.

And now three- wait, wait, hold on.

Filter to Old Peter and MJ
There we go, ok, and three, you guys doing anything at your place or Parker's for the Super Bowl?

[Added Later] The asking being for a group and not just me.

Filter to Ultimates
You guys got any plans for Super Bowl Sunday?

Jan. 12th, 2015


Filter: Asgardians
Hi, there. You don't know me but I know of Thor from my world and he helped get me and some of my friends out of a sticky situation once. Maybe twice. And the Tesseract this time happened to send us some gifts back home in relation to that situation.

I was wondering if any of you guys that have formal archery training with an Asgardian bow would be willing to train me so I can improve my skills?

Filter: Danny and Luke
Feelers have been put out. Hopefully they don't start asking questions on why a mortal teenager was given a bow and arrow.

Still glad we got these instead of the goat.

Jan. 10th, 2015


[Filtered to Ultimates]
[Filtered to Kate Bishop]
That was pretty cool.

You've got a mean right jab.

But I'm Luke. My mom'd kill me I'm pretty sure if she knew I went for a punch before a handshake.

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