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Jun. 12th, 2014


(after midnight, obviously)

Text Message to Scott McCall
» Please tell me you're okay right now.

Text Message to Jeremy Gibert
» Hey, are you and Bonnie okay? I just heard gunshots or something.

Jun. 10th, 2014


For those who knew her, my sister Jill has been sent home. I barely had a chance to


I just realized my new bff is gone. WTH. People need to stop leaving.

Jun. 8th, 2014


You know, I think the hardest thing about Isaac being gone is that I can't even check up on him. I heard the actor who plays him on our show left, so I guess that means I'll have no way of finding out what's happening to him in our world.

On the bright side, him not being on the show probably ups his chances of being okay wherever he is, right?


Filter: The Doctor (Tenth)
Last week was amazing! How do you manage to hold all that information in that brain of yours? There's a theory that when you gain new information you lose something else.

So for those of you that are regulars to the youth center, I have a question for you! If we haven't met yet, hello! I'm Rose Tyler and your new Hospitality Lead for the PTYC! Part of what I do is plan welcoming events to newcomers and I would like your input! We were all newcomers once and I'm sure there are ideas swimming around in that head of yours. What do you think would make the newcomers feel more at home and relaxed about their sudden resident change? If you have any comments or ideas, please feel free to contact me.

Jun. 3rd, 2014


Network Post; Wesley Wyndam-Pryce

[Filter: RSTF]
If you've volunteered and you consider yourself a strong fighter, I've put you in for patrols. This is the schedule as it is currently.

At the moment I've scheduled almost everyone for about three nights. I've tried to keep a pretty even number of people patrolling every night. You are free to patrol any night that you are not scheduled and I know some of you may - but this way we'll know the city has coverage every night and can arrange locations.

I've left myself, Buffy, and Sam unscheduled specifically so that we have people to call if you can't make a night.

If you are not scheduled and you'd like to be, let me know. If you are scheduled and you don't want to be, let me know. Basically if this doesn't work for you I need to know that.

If anyone needs a crash course in training or would like to do individual training - talk to me and we'll make it happen.

[Filter: Lilah]
You'd think anyone who was familiar with vampire pop culture would recognize that I'm not a vampire.

[Filter: Sam & Buffy]
If either of you want specific nights in there, let me know, but I figured that Buffy you're already going out. I'm already going out on occasion and Sam has nights at Sam's - and we do need people to be able to step in and cover. And I thought the three of us might be best suited to do that.


No one mentioned how insane this....this sudden rush of memories could be. I'm just now able to think straight again.


Things I'm not going to be doing this summer: keeping up with what happens on my show.

It was bad enough when I had two people ask me if I was going to be, um... "getting it on" with Kira. Which was like... loads awkward. Especially when she's not even here. And Allison

May. 31st, 2014



I can't find Isaac anywhere.

edit like 30 seconds later: And I guess he's gone. I just got the notice on my phone.

May. 26th, 2014


Sucked through a portal and told I'm fictional? Sadly, not the weirdest thing that's ever happened to me. Hi, I'm Rose, and I have no memory of being here before.

Lissa! They said you're here. Where are you? Are you okay?

May. 24th, 2014


Just when you feel like you've finally got reprieve and your own life is YOUR OWN again, suddenly, the months are flying by and then it's all "NEW SEASON STARTS SOON!! Look at our weird random promo of all the characters!"

I think I'll be spending most of this summer ignoring the existence of TV and Internet and Jeff Davis. And headphones on when I'm out because I might just scream if I hear the word "Sterek" one more time.

May. 17th, 2014


Filter: Scott + Isaac
So, I was thinking.

We should have a party. A nice normal party where no one gets attacked.

May. 10th, 2014


I know an apology won't fix anything. It won't stop the pain I've caused. It won't bring back the lives I've taken. I'm not even sure anyone wants to hear it, but in case someone does --

I'm sorry. For all the unspeakable things I did while my soul was missing. And for allowing it to get taken in the first place. And for the fact that I spent a week wallowing instead of cleaning up the mess I made.

I won't ask for forgiveness. Not without earning it.

I don't want people living in fear of Angelus here. He's gone. My His progeny, I'm working on stopping them. But I'll stay away from the Tower, and I'll make sure someone knows where I am at all times. Until I find a way to keep my soul secure, I'll do everything I can to make sure you're safe from me.

[Sam Winchester & Wesley Wyndham Pryce]
From now on, I'm not allowed to tell you I need to "get away." If I ever lose touch again, assume the worst. Sorry to put this on you but I can't put it on Buffy after you're the ones I trust with it.

May. 3rd, 2014


network post: sookie stackhouse

I do my best not to find out nothing about the show I'm from. True Blood, I seen the name flashing through enough people's heads not to forget that. But today someone was projecting so hard, I couldn't shut them out, while I worked tonight. But it wasn't all bad news. Besides excitement for the next season, there was sadness because it's the last season. The last season. I never been here before, when it was coming out, but if I can get through this summer of it, that'll be it. No more True Blood. Has anyone else gone through something like that?

I don't know how everyone works on getting through it being on tv and all. But I'm here to support anyone who needs it and open to advice to anyone that has it. It's still more than a month away, but it felt like it was much further away, and now it's not.

May. 2nd, 2014


Reasons why I sometimes consider moving to Queens! And then I remember the potential commute to work and classes and go "uuuugh, no thanks".

Filter: Peter Parker (MCU)
I just emailed you the info about the street science fair booth.

Apr. 28th, 2014


Network Post; Dawn Summers

[Filter: Steve Rogers]
I just wanted to say thanks for going with me the other night. I'm glad that nothing happened that was terrible and it was fun, so anyway, thanks.

[Filter: Buffy]
I wish I could snap my fingers and Angelus would be Angel again.

Also, I borrowed your red cardigan. Sorry about that. I'll bring it back sometime when I'm not worried about Angelus stalking through the halls.

[Filter: Friends]
When Angelus is Angel again I'm going to have a movie night with all the cookies and all of the ice cream because I am going to need it!

Apr. 25th, 2014


So this is totally super late, and you probably have one already, but.

I'm going to ask anyway.

Do you want to be my friend-date tonight?

Apr. 24th, 2014


Network Post; Dawn Summers

I need to go grocery shopping. I've pretty much been eating instant oatmeal for a week now. Today I found a really old snickers bar left over from Halloween and that was totally my lunch.

[Filter: Captain Americas]
So. I know this is totally out of like, all of the fields, left, right, and otherwise, but Hi. I'm Dawn Summers, you probably know my sister, Buffy, cause everyone knows my sister. And you probably also know about the fact that her former boyfriend from ages ago has gone all Grr, and we've been trying to keep him out of the tower and that sort of thing.

ANYWAY... the reason I was filtering to you was because I need a date to that prom thing. But then all this stuff happened and I happened to think, well maybe I shouldn't go to the prom because Buffy will kill me if I leave my apartment. BUT then I happened to think? Tower? with lots of people in one place, like a dance? That might be a party Angelus would be interested in crashing so maybe I should go. But I'm not so much with the fated super power strength thing. That's where you come in.

So, if either of you weren't going, or don't have dates to go, and you'd like to come to prom with me, I promise I'm a pretty good dancer, and I'm really good at the picking out Vampires thing, and we could try to make certain no Angelus stuff goes down at prom.

And if you're already going with other people, then just ignore the fact that I asked, and maybe just keep your eyes open for trouble. Yeah?

[Filter: Alexis Castle]
So, I totally just asked Captain America to the prom. Both of them. Except kind of not. Cause, it was kind of a go and protect people with me thing.

I think this Angelus thing has made me go certifiably insane.



So this is some sort of spacial convergence centered around one single object. I suppose my days of allowing anything to surprise me are about to be very much over.

Anyway... I should probably introduce myself. I'm Tim. If anyone would mind helping me get acclimated a little bit here, I'd appreciate it.

Filtered to Conner and Cassie

I know that technically you guys could be from anywhere so here's hoping: do you both know me? It'd sure make it a little less stressful around here if I at least have you guys...

Apr. 19th, 2014


Some people go to church, some people dye tons of eggs and hunt them. The Castles? We embark in a game of wits and electromagnetic radiation complete with a marshmallow center.

cut, not filtered )

Many Peeps were harmed in the making of this network post, but none were wasted.

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