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Sep. 2nd, 2013


[Filtered to Cell Five & Ben Reilly & Faith Lehane]
Just checking in to make sure everyone's okay and to thank Ben and Faith for their help. It was greatly appreciated. Rumours of my demise were absolutely true and completely untrue at the same time. Looks like I get to chalk a couple up in the 'first time' column. First time dying in this world and first time I've been cut in two with a scythe. Thanks for webbing me together, Ben. It probably reduced my dead time.


[Filtered to Buffy]
And no apologies, Buffy. I knew what I was doing when I got in that close and I knew the risks. And here I am, as good as new. No harm, no foul.


[Filtered to Whoverse]
I hope everyone managed to avoid the excitement yesterday? Ianto and I got out of it with nothing more than an overnight stay in medical. Ianto's got a few burns and minor injuries. I died but I'm fine now. The door's unlocked if anyone wants to come up and snuggle with us on the couch. It's a bit stuffy because of the lack of AC but we get a nice breeze in the windows up here.


Aug. 30th, 2013


Hey guys! Just a reminder that Julie Power and I teach a modern culture class together, in which we discuss everything from computers to Lady Gaga to fashion and slang terms. If you're in need of this kind of help, let one of us know! We have a lot of special things going on this year.

Classes start soon, so get in before you can't!

Aug. 29th, 2013


posted early Friday Morning

How do you get rid of a black eye? Make up or magic or frozen peas?

Just asking.

Also: don't come into my room.

Double also:
Mom & Dad, are you cool with me going to Six Flags with Gwen?


Did you see?? WILLOW IS BACK! :D? This pleases you? Yes?

Aug. 28th, 2013


Network Post: Meg

They told me I could write the message on the chalkboard over the bar tonight.

Behind cut. Not cut in game )

It goes nice with the sign they let me do outside the bar.

also not cut in game )

You'd think they'd know better, they hired me because of who I am.

[Private to Sam & Dean]

So. . .I don't have any friends I'd feel comfortable asking this, so I'm just gonna ask you two.

How do you start sexting? I mean, do you just say 'yo I'm eating a clif bar and
texting and thinking about you naked all at the same time'?

He's YOUR friend. Help me.

Aug. 27th, 2013


Charles, I appreciate you letting me use you to hide from everything while I got my thoughts sorted out, and you know I love you, but I have to do something that isn't listening to you read your latest thesis.

Somebody please tell me where a girl can go have some fun here. And maybe get a job.

In that order, though. Fun first, then responsible adult income.

Aug. 25th, 2013


It's not every day you wake up and find out your roommate is blue.

[Edited to Friends*]

I'm mildly terrified of my my roommate.

[ooc: *This applies to anyone who may have talked some to Cassie since she's been here! If you're not sure, just ask, but I'm pretty reasonable about that kinda thing.]

Aug. 23rd, 2013


Okay guess what, Tower Peoples! I'm back from my trip to the tropics, and I'm looking for new clients. If you don't know me, my name is Oliver Wood. In my world, I'm a sexy Quidditch star, but since we can barely scrape together two sides for a pick up game, it's not exactly on here. Instead, I've been working with clients as a personal trainer. I can do everything from beginning/bootcamp type of environments, to more advanced individual toning/bulking work outs.

And in case you need proof my methods work:
images cut not filtered )

Let me know! My schedule is flexible.

It was good getting away with you. I kind of wish we were still on an island, to be honest. At least now you have some good memories if you have to go away again soon.

Angie & Alicia
Movie night? What muggle movie is next?

Aug. 22nd, 2013


network post: alicia spinnet

NYPD Types
I know there are quite a few of us refugees on the force now, so I thought it would be brill to all go for drinks sometime soon, get to know each other outside of work and all that. Thoughts?

I have to say, I sort of like New York, but it would be really fantastic if the Tesseract could send Katie and George back ASAP. Just saying. That thing should take requests. And stop sending back people's mates.


Okay. Twelve hours later and I need this jacket.

And like. . .a hundred strawberries.

And sake.

And maybe a nap.

Aug. 10th, 2013


Is it bad that I'm both flattered and amused by this? I've never had a song written about me, so it's kind of flattering.

Though I have to say that I prefer my Ron.

Filtered to: Harry Potter

I..there's some things I'd like to talk to you about, if you don't mind. I know you don't like talking about relationship stuff, but with Ginny gone...

Filtered to: Luna Lovegood

How about we have coffee? We haven't gone out just you and I enough.

Aug. 7th, 2013



First off, I cannot tell you how happy I am to not be sparkly any longer.

Second, it seems like its taken forever but I suppose it isn't that long, but I've found myself a job. Now I'll have a break from Arthur. I'll be helping out over at the clinic.

We're celebrating. You are not allowed to sit in the apartment and sulk any longer. We're going to explore the city.

Have you managed to find anything? Bonnie Someone may have suggested that you work at a place called Medieval Times.

[Bonnie, Gwen, Morgana and Lancelot]
Arthur really needs to get out of the apartment. Celebrating my new job seems like a good opportunity. Would anyone be interested in coming out tonight?
[/Bonnie, Gwen, Morgana and Lancelot]

Aug. 3rd, 2013


network post: alicia spinnet

They just came to get Katie's things. I guess the Tesseract sent her back home or wherever people actually go when they leave here.

Filtered: Angelina & Oliver
We should officially move you in here, Ange. At least until George shows his face around here.

Aug. 1st, 2013


Okay, I could use a girls night out. Who's down? Getting dressed up, going to the clubs, having a little fun? I could use a drink or two and some dancing.

Jul. 31st, 2013


This is the first birthday in a long time that I haven't spent with my wife.

Jul. 30th, 2013


You know what the best part about living with an apartment full of women is?

The best advice for a romantic night out.

Dorcas, you better watch out.

Jul. 29th, 2013


I am so hot, the uniform is a lot hotter than I remember. I feel like Danny Glover, I am too old for this shit.

Jul. 27th, 2013


Usually I think it's good to have locked myself away and buried myself in books, but I think I've just been in denial about all the people who have come and gone over the past few weeks. I think I need to get out of my routine. I actually think I'd like a new job. The library is lovely, but I think it contributes to me being a bit antisocial.

Filtered to: Ron Weasley

How are you doing, with all the comings and goings.

Jul. 18th, 2013


Guess who has been officially accepted to train with the NYPD? Brilliant, right?

I feel like having a drink to celebrate.


So, I can't believe how HOT it is, Fuck. Does anyone want to go out and get a beer? I have this need for some alcohol.

Jul. 16th, 2013


[ooc: backdated to after Fury's post the other night]

Filter: HP people & other friends
Taking off to chase some bad guys.

Wish me luck.

Posted via Journaler.

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