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Jan. 14th, 2015


Network Post: Claire Wise

So, that was weird and kind of creepy. But also interesting. For a second I kind of felt like Casper. Is everyone okay? Any injuries that require medical aid? Anyone missing that you need help finding? Anyone else have a Casper moment that they'd like to share?

Jan. 4th, 2015


I am in sore need of a Mario Kart night.

Who is ready to be completely owned at a children's video game?


Preliminary looks workable. It'd probably take a month with what I've currently got. I mean I'm not sure anyone but Pepper notices if I do work here anyway. And it looks similar enough to my current projects.

Dec. 14th, 2014


I at least the Tesseract doesn't have Naughty & Nice lists.

[Filtered to Newt Geiszler]
I think you owe me some ice cream.

[Filtered to Kate Kane]
So I'm going out on a limb and guessing you like Billy Joel.

Dec. 4th, 2014


To: Newt Geiszler, Felix Blake, Sharon Carter (MCU), Anne Weaver, Alex Vause, and other friends*
From: cwise@gmail.com
Subject: Happy Thursday!

you each have 1 new message )

*If you've spoken to her at least once and think she'd have a reason to have your email feel free to assume you are included.

Dec. 2nd, 2014


The U.S. Treasury estimates that the average life of a one-dollar bill in circulation is 5.9 years. Roughly six years ago, I was obliged to spend a one-dollar bill (series 1993, serial number L 67301723 C) in a vending machine outside Ashland, Maine. It was brand new when it was given to me, and, accounting for the presumably low vending machine traffic (or indeed any other kind of traffic) in and around Ashland, Maine, I suspect it's reaching its shelf life right about now.

So, here's the deal: anyone with the time and inclination for scavenger hunting who wants to track me down said one-dollar bill, I will give you a less beat-up one-dollar bill and have your name retroactively added as a co-inventor to U.S. Patent No. 5,614,39X.

Happy hunting.

Dec. 1st, 2014


network post: caroline forbes

Last year the Potts Tower Date Auction was a huge success, and it has become an annual event. This Saturday, at 7 pm, Fangtasia's second floor will open early for the date auction. For one night only, anyone age 15 and older will be welcomed to Fangtasia with open arms and a festive red bracelet if you're under twenty-one. A free drink for everyone who attends, two for everyone who volunteers to be auctioned off. All dates may go as they please, but if you empty your pocket book winning a date, you may enjoy a complimentary meal at Fangtasia. So come one and all, for charity and good cheer. All money raised will go to The Robin Hood Foundation. Sign up here or any day this week at Fangtasia. BYOM*

Filtered: Robin Hood
Forgive me if this is too forward, but could I interest you in participating in the auction? Everyone knows your name, and the charity has even named itself in honor of you. You could bring in a great deal of money. And convincing the rich to part with their money with a drink in their hand can be even more effective than a bow and arrow in this day and age.
*Bring your own mistletoe.

Nov. 12th, 2014


It's a big day in the cosmic neighborhood. Another triumph of human luck and obstinacy over the vast and perversely unflagging forces of - well, essentially every single force.

I would tweet my congratulations to Philae, but she only ever seems to talk to Rosetta. And William Shatner. To be fair, I guess she's pretty busy.

Oct. 23rd, 2014


[Bruce Banner (MCU) + Alex Vause]
How about we let JARVIS break out the inflatable furniture and make today office nap day.

Oct. 22nd, 2014


[Text Message to Tony Stark (MCU) (about 3 am)]
-- So here I thought all this time that iwas just afraid of commitment
-- But Im ust afraid of being alone
-- Cause women man
-- they just leave
-- cause they're bitches
-- or cause they're dead
-- and is there like an alternate staten island fairry
-- cause its stopped running for the night
-- and it smells like hair gel and fish

Oct. 15th, 2014


[Filtered to Tony Stark, Pepper Potts (MCU)]
We're still unavailable for comment, or should I see if a less insane paper wants to talk?

Sep. 29th, 2014


Network Post: Cara Mason

What do spices have to do with the seasons changing?

And why do people keep saying I'm "a little early for Halloween"? I am not wearing orange.

Sep. 26th, 2014


I can't...I don't know who else to tell. I just accidentally discovered my...well, Eren's story.

I could only watch it halfway, from what it seems like. I couldn't go farther. I...so many were lost...

What do you all do here when you find out horrible things are ahead? I knew. I knew these things could happen. We are soldiers in a cruel world. But I never imagined...

Sep. 12th, 2014


There are some days that it might just have been better to have fucked off than to have ... never fucked at all?

Yeah okay, that one maybe didn't work. But it's probably no coincident a lot of those days are Fridays.

[Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)]
So you know Mark, the package guy?

I think I just stabbed him.

Aug. 31st, 2014


What the actual fuck just happened? And, you know. Everyone okay?

Aug. 20th, 2014


Thank god. I feel like a real person again and not a walking giggle.

I don't think it's true what they say about blondes.

[Filtered to Tony Stark (MCU)]
And Chelsea Newman has sadly to say, gone back through the Tesseract.

I'm keeping the passport.
[Filtered to Piper Chapman]
Remember how how I was with you all night last night from about 9 pm onwards until about 7 this morning?


Who: Alex Vause and JARVIS with a special guest star
When: 2 am, 20 August 2014
Where: Oscorp
What: Run of the mill corporate espionage
Rating: low

She almost felt she should be wearing a trenchcoat )

Aug. 11th, 2014


Network Post; Abigail Brand

Potts Tower network, I am Director Abigail Brand of SWORD. Carol Danvers has already introduced SWORD so I will not follow-up on that introduction except to say that SWORD is not averse to hiring refugees with certain skills. If you believe you have something unique to offer our organization, please be prepared to present that information concisely and professionally. Our HR department has not seen every single episode, read every book, or played every game represented on this network.

[Filter: Tony Stark (MCU)]
I can see the network to access it and if you can see this that I'm posting, we're good.

[Filter: Carol Danvers (EMH)]
Stark seems to have gotten me network access.

Additionally my desk seems to have become a dumping ground for people's shit. Any of these new hires that might be able to keep it from becoming a permanent litter box?

[Filter: SWORD]
In addition to the appropriate channels from within SWORD itself, you may contact me via this network. If it is a non-essential communication, it will be answered as I have opportunity.

Aug. 2nd, 2014


[Text Message to Cosima Niehaus]
-- That was a stupidly long night.
-- Everything check out alright?
[Text Message to Tony Stark (MCU)]
-- Hey, do we have any of that rice left?

Aug. 1st, 2014


Uh, so this is kind of awkward but I was working late in my lab, and now the power's gone out. Aaaaand I can't make it out of my lab. Electronic locks. Some kind of emergency thing I'm just not knowing about?


[Force Push Notification: Filtered to Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogun (MCU)]

@Stark Tower. Power out. JARVIS is saying there's a fire somewhere above the 47F. On phone w 911. Sounds like there was an accident.
[ETA: Filter to Stark Industry Employees]
Anyone currently working at Stark Industries we are having a mandatory evacuation now. Use the stairs. Don't be dumbasses. If you or anyone you know is injured or unaccounted for and likely still on site, report in here, or call... Does anyone want to answer calls for this sort of shit? \

I'm still on the phone.

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