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Aug. 1st, 2013


I've kept my head buried in the sand for far too long and I ended up causing Logan unnecessary pain with my ignorance about what he had to do to for your Jean at the end of things. If there are any other horrifying skeletons in the Jean Grey closet, could you just do me the favor of letting me know now?

If you'd rather not, then I won't press the issue. But I would really like to avoid hurting anyone else that I care about simply because it's easier for me to stay in the dark.
Hey. When you get a chance, ask Scott about the retreat again. Get a definitive date if you can. I'm already bugging him about something else and I don't want him to start ignoring my filters.

He responds well to you, anyway, and I'm always going to encourage Summers brothers interaction, so it's best if you just let me have my way.

Jul. 18th, 2013


Filtered Network Post: Rachel Summers

FILTERED TO MUTANTS (minus Molly Hayes due to her disinterest in mutant affairs):

If anybody gets to thinking (or continues thinking) about some separation for any sizeable amount of us mutants, I thought some figures might help put any ideas into perspective.

By my count, we currently have 29 mutants brought here from 6 different Earths. Kitty and I got an official designation for the one most of us were from (it's a long, cross-time story and we don't know why they call it what they call it). I have no idea what the others are in that system. I just went A-E for them. Feel free to declare a new name.

Cut for list which is already filtered )

Jul. 17th, 2013


So uh, I actually kind of like the retreats? Is there anyway we could do another one for a weekend or something in the next coming weeks? Get out of here for a while with all the protestors and bombs and junk?

I could really just use a break. If not a full retreat, I'd be cool with just going camping with a few people?

Jul. 16th, 2013


I think my roommate may be dying, but I'm not sure. I've made noises like that before, and it was nothing. But she's doing it when no one else she knows can see But um, I thought I should notify someone.

Jul. 15th, 2013


The older Alex Summers has been sent back. He left quite a stash of jellybeans should anyone want them.

[Scott Summers and Alex Summers]
He’s a good man. I'm sorry he had to leave us.

Jul. 11th, 2013


Arkady Rossovich is here. For those of you just tuning in, he goes by Omega Red back home. Goes by that here, too. Think he might got information on The Mandarin, but we're being jerked around worse than a rich boy in a bad district. And we had to retrea

He's got a crime ring, and they know we're looking for information so they went even more underground. We're searching.

Don't sass me, I ain't in the mood.

Jul. 4th, 2013


DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW MUCH MONEY I MADE TODAY? Mini paf shows on the Fourth are a HIT. Okay I scared some people and I think I heard one person yell BOMB but that's so totally stupid because they don't sound THAT bad. Anyway, if anyone wants some fireworks to take their minds off things I'm giving all tower residents a discount. Also, if you hear something that crackles don't freak out or anything it's just my powers. Fuck yeah, America, etc, etc.

Jul. 3rd, 2013


I know there are much bigger concerns right now, but I've been spending too much time with L working or being alone lately and I could really use some downtime away from the tower. If anyone has a few hours to give me at some point in the near future (no rush, obviously) and can promise to not discuss anything more serious than, say, whether curly fries are better than onion rings, I'd appreciate it.

If it helps any, it'll be on me.


[ Filtered to Ororo, Kitty, Emma, Logan, Alex (both), Jean Grey ]

I thought you might benefit from knowing that if another attack happens, I will not be standing to the side.

You may take your cues from SHIELD if you wish. Or not. I've been called worse than a vigilante before (usually from Loga, and I'm sure I will be again.

[ /Filter ]

Jul. 2nd, 2013


Hi, future world! Pretend I did some super awkward ice-breaking thing that's already out of the way. I'm Raven, I'm from 1962, and thanks to some crazy space-storm event, I'm stuck here. And sorta disappointed that everybody isn't living on a space station with flying cars.

[Filtered to Charles Xavier]
No watching over my shoulder and doing mind tricks on potential friends. I mean it.

Jul. 1st, 2013



What did you learn today?

Jun. 27th, 2013


[Filtered to X-men (all worlds) ]

I apologize if this posting is somewhat redundant. I wished for a somewhat narrower scope than Rachel's entry.

We visited upon this topic at some point last year, but with the events of yesterday as well as the other Scott's departure, it appears that we no longer have anyone inside of SHIELD, scientists excepted. As loathe as I am to suggest it, this may be a situation we wish to rectify.

Jun. 26th, 2013


I somehow scored a one-bedroom.

I need a drink.

OH. I need to settle a bet. Sean Cassidy: he's alive, right?

Jun. 24th, 2013


[Filtered to X-Men, past and present]

Since Summers suggested I "familiarize yourself with the roster," that's what I'm doing. For those of you who don't know me, the name's Julio and I go by Rictor. I control seismic energy and shockwaves. I was depowered during M-Day, but it was reversed recently. Sound off, who's here? Anyone up for a drink tonight? Alcoholic and/or non-alcoholic. An attempt at not brawling would be good.

[Filtered to Jamie Madrox (616)]

Checking in, you alive, man?

Jun. 20th, 2013


Just an update, I'll be heading back to New York City on Monday, but I've hired a cleaning company to clean up the mess left behind by the gremlins. GREMLINS! I will never get used to If there are broken items or messy items (I think I read that someone fried a gremlin in the microwave? Yuck!), please let me know here (I won't be checking the network except through email notifications) or let your housing assistant know.


The gremlin things are pretty fond of coffee, for the record. I caught a straggler trying to get into the supplies this morning.

And I'm pretty sure Jubilee doesn't need an entire day named after her. Her head is big enough.

Jun. 19th, 2013


They smell worse cooked.

It was definitely an accident. Tripped on one, another bit me, my glasses slipped off, it was dramatic, let's not get into it.

Jun. 16th, 2013


Happy Father's Day, Dad. I miss you.

[Filtered to X-Men]

Brunch, anyone? I need a stack of french toast.

EDIT: I apparently suck at planning, what I meant is come over, apparently Alex is making french toast and I got ingredients and space. Bring your own silverware?

Jun. 13th, 2013


I came across this link today, and for some reason thought of this tower. Perhaps it's a little silly, but it's all in fun.

Then again, I say that and mine was Surprisingly Hairy Lion.

Jun. 10th, 2013


Alex (younger version), I was looking for something for us to do this summer and sent off for some information regarding a prospect called "extreme tourism". The packet of waivers they sent me was so heavy it took the mailbox off the wall.

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