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Jul. 6th, 2013


Text to Alex Cabot

» Have you got dinner plans tonight?
» If you're free, I'm cooking pasta and would love to have you over to catch up on the week.


[Text to Ben Stone]

» So I have another two weeks of intensive training and then some lower key ones. You want to aim for in between those for our trip? Or wait till August?

» I also wanted to ask you. I've been looking at hotels.

Jul. 1st, 2013


Well, New York City is cleaner than Metropolis, that's for sure.


network post: ben stone

Little experience though I have with it, I am helping the Phoenix Project look throughout New York City for starting community gardens. There is a remarkable amount of zoning law in New York City. Purchasing land is as expensive as one would think, which suggests looking into roof gardens. Eating locally is much more difficult in New York City than elsewhere, but it's worthwhile, as there can still be food deserts in cities so large as ours. I have never used my hands in a garden whatsoever, but I do believe I will change that once we have more here.

Jun. 30th, 2013


Okay, Okay, Okay, I have a hypothetical question. Since it's like, big gay day or whatever.

If you have sex with a dude, who is wearing a mask with your face, because you think it's a chick, and you were trying to catch that dude not being gay, and you'd been flirting with him and maybe you might have like, these weird feelings of something like happy when they are around, that totally doesn't make you gay, right?

Filtered to: TJ Hammond

Not counting a little making out and sucking each other off, that's like a freebie, right?

Jun. 29th, 2013


[Filter to Olivia Benson]

So did you know that apparently it's a thing for people to put loops of film from our show up on the internet. So yeah. It's a thing. As apparently is people shipping us. Or you and Elliot. Or Munch and Fin.

Pics )

[Filter to Ben Stone]

You know I think you're really lucky you were in the earlier Law and Order franchise before the rise of the internet. There is some really bizarre stuff out there.

Jun. 28th, 2013


I've barely had any dreams I remember since I've gotten here but I had the oddest one last night when I could finally get to sleep. Amazing what your subconscious can produce.

In it Potts tower was a giant cruise ship all of us were on and I was in the Elevator when it got stuck and then crashed to the ground floor.

Somehow most of us survived and then I was helped out by Luke Skywalker. It was bizarre. But could actually happen now apparently.

I'm glad I've not been watching television lately, I think. I'm sticking with books.

[Filter to Bennett Sisters, Olivia Benson, Casey Novak]

And then he kissed me and was really bad at it. It was awkward. Not to mention he's twenty years too young for me. I think I'm going to start taking Melatonin.

Jun. 25th, 2013


Text Message to Ben Stone

» Do you ever feel like we're living in a college dorm?

Text message to Olivia Benson

» You want to get Chinese one night and have some drinks? I need a break from all these books and notes.
» Also have you talked to Casey?

Jun. 24th, 2013


Okay, so, this place is not New York. I don't know why they're trying to pass it off as New York, but I do not like this. I was trying to relax after my last case. Now I'm here.... and it's five years in the future? I mean, seriously? Time travel is a real thing?

Filtered to Law & Order People

So, how many of you are here and do I know any of you?

Jun. 21st, 2013


[Filtered to Law and Order People]

Well my apartment smells less like Gremlin urine now. So that's a plus. Although last night I watched the Princess Bride with the modern day versions of Elizabeth Bennett and her sisters and that was something I never thought I'd say. Due to that though I didn't see this whole Mandarin business until this morning, is this something we should be worrying about?

How's the job front going with everyone?

Jun. 20th, 2013


Cary Elwes movie marathon? Yes, please.

William Darcy
I am still so mad at you and I miss you and you suck and I love you.


Just an update, I'll be heading back to New York City on Monday, but I've hired a cleaning company to clean up the mess left behind by the gremlins. GREMLINS! I will never get used to If there are broken items or messy items (I think I read that someone fried a gremlin in the microwave? Yuck!), please let me know here (I won't be checking the network except through email notifications) or let your housing assistant know.

Jun. 19th, 2013


Network Post; Byron Sully

I exited my room this morning to go get something to eat and I was nearly attacked by something that looks like a cross between a bat, a lizard, and something a lot more ugly than that.

I think I may just go hungry today.


Did anyone watch the end of this movie. Because I've got one of these in my apartment right now and Ben is coming up to help me get rid of it.

And I'm hiding in my closet and for being so small this thing is really terrifying the heck out of me right now.

Added Later:

Never mind we captured it and now I just need to clean up the tremendous mess it made. I hope this doesn't come out of my security deposit.


[Text to Ben Stone]

>> Ben there is something outside my apartment. I think it may be one of those creatures.
>> Also I think I'm having a panic attack.

Jun. 18th, 2013


Text To Ben Stone from Alex Cabot

>> Thanks for the cannoli.
>> You're insane for walking over there. Sweet but insane.
>> Also you're probably sleeping but that's okay, better one of us is.

Jun. 17th, 2013


[Filtered to Law and Order People]

So I've decided this SHIELD training might just kill me. My brain hurts in places I didn't know it had. If anyone needs me for the evening I'm going to be in the bathtub with the e-reader on this thing, a glass of red wine, and a million bubbles.

Unless anyone wants pizza.

What's the best place for Pizza delivery around here, and more importantly, do they have cannoli?


So.... Father's Day was yesterday.... it really made me miss my kids. If I was home, it's not like I'd have seen them straight in the morning, but I would have seen them at some point.

What do they even think happened? I mean, am I still back in New York somewhere? I don't really know what is going on and I don't like it. The only good thing about this place is that Olivia's here.

Jun. 12th, 2013


Okay, so, sitting and filling out papers for the NYPD is incredibly boring and it makes me think of when I had to do it the first time, and it makes me miss my kids. My ex was pregnant with our oldest at the time. Now she's almost thirty and I'm wondering where the time went.

However, I did feel better after a shower and a change of clothes. It helps I've got friends here. Thanks, Liv.

Jun. 11th, 2013


text to Alex Cabot

>> So, Alex.
>> You talked to Elliot when he got here.
>> Did he happen to mention that he was in love with me?

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