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Jan. 14th, 2015


Hey Audrey, Nathan. Full disclosure, since I know the two of you deal with weird things all the time where you're from.

If someone... glowed in the dark during that black out, what would you suggest they do?

Dec. 27th, 2014


If I never hear another Christmas song for the rest of my life, I'll be happy. Thank God that's over for now.

I'm sorry about the mess in the apartment. And all the damn music. I don't know what got into me.
How did you handle watching your show?

Dec. 15th, 2014


The holiday season is supposed to be full of joy, but somehow it always seems to end up stressing most of us out, doesn't it? And as refugees, I think we all know how difficult it can be to feel like celebrating when you're far from home or from someone you love. I'm lucky: most of my family is here with me. But that hasn't always been the case, and during my loneliest moments, what brought me solace was the companionship I found in the Tower. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could share that comfort -- not just with each other but with the rest of the city too? Our situation may be unique, but we're not the only ones who have felt alone or afraid or overwhelmed in this world.

So I'd like to invite each and every one of you (natives too!) to join me on Christmas Eve for a round of caroling in the park. No skill or experience necessary, just the desire to brighten someone's day with a song. Well, it might help if you know a lot of carols already, but I'll have songbooks available with music and lyrics. Most of them you can catch on pretty easily, anyway. I'll also bring plenty of hot cocoa to help keep us warm. :)

Please let me know if you're interested! We'll meet in the lobby at 3:30 PM so we have plenty of time to make it to Battery Park and back before it gets too dark out.

[OOC note: this post was supposed to happen on the 12th but didn't because of my hiatus. At any rate, caroling's not until the 24th so it should still be enough advance notice. If your character wants to go, feel free to comment here IC and/or on the calendar OOC!]

Dec. 9th, 2014


[Abbie Mills]
I have an engagement this coming weekend, which I am quite enthusiastic about.

Although, I believe the current popular colloquialism is 'Much Excite. Wow. So Amaze.'

Anyway, I was wondering if perhaps we might revisit the unholy terror which is "skinny jeans" to mark the occasion.

Dec. 5th, 2014


Who's up for watching me show with me around a bottle of Jack?

Nov. 30th, 2014


Well, this is a regular load of bollocks, innit?

Nov. 23rd, 2014


I have a problem. Someone got a live turkey instead of just buying one at the store like most people from this century do.

Does anyone know how to pluck a turkey?

Nov. 20th, 2014


My mom We should t You want to stay in for Thanksgiving or go to one of those dinners other people are hosting?

Nov. 9th, 2014


Not dead, not a ghost, not a dead ghost. But not in Maine anymore, either.

I'm looking for Audrey Parker. Has anyone seen her? I was told she was around here somewhere.

Oct. 24th, 2014


I'm playing the Scratcher tonight. In the East Village. No cover. Apparently we're all still drinking Pabst, so it might interest you to know they're $4 on draft.

You poor assholes are getting ripped off from the smokes to the subway.

I play what I play, but my first time out in the new world I thought I should pull in a little of the native feeling, right? So if you think Amy Winehouse was a goddamn genius, you should come.

Oct. 19th, 2014


I don't think I'll ever get tired of the look on Ichabod's face when he doesn't understand something about this century.
Hey, Sam. This is Audrey. And Ichabod, but I'm sure you figured he'd be around. I'd talked to her about supernatural training for the NYPD, and what I'm thinking is that we write up a proposal detailing our experiences and what we've found to be lacking as far as police response goes in our worlds and this one, and what we'd do differently. You'll know more about this world than we do right now, Sam, and we have experience dealing with our precincts not being prepared to handle threats that are supernatural in nature. I think between the four of us, we have a pretty thorough background in fighting things most people don't even believe in. The more we can help, the less likely it is that someone will panic in the face of something new.

Oct. 14th, 2014


My congradulations to the Tony Stark who managed to shoot me. Your a better marksmen than the whole of Cornwallis's regiment.

I am very pleased that Abbie and I were able to return to New York in time for the event, as last Wednesday we took a trip to Philadelphia to witness the groundbreaking for the future location of the American Revolution that it being constructed. It seems that in the future collection, George Washington's tent will be on display, which I would very much like to see. My initials were drawn into Washington's tent back in my place of origin, and I wish to see what decorates their space in this universe.

It can't be stranger than what the "reenactment" soldiers I encountered considered to be authentic costuming. We did not have StarkPhones stuck in the pocket of our trousers -- nor did we have zippers, for that matter. They are certainly lucky Detective Mills was there to remind me to pick my battles, or I might have given them a forceful demonstration on just how one is expected to charge with a bayonet.


Oct. 9th, 2014


Forget about pumpkin spice lattes, I'm waiting for the peppermint mochas.

How about we call off work tomorrow, make some hot cocoa, and fire up Netflix?


Can't say I'm loving the whole being pulled from my friends thing. How does anyone really deal with missing them?

You got any ideas on what you're going to do for a job around here?
Do you always talk in haikus?

Oct. 5th, 2014


The last time I was here, I was here for many months, long enough to accrue many belongings that I understand were to be kept for so long a time before being donated elsewhere. I consider myself quite lucky then, that they are still here, because it has certainly helped in turning this apartment into something that resembles a home. I am still getting my bearings, but it helps that today I found a box containing a journal I kept while here last, and, wonder of wonders, my very own lap desk from home and, surprisingly, every one of my Lady Whistledown articles. I have found a book, as well, which surprised me. Upon reading the back of it, I discovered that it is a book about me.

I am hopeful that my journal will give me some insight into what the book holds, and perhaps I will read it. As it is, I discovered that I took it upon myself to further my education beyond what I had in the schoolroom during my childhood. I earned a "GED", and then started classes at a local university. I can't even describe how wondrous it is that, a woman, am able to become even more educated. Among the papers and pamphlets given to me upon my arrival was one about the ESD, detailing classes that are designed to catch people like me up with this modern era. Who might I speak to about these courses?

Sep. 30th, 2014


It's funny. Every time I thought I'd seen it all, there was always something new, and then I ended up here. Who needs a resume when everyone already knows who you are?

Guess who gets to work for the NYPD and needs a partner to go on coffee runs for her?

Sep. 26th, 2014


I caved. I saw the first episode of my new "season." Bad, bad idea. Such a bad idea.

Can I cash in that burger and beer?

Sep. 20th, 2014


Okay, forget Talk Like a Pirate day. Someone decided to break into my business and vandalize it. Almost every mention of me is crossed out or Xed over. Guess we can look at the Hookers I've already called the cops. They're here, doing what they can already but this is not what I needed. Not that anyone needs this, but couldn't they have picked a slow time?

Sep. 16th, 2014


God. You know, I stared at the crossword for like 2 hours yesterday with the clue red + blue. Cleaning off my desk, the eureka moment I had last night was apparently coming up with "PURKLE"

You know you've been on a case to long, when...

[Filtered to Abbie Mills]
So hey, my name's Renee Montoya, we were friends last time you were here. Anyway, so a little bird down at the NYPD heard you were back and was wondering if you were planning on coming back to the beat.

[Filtered to "Spider-Man" & Tony Stark (MCU), separately]
So we spoke last month, I'm going to guess you didn't go to the Bugle after the fact.

Sep. 15th, 2014


Ummm okay....that was a weird interaction.

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