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Jun. 12th, 2016


network post: tahiri veila

Filtered: Foggy Nelson
Say, could I stay with you for IDK days/weeks/until it gets you in trouble?
Filtered: Anakin Skywalker
Soooooooooo, what are you doing?


network post: commander shepard

[RICK JONES (616)]
Is there any way I can get KEI-9 to you?

Jun. 13th, 2016


[616 buds/acquaintances: Hawkeye, Wolverine, Jess Jones.]
They went after Matt Murdock. His powers are barely fancier than mine (though admittedly, I have been able to do a flawless reproduction of Wilson Fisk's signature since he wrote a check in front of me when I was 14, which is definitely a handy skill) and I've been moderately active, so right now I'm waiting to see what happens. I've got a few places in mind to try if I have to disappear hurriedly.


Being British, the best apart about registering is obviously queuing for half an hour. Sadly the stereotypes are true - Americans are terrible at it. I had my suspicions from busy days at the Hub, but we deal with much fewer people and we don't have ropes to show exactly where the lines should be set up.

Even with all the security they have there I can't help feeling on the alert in a place like that, shiny office building full of targets
I can't stop fixating on the people who survived the bombs and had to just sit there trapped, waiting for help, not knowing what was

Sorry for sleep-kicking you in the shin. Repeatedly. And the morning crankiness.
I can't

Jun. 12th, 2016


[Filtered to Violet Parr]
Hey I don't think we've really talked before, but I'm Skye.

Jun. 11th, 2016


[Friends and Associates]

[Voice Message]

This may be the last time you hear from me again.

There's no use beating around the bush about this. I'm Daredevil.

Claire and Foggy already know. And evidently so does the government, because they sent some agents to my apartment this morning to take me away. They should've brought agents that were more skilled. Or reinforcements.

To some of you, they'll probably pay you a visit, to try and get information out of you about me, to find out where I might have gone. That's why it's best that you don't know where I am. I'm very, very sorry. I never wanted to drag any of you into this fucked up life of mine. This is the sort of thing I wanted to avoid by keeping my abilities a secret. I suppose it was only a matter of time.

Jun. 10th, 2016


I can't sleep.


Let me know when the media gets tired of photos and video from the UN.

Jun. 9th, 2016


So the next time Peter goes out of the solar system, I'm tagging along. Maybe then I'll actually miss stuff like what's going on right now. He needs to come back alrea

Jun. 8th, 2016


network post: ben grimm

My prayers go to everyone who lost someone, and to everyone a part of the ongoing situation.


What's going to happen

I really hate being in one of those moments where you feel like you should say the right thing, and your mind is a complete blank.


Network post; Anakin Solo

It seems like one thing that seems to be consistent across universes is people are always looking for someone to blame when something goes wrong.

[Filter: Rikki]
Are you watching the news?

Jun. 6th, 2016


Network Post; Buffy Summers

I'm just gonna say. Governments tend to build frankenmonsters out of demons and stuff. So... we should probably remember that before we get all like 'wooo' tell them all the super powered people? And stuff.

[Filter: RSTF]
Okay, so - I'm pretty certain I found a vampire nest last night. My world, so they're fairly easy peasy as vamps go, but there were like maybe twenty of them? I'd like some help.

Anyone in for joining me tonight?


(001) T'Challa

I wish to thank you, Mr. Stark, for my access to this network.

My name is T’Challa. I am the Prince of Wakanda, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak with many on this network. I have heard, even in Wakanda, of the unique circumstances that bring you all to our dimension and I hope that you have found it welcoming.

I look forward to speaking with each of you.

[Filter: Anthony Stark (MCU)]
Thank you again for providing me this access. I am certain it will prove enlightening.

May. 31st, 2016


[Filtered to Peter Quill]
Hey, I saw you were talking to Thor. Leaving town for a while?

May. 29th, 2016


I have a brother! Or sister. I can't tell. Looks like neither.

The Tesseract brought over a miniature, impish version of myself, a chibi-me, right down the to fuzzy blue fur, tail and yellow eyes. So, if you see it, realize I haven't been transformed and am running around naked. His name is Bamf, which is unsurprising because that's the only word it can say, but I can understand it through a psychic connection. It says where it's from, there are many more, and that they are bound to me because I promised them my soul in exchange for switching sides from my father Azazel's camp, and his plans to invade Heaven and Earth. I'm trying not to think too much about that soul part right now.

I thought Bamf would enjoy a barbecue, because I know I would. I'm firing up the grill on the roof of the X-Mansion, if you want to come by. Only stipulation is that you must bring something to share.

May. 27th, 2016


Important lesson. When using your power to try and lift yourself up, make sure there's not a beam above your head. Granted, I gave it a little more umph than I planned on, but the lesson still stands.

I am exhausted. I'm sure I'll talk about how much I enjoy training once every muscle in my body stops hurting. How I managed to make it to my sofa is a wonder.

I've worked with a staff before, but I think I need to have some training with other weapons. Maybe throwing knives? I'll do some research.

May. 25th, 2016


network post: padmé amidala

I would like to thank everyone working at SWORD and Potts Tower for their help today. It is most appreciated. And I welcome anyone who considers themselves my family to reach out to me here.

Filtered: Anakin Skywalker
Would you come and take me home? I felt you when I arrived, and you are so good.

May. 26th, 2016


Wow, thanks tesseract. But I just put my Mom's ashes next to Lakshama's before I got here, like she wanted. I didn't actually need them back.

May. 25th, 2016


Network post; Mara Jade

[Filter: Skywalkers & Solos]
I'll admit that I feel a little as if the next time I move I'm going to pop, but I was thinking it might be nice to have a dinner with all of us.

How do you feel about Saturday night?

[Filter: Natasha (MCU)]
I'm beginning to wonder how many of these baby things I actually need, versus how many they just want to sell me.

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