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Jun. 24th, 2016


When I said that I would look into modulating the Contemplator's Key so that people could leave or remain, I seem to have turned the Tesseract back on.

Might I enlist the aid of any high level mystics to see if we cannot answer some questions about this key?


So this isn't another Game?


Well ain't this a kick in the head? Muggle magic.


[Filtered to Natasha Romanova]
So if Steve's here now do we gotta tell him we're not going home?
[Filtered to Fangtasia staff]
So who all's staying? Like, is Fangtasia still gonna be a thing?


network post: kaidan alenko

My first thought would be that only Shepard could have managed this, but a look around the welcome suggests that's not so. Thank you, for a better end of this day than I expected.


[Filtered to Pam Beesly]
So what say Beesley? Return to the wonderful world of paper sales or stay space nannies?


[Nick Fury (616), Natasha Romanova (616), Rick Jones, Luke Skywalker, Carol Danvers (EMH)]
For the record, I'll be going back.

Jun. 23rd, 2016


So which timeline's this?


Okay....I'm not sure what to do. I miss my family and I want to go back. But, there's just so much more that needs to be done here. I don't know what to do.

But, in the meantime, does anyone need any help with anything?




[Finn & Poe]
We haven't talked about it yet. But we should.

Stay or go back.


[Filtered to Nick Fury (MCU), Mara Jade]
So that's before he's evil, right?


All right.

Who restarted the universe this time?


This is the nicest forced crash landing on a strange planet I've encountered.


I'm not in the mood for demons today. Whatever realm I've wandered into, just let me kill you and be done with it.

Jun. 22nd, 2016


cut for gif )

[Star Lord]
So when do I get my ride?

Jun. 20th, 2016



I want to go back with Thorin. Do you know if this is possible?


Filter: Jon

So right now I'm kinda doing the fugitive thing but I assume we'll be back eventually.
Anyway, are you staying? Because I don't have any reason to go home.
My life gets pretty fucked up back there and besides you aren't there.
And I've gotten kind of attached to you so I hope you want to stay.
Rogue comes with the deal though. You get both of us.


Filter: Mara Jade

Today in telepathic messages I never thought I'd send )

Jun. 19th, 2016


Tatty bye. I'll be heading out with the rest.

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