July 2016



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June 6th, 2016

[info]pantherenoire in [info]thedoorway

(001) T'Challa

I wish to thank you, Mr. Stark, for my access to this network.

My name is T’Challa. I am the Prince of Wakanda, and I am pleased to have the opportunity to speak with many on this network. I have heard, even in Wakanda, of the unique circumstances that bring you all to our dimension and I hope that you have found it welcoming.

I look forward to speaking with each of you.

[Filter: Anthony Stark (MCU)]
Thank you again for providing me this access. I am certain it will prove enlightening.

[info]summersgirl in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Buffy Summers

I'm just gonna say. Governments tend to build frankenmonsters out of demons and stuff. So... we should probably remember that before we get all like 'wooo' tell them all the super powered people? And stuff.

[Filter: RSTF]
Okay, so - I'm pretty certain I found a vampire nest last night. My world, so they're fairly easy peasy as vamps go, but there were like maybe twenty of them? I'd like some help.

Anyone in for joining me tonight?

[info]ktbecks in [info]thedoorway

While I am fully appreciative of the tesseract gifting Castle and I with our kids from home, nothing could have prepared me for the exhaustion of going from one child to four as we have. They're all amazing, but it does feel like we've suddenly become the far more liberal version of The Duggars. A woman actually asked on the subway if the were all mine and, if so, if they were all from the same father.

Truly, humanity, you are as appalling as ever, and that includes this so called registration that's been bouncing around on the news. Can't imagine anyone thinks that will go over well if it comes to fruition.