July 2016



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May 27th, 2016

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

Hey there, all your theatre buffs. Just a head's up that Shakespeare's The Taming of the Shrew kicks off 'in the Park' season at the Delacorte Theater, in Central Park.

It's an all-female cast, so I'm a bit interested in what that does to the atrocious gender politics of the original play. Anyway, I'll be there, and I've got a slew of tickets secured, if anyone else is interested.

[Alex Vause]
Pepper isn't
Can you can in touch with our M.I.T. Liaison? We're what, two weeks out from the Maria Stark Foundation presentation, and I can't stand the guy. Also, I'm 90% sure he's the guy from Community
[Steve Rogers (MCU)]
There's an outdoor art exhibit starting tomorrow, if you're interested. -- Oh, and I know the entire nation plans things for your birthday, but you know. I've sort of got something in mind for mine, if you want in?

[info]receptionist in [info]thedoorway


I got the teapot.

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

Important lesson. When using your power to try and lift yourself up, make sure there's not a beam above your head. Granted, I gave it a little more umph than I planned on, but the lesson still stands.

I am exhausted. I'm sure I'll talk about how much I enjoy training once every muscle in my body stops hurting. How I managed to make it to my sofa is a wonder.

I've worked with a staff before, but I think I need to have some training with other weapons. Maybe throwing knives? I'll do some research.