July 2016



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May 2nd, 2016

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Howard Stark]
Hey, Dad.

Are you busy?

[info]howardstark in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Steve Rogers (MCU)]
We need to have a conversation.

[info]iron in [info]thedoorway

[Steve Rogers]
My Dad didn't just text you or anything, did he?

[Matt Murdock]
How's it going?

[Tony Stark (616)]
What's your favourite Adele song?

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedoorway

I meant to post this much earlier, but there were a lot of distractions last month.

Consider how those of us that have been brought through the Tesseract are known solely as entertainment on this planet, from sources stemming from book, film or television, henceforth referred to as ‘stories’, as a generalized term. Not only in this universe, but in other universes upon similar Earth-planets in this range in the Time Stream: I can confirm that in the universe where I’m from, the Earth has Harry Potter, Star Wars and Tolkien that are non-different from the stories presented here, and I have received verification from others, coming from Earth-planets, whom I have interviewed that their experience with these sorts of stories are the same.

The question that came to my mind was how is this possible? To have perfectly identical stores running concurrent with one another in different universes, while simultaneously perfectly reflecting the lives of people in another. Naturally, I wondered, do the lives we lead create these stories in other universes, or do the stories, created by writers and actors, determine how our lives will progress? It boils down to the question of predestination against free will.

To this end, I conducted an investigation to determine the truth. Using the limited resources on hand of this planet, my investigation took me to London, where I met with and spoke to the writers and actors of my program, Doctor Who. While I did not seek to examine other sources of stories in this universe, I firmly believe that one may extrapolate from my study to relate to other people’s stories. More behind cut )

[info]rab in [info]thedoorway

Today marks the 18th anniversary for the Battle of Hogwarts and the final defeat of Lord Voldemort.

[info]imanavenger in [info]thedoorway

Abbie is already growing and it's, well, she's amazing.

Granted most of what she does is sleep and cry but from what my obsessive baby book reading and doctors visits have told me that's entirely normal.

[Pam, Felix, and Luke]

I think we should look at recruiting childcare providers for SWORD. Not that we haven't already built the structure for it, but having someone experienced with powered children wouldn't be a poor plan.

Not that the two of you aren't great, but if I might just go crazy if I have to spend any more time half on "maternity leave".