July 2016



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April 30th, 2016

[info]parrviolet in [info]thedoorway

I would just like to make this little announcement that I will be attending NYU in the Fall! I'm going to be in their English Education program.

Don't worry though, I still plan on training. I don't plan on hanging up my cape anytime soon, metaphorically speaking, obviously.

I wish my family

[info]summersgirl in [info]thedoorway

Network Post; Buffy Summers

May means spring with summer well on its way. And in celebration of this, and also because Johnny did this superhuman thing of finishing his netflix queue, we're going to have an impromptu pool party at the pool here in Stark Tower on Sunday afternoon.

Everyone is invited, but to get in you have to bring food or drink or something along those lines. So cookies, chips, brownies, soda, delicious cider or ale that I can't actually drink myself but I'm sure someone will enjoy?

Hopefully we'll see some of you on Sunday.

[info]landocalrissian in [info]thedoorway

Now those are some good looking legos

[info]furrybluefriend in [info]thedoorway

While I'm sure it was impressive having Donald Trump get out of his car and walk a few feet, having taken part in the 1968, I can safely say. 2016. Step up your game.

[SWORD science]
You know, I'm understanding more and more how Jurassic Park happened.

[info]phased in [info]thedoorway

Here's hoping all those who celebrate had a fruitful Passover.

[info]caramacmanus in [info]thedoorway

This speaks to me - "Sometimes it takes staring into the darkness for the stars to emerge. Sometimes nights are darker than others, sometimes you must stare longer. I know little, but I know this, it’s the blackest of all skies that show off the most stars. We must only wait. We must endure." — Tyler Knott Gregson

[info]stormrichards in [info]thedoorway

I hope this humbled some scientists.

[info]joanwatson in [info]thedoorway

I guess the election is basically over. Aaron Carter has withdrawn his Trump endorsement.

[info]lokiofasgard in [info]thedoorway

I'm beginning to think that while the Republicans were trying to come up with solutions to the current job crisis, they watched Portlandia and thought, you know what? That sounds like the job America needs right now.

[info]oceangem in [info]thedoorway

I had a person come up to me, and ask me if my name was Penny. Then they asked if I could laugh at them in Italian.

[info]basilhallward in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Dorian Gray]
I need your help.

I don't like to ask for favors, but I have exhausted all of my other resources. You are my last, best hope.

Do you have access to Hamilton tickets?

[info]eriklensherr in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Charles Xavier]
Quick question.

Were you supposed to write the final exam, or was I?

[info]jessicajones in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to Claire Temple]
How do you know if a stab wound is infected?

Asking for a friend.

[info]mostresilient in [info]thedoorway

Filter: Robin Hood
Before you retire for the night would you mind helping me with something?

[info]loveandjustice in [info]thedoorway

I don't know what was wrong with yesterday, but today is so much better! I went to see a movie this morning, Zootopia, and it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it!

[info]freezeorexplode in [info]thedoorway

I can't believe that tomorrow is going to be May 1. This year has been flying and I'm sure the end of the year will be here before I can blink. It is also hard to believe that towards the end of May will mark the second year I've been here. I still think I've just arrived here a few months ago, not two years ago.

[info]castlewriter in [info]thedoorway

Noah's really a lot of fun these days. He loves to keep me busy, no matter what activity we are doing. With the exception of the tantrums that he's bound to have one of these days, I've missed having a toddler around. I greatly appreciate that he seems to love books as much as Alexis did at this age. I think I'll write a book or two just for him.

[info]choose_freedom in [info]thedoorway

Network Post: Castiel

This month has been interesting. Apparently there is a rule where you have to do what the birthday girl says.

I'm not sure I like this human tradition )

[Dean Winchester]
Have you seen the book Gabriel and I got Sam for Christmas on Angel Lore? Claire wanted to borrow it. I thought he kept it at the cabin with the other books but it's not there.