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April 18th, 2016

[info]immortalis in [info]thedoorway

network post: merlin

Uh, hello? Is this thing working? [...] Is this thing on? I don't even know how this strange and metallic item works but someone here told me to push its flat surface on a certain spot and speak out loud, and that it would help me talk to people on something called a network. I've also been told that I was here previously and that I might know people. [...] I feel like I would remember that.

Anyway, I'm in space. SPACE! At least, that's what I'm told to call it. The planet I can see out the windows is apparently the same one I was on this morning. I can't tell if it's the same one from up here, but it's a nice view. I'm apparently restricted to this place called a space station.... weird name.... because of an event on the planet that's preventing any travel to and from it. At least, that's what I was told.

Oh, right. I was meant to introduce myself. [...] Hello, I'm Merlin.

[info]sonofmohan in [info]thedoorway

You know, it makes me wonder what kind of shit my boss has seen that his only reaction to me talking like cave!Ajay yesterday was to sigh heavily and point to the storeroom and tell me not to come out until I could use verbs properly. (And no, he didn't make me stay in the storeroom overnight, though he did offer if I didn't think I could get back to the tower in one piece.)

[info]19_53_88 in [info]thedoorway

How is this still going? Like seriously, doesn't this stuff only last a few days usually? This is getting ridiculous.

[info]twelfth_doctor in [info]thedoorway

[filter: Pam Beesly ReceptionistinwhomwhateverlittletrustIhadhasgoneoutthewindowofagovernmentorganizationwhomItrustevenless]

Last week I faxed the paperwork you that was sent to me to the number you gave me. This weekend I got a call from some clothing retailer telling me that it was sent to their Gainesville branch, instead. They wanted to let me know because they recognized the form to be important and they wanted to make sure it got to the right office.

So, because PacSun cares more about getting this form in as you do, I'll be delivering the form to the SWORD Headquarters in person. Actually, I've made several duplicates of the form and shall be hand delivering a copy to SWORD Headquarters, either in person or through one of my companions, every single day, until I get an official, personal notification from Carol Danvers AND Felix Blake themselves that the form was received. In fact, remember that part in Harry Potter, where the Dursleys get flooded with Hogwarts letters? That's going to look like small potatoes compared to what I'm willing to go through to ensure it gets to the right people.

Because, I know you HOW MUCH you government organizations love paperwork.

[info]extremist in [info]thedoorway

I'm glad to say that the injuries haven't been nearly as regular as I'd have imagined during this particular event. And now that I've said that, I'll go make sure we've plenty of supplies on hand.

    I may have...acquired something last night. It's a funny story, really.

[info]receptionist in [info]thedoorway


12's mad that I sent him the fax for a PacSun in some other state to send the form to (Jim's idea).

I pretended to get emotional and say I could give Carol the papers immediately.

What do I do? She's not going to care about that paperwork.

[info]0z in [info]thedoorway

The trees make patrol a whole lot more interesting. Not so sure about the extra inhabitants of the city though.

[info]mygodhasahammer in [info]thedoorway

[Filtered to SWORD in the City]
Do you think we would do better focusing our efforts on the Statened Isle.

Who cares to join me.
[Filtered to Peter Quill]
A question, my friend.